
Ch. 3 First Week

The second morning at the institute starts identically to the previous day. Before long I find myself in my comfy corner of the classroom debating on what to accomplish after class. There are still two months before the start of the original story, so there's no rush to absorb all the books in the institute's library.

Making 7,000 demon spirit coins will be a bit more difficult. Selling inscriptions still seems like a solid plan, but I've not come across the inscription section in the library yet.

Now that I put some thought into it, physical exercise should be high on my priority list. I'll require sufficient strength, speed, and endurance for combating or escaping any possible enemies. A strong physical body increases the speed of cultivation, plus, it's mandatory to possess a strong body to absorb the powers of law. Not exploding is also a nice bonus to becoming stronger.

There are two ways to improve your physical attributes. The first is a body cultivation technique similar to cultivating soul force. It doesn't require much movement, and also strengthens and improves all your internal organs and bones. A disadvantage is there are very few in Glory City, and it will limit your overall body size and physical power.

The second way to improve your physical attributes is good old fashion workouts. It will improve your muscle size and overall physical power but does little for your internal organs. A major advantage is I can combine my knowledge from Earth with the concepts they use in Glory City. Another disadvantage is he is physically laborious and will require weights and pills later.

Making a mental note to check the institute's library for books on body cultivation, I put that thought to the side for now.

Genuinely having no interest in the propaganda sermon about to commence, I grab some on my writing supplies to test a theory. The Library of Heaven's Path can correctly show the flaws to nearly anything I can touch. What about literary works that I create myself?

With teacher Xia's distinctive voice in the background, I title a page 'My Profound Thoughts' and begin to write down every famous saying, quote, and controversial theories from Earth that I can think of. Inspirational and infamous movie and book lines are added next. Nothing is spared.

My frenzied scribbles only cease once I've used my last sheet of parchment. I impatiently wait for the ink on the last few handwritten pages to dry before a carefully gather all the sheets into an orderly stack.

With a pounding heart, I tentatively place my hand on the cover of the recently created word vomit and think 'Flaws!'

Jumping into the Library of Heaven's Path, I find myself standing before an unassuming hardbound book titled 'My Profound Thoughts'. Eagerly grasping the book and thinking about its flaws, my vision is blocked by another sheet of parchment.

['My Profound Thoughts' written by Zhu Di]

[218 Flaws. Flaw #1...]

A sigh escapes me due to my welcome relief. Over two hundred flaws may be a lot, but I must have written down over 400 individual quotes and theories! I'll be able to use the advance technology from Earth for creating a potential pathway for several powers of law! This is huge!

I reluctantly return to the classroom with the intent to use the Library of Heaven's Path to create a workout plan based on Earth's modern technology, only to be halted in my tracks. I only brought a few sheets of paper today, and those are now all used. Crap.

"So, what kind of profound thoughts do you have," asked Liu Yang. He was trying to look over the top page.

Moving the pages out of sight, I reply, "Writing down my own thoughts about some of the topics teacher Xia covered."

Staring at me a moment longer, Liu Yang shrugs his shoulders and laid his head back down on the table. "Whatever you say."

I'll have to destroy those pages when I get back to my room. I'm not taking any chances of those pages getting discovered.

The last few hours of class drag by. Even reading 'Heaven's Path of Human Meridians' doesn't help much due to the time dilation of the Library of Heaven's Path. Although my confidence in the study of meridians is greatly boosted after the ninth reading. Soon I'll be able to recite the entire book.

Once teacher Xia releases us for the day, I hurriedly make my way to the dining hall. The faster I get back to the writing supplies, the faster I can test out modern exercise efficiency.

My enthusiasm to get back to my dorm room nearly causes me to run into a dark-haired girl exiting another classroom. I'm able to stop before I physically run into her, but we're well within the others' personal space.

Quickly jumping back before she can react, I cup my fist and slightly bow towards her. "Forgive me. I was not paying attention. You have my deepest apologies."

Without waiting respectfully for her acknowledgment, I straiten my bent back and begin to move around her. It was then that I was able to see her full face. She was beautiful and young. Her midnight black hair framed her sculpted and youthful face. The cold indifference in her fierce eyes didn't take anything away from her beauty.

My movement around her is only slightly paused as I instantly recognize her. Before anything or anyone can disrupt me, I'm swiftly moving down the hallway, forcibly suppressing the urge to throw-up in my mouth!

Without a doubt, I'm convinced that was Xiao Ning'er, and I'm equally convinced that Nie Li is inevitably a pedophile! Yes, I heartily agree that Ning'er is perhaps the most beautiful girl I've ever met, but she's a very young girl! Even if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, she would still look young, and that's coming from someone that was in their early twenties! Nie Li lived for over 100 years! That's not counting at least another 100 odd years spent inside the Temporal Demon Spirit Book!

The worst part about him is his deliberate manipulation of a young girl. You can't fault someone for a younger person developing a crush on them. I think everyone goes through that phase. Nie Li's actions towards Ye Ziyun were pure manipulation!

Yup. It's decided. I'm punching that pedophile square in the dick.

I change directions and head up to my dorm room. I've lost my appetite.

Once I'm sitting safely at my dorm desk, I take a moment to purge the last ten minutes from my memory. With a final shiver, I'm ready to create an exercise manual.

Two hours later, I admit defeat. While I was able to create a flawless routine to improve flexibility, I can't create a flawless routine for superior strength or speed. I'm throwing in the towel for tonight.

Stretching my back after uncomfortable hours of sitting feels amazing. Prudently deciding that today will not be a waste, I promptly begin going through my recently created flexibility routine. I intend to merge it once I create a flawless body manual, so I see no point in naming it.

With nothing to distract me, while I'm awkwardly holding each pose, my mind starts to wonder about Xiao Ning'er's situation. There's no possible way I'm going to allow her to willingly give herself to that ancient pedophile. At the same time, I can't replicate what happened in the story for fear of Ning'er directing her feelings towards me. If she was 17 or 18 years old, I would welcome her attention, but 13 makes me uncomfortable. Reminding myself this is a different culture still doesn't ease my discomfort.

This undoubtedly requires a bit more thought and I'll have to tread lightly when it's time to act. Putting that landmine to the side, for now, I try focusing on improving my flexibility.

The rest of the first week of school finishes with the same daily routine. I rise promptly with the morning bells and dutifully go through my flexibility routine, followed by cleaning myself up before breakfast. Once I'm in my classroom, I typically split my time between listening to teacher Xia and reading 'Heaven's Path of Human Meridians'. After dozens of extensive readings, it's now possible for me to recite most of the mystical book while correctly pointing out the indicated meridian or pathway. After class is dinner, followed by a dull night in the institute's library absorbing books. Once I return to my dorm, I'll typically go through the flexibility routine again before taking a bath and going to sleep.

An unexpected surprise did occur at dinner on the fourth night. Taking a seat at one of the free tables, I was joined by Wei Nan and Zhang Ming. It was nothing elaborate, but seizing the moment, I introduced myself.

They were, surprisingly, decent company. Zhang Ming seems to have a wild side and Wei Nan seems the type to roll with the punches. We've been having dinner together ever since that first day. We would have breakfast as well, but they both try to sleep in. Guess they're going through a rebellious teenage stage.

My first week turned very redundant, but I've already absorbed nearly a third of the books in the library. I've started a friendship with Nie Li's future followers, and a side bonus, I can do the splits now. Get to channel my inner Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Today will be a bit different than normal. After six straight days of class, we get a free day. After my morning routine, I make my way off-campus for the first time in a week.

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my exit. A dozen other students also make their way into the central district. Moving within disorderly crowds is a great way to hide in plain view. As Joseph Heller said: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you."

Unfortunately, my little security blanket is slowly dispersed before I arrive at my intended destination. I debated with myself for many hours on intentionally delaying my visit, but I'm really craving a bit of scenery change from the institute's library.

Not really sure how visiting another library would be much of a change.

Taking in the welcome sight of my destination, I'm a bit disappointed. The grounds are large but the buildings seem to be old and ill cared for. The open courtyard is spacious but appears to be on the verge of being unkempt.

Determined to see this through, I stoically pass through the entry gates uncontested, making my way to a comely looking woman wearing a grey robe. Before I can introduce myself, she greets me with a professional smile and says cordially, "Welcome to the Alchemy Association. May I be of assistance?"

A few edits to clear up some confusion. Hope you enjoy

LargeFarvacreators' thoughts
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