
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 32

We ran through the passages with Rosetta leading the way. There were many small passages along the way which makes it hard to find the way out. This place was like a small maze for people who came here for the first time.

Thankfully, as an assassin with ranger sub-class, Rosetta have tracking and mapping skill which makes it easier for us to find the way back.

Along the way, we met some people who were escaping through other passages. Most of them were unarmed and only some have bodyguards with them.

Once we reached the B2nd floor, we heard another explosion from below.

It seemed like the explosion was bigger than the one in the hall. The rumbling sound along with the shaking floors could be felt even from where we stood.

"We need to hurry"

I urged the group to speed up. However, an explosion occured in front of us.


The walls were blown away and the floors were filled with cracks. The ground were even collapsing in some place.

Following the explosion, we heard footsteps coming from the front.

A group of people wearing black cloak with an eye painted on it.

"Demon worshippers"

I muttered.

We stopped our movement and formed a battle formation.

"Have any of you ever killed someone?"

I grabbed my dagger tightly and asked. My eyes were focused on the enemies.

"I have killed monsters but I never killed people before"

Claudia said.

"No, but I have stabbed a few people before"

Irina shook her head.

"I have"

Rosetta calmly said.

"I see. On my signal, please close your eyes for 5 seconds"

I took out a magic scroll from my bag.

I channelled my mana and invoked the magic inside.


The magic scroll was unsealed and bright light shot out filling the entire room. 

I closed my eyes instantly to avoid it's effect.

As soon as the light burst, the enemies movements stopped at once.

I sent"Crescent Slash"at their neck with. Relying on my memories, I managed to pinpoint their position until the last second.

A combination of a flash bang and a headshot. It was a strategy I used quite a lot when playing fps game. Although I'm not a pro gamer, I have confidence with my aim. Not to mention I have better control compared to back then.

I opened my eyes after 3 seconds. I saw 5 headless corpses lying on the floor with blood flowing. The light gradually became weaker until it disappear after 5 seconds.

I was planning to rush at the enemies before the light went out so as not to give them time to react. However, Claudia moved faster than me.

She charged alone with her spear. Green light was being manifested at the tip of her spear. In less than 2 seconds, she managed to get close to them and stabbed one of the enemies on the heart.

"Critical Strike"

There was no hesitation in her movement. She aimed at the enemy fatal points and went for the kill.

He doesn't even have the time to let out a scream before getting killed instantly.

She pulled her spear and leaped forward. Noticing that someone was getting close, the enemies began to move around. 

This time, her spear was covered with red light.

"Crimson Spear"

The spear pierced through one of the enemy body. Fire was being sparked and burned him alive.


The enemy let out a painful growl and fell into the ground.


The remaining enemies finally recovered and rushed at her. However...

"Freezing Field!"

Irina who had been gathering her mana silently, casted an AOE magic at them.

The surrounding temperature became colder at once and the ground under their feet were being frozen. It was spreading quickly and froze their feet instantly.

"What the hell is this!?"

The enemies went into panic because of the sudden magic. A man who seemed like the leader were trying to give order. 

"Magician! Cast dispel immeー!"

However, a dagger flew and stabbed his head.

Before I realized, Rosetta was already rushing ahead with shadow steps.


"You damn bitch! I will f*cking kill you!"

They went mad after the man was killed. Some were trying to cast dispel. The others were casting attack magic to retaliate.

Unfortunately, Claudia who was at the front doesn't give them any time to cast a spell.

She cut their throat cleanly and stabbed them right on their hearts.

Our teamwork went better than I expected. They knew my intentions when I told them to close their eyes. Thanks to shopping together I guess? They knew I bought a few magic scrolls and the <Magic Scroll : Flash> was one of them.

Although Claudia said she never killed people before, the way she cleaned up the enemies were so clean and precise. She was still remained calm even though it was the first time for her. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

I have been killing zombies and some other humanoid monsters in the tower. Not to mention I have prepared myself to kill and getting killed, so I don't feel much when I killed the enemies this time.

However, without that prior experiences I don't think I could stay calm after killing someone even though they were enemies.

I looked at Irina to see her condition. Her complexion was still the same. Was the adaptability level in this world was so high or it was a normal thing for this world?

Will Lucia also stay calm when she kill people?

Enemies or not, killing people is still something that some part of me as Takahiro Shinichi couldn't accept.

Maybe if I see more bloodshed, I will accept it more openly. After seeing more things, will I become a cold-hearted person who kill without batting an eye? If such a day come, will I hate myself or accept it? Or will I treasure life even more after much bloodshed?

I couldn't help but thought so.

"Rain, let's go"

Irina's voice pulled me back from my thought.

Unconsciously, I put my hand on her head and patted her.


It doesn't matter what kind of people I became in the future. I will protect my family, especially her at all cost.

∆ ∆ ∆

Inside the passage in B1st floor, Grid and Lily were standing together.

The passage was filled with cracks and traces of battle. Corpse of men wearing tuxedo and women wearing beautiful dress were laying on the ground. Some corpses with black cloak were mixed among them.

"Who the hell is this guys anyway? I don't think I have seen a force with this kind of symbol around here"

Grid was panting while putting his back against the walls.

His greatsword was drenched with blood.

"I don't know. However, I'm sure they were the one responsible for the explosion"

Lily shook her head as she sat with her staff resting on her hand.

"Lily, how many have we killed so far?"

"I stopped counting after around 50"

Lily answered in a tired voice.

"These guys are quite tough. Not to mention they went in groups. If not for your support, I'm afraid it will be hard to face them alone"

"If you feel like thanking me then you should give me money"

Lily grinned.

"I just gave you that earrings and even paid for your item, you know?"

Grid rolled his eyes. He took out two potions and threw one of them to Lily.

"Thanks, Grid"

Lily drank the mana potion while Grid gulped down the healing potion.

"Lily, do you remember the way out?"

"Unfortunately, no. This place has too much passages and corridors. The passages we used to came already collapsed. It doesn't look like to be a huge building from the outside, but the inside was quite complex"

Lily let out a bitter smile.

"Should I order the knight to inspect this place? I feel like they are hiding something"

Grid smirked.

Lily shook her head and said.

"Idiot. If you do so, the entire east district will be affected. You should know better than me that this district is much more complicated than the capital"

"Tsk! Should I just destroy the ceiling and jumped out then? It should be possible with your magic supporting me"

Grid clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Grid, you're a bigger idiot than Leo"

"Why do you think so?"

"There will be a huge commotion. Other than attracting the enemies, there is also the chance the floor will collapse if you do so. Don't forget we heard a few explosions along the way. We don't know what their aim by attacking this place nor we know their numbers. Our best choice is to leave this place quitely as soon as possible"

"But we don't even know where the stairs is located"

"With so many passages, I'm certain there is more than one stairs. We just have to explore this place until we found one. I made a mark on the place we have walked so it shouldn't take much time"


Grid nodded.

"Say, do you think their aim is that black horn on the last item?"

"Probably. I sensed a faint sinister aura coming from that horn. It should be the horn of some mythical beast"

"A mythical beast, huh? Fighting against one sounds fun"

"Forget it, Grid. We can't even beat the boss in the academy dungeon"

"Hey, you should be more confidence with our party. Just because we can't beat it now, doesn't mean we can't beat it forever. Let me tell you this, Leo is much stubborn than me. He won't accept defeat from a mere boss dungeon"

"Yes, yes"

Lily said nonchalantly.

"Have you recovered your mana?"

"70%. I think we should move now"


Both of them stood up. However, just before they walked a way, a faint footsteps was heard from behind.

Both Grid and Lily turned around and hurriedly readied themselves.

"Oya? Isn't this the second prince?"

A thin man wearing tuxedo appeared from the darkness. His clothes was smeared with some bloodstains. If Rain was here, he probably would be shocked. This man was the one who bought the < Crimson Dagger> and the <Ghost Mask>.

"It's you"

Grid narrowed his eyes after confirming his identity.

"Do you know him, Grid?"

Lily asked curiously.

Grid nodded without saying anything.

"What do you want?"

"I saw you, so I just want to greet you"

"Stop spouting nonsense. You know how much I hate you"

"You're still holding grudge after all this time? How boring~"

The thin man shrugged his shoulders.

"I know the exit. So team up with me"

"If you know the exit, why don't you just go alone?"

"There is no guarantee the floor above was much more peaceful than here. So, for my own safety I want to team up with you"

He said nonchalantly.

"Or am I getting in the way of your date? Don't worry, I won't steal her away from you~"

He was teasing Grid.

"Fine. You lead the way"

"Okay, follow me"

The thin man was leading the way with Grid and Lily following behind him.

"Who is he?"

Lily looked at the man's back with curiosity.

"Kyle Ford. The eldest son of the Ford family"

"Why do you hate him? Is there any grudge between you two?"

"He stole my first love"

Grid clenched his fists as he said so.

Lily was dumbfounded by his answer.

"That's it? I thought it was huge grudge or something"

"What do you mean!? First love is the most important thing in a man's life! You don't know what it feels like having the person you love falling in love with your most hated rival!"

"Ah, yes, yes. If I were that girl, I would also choose him over you"

"Hey, Lily! Shouldn't you take my side at this situation? Aren't we friends!?"

"You're noisy. Are you really a prince?"

Lily looked at Grid with doubtful look.

"Damn it! I might usually not act like one around you and Leo, but I'm still a damn prince!"

"Yes, yes, Your Highness. So, please hurry up and move on already. There is still a lot of flowers for you to pluck. For example, there is a beautiful flower in front of you right now. But of course, be careful of its thorns"

"Beautiful flower? more like a poisonous flower for me though"

Grid snorted.

"You two, stop flirting around. Otherwise I might left you behind"

"Who the hell is flirting with this idiot!?"

"And who are you calling idiot, you damn witch!"

Note : Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my part-time until valentine.