

"What the hell do I do? This is bad," Lavender uttered to herself

She never expected Kami to be taken away so easily and for Shita to leave her for Manjiro.

"Are you done shivering in your boots? Don't worry I'll end it quickly so you don't feel any pain," Tamayo responded as she heard Lavender.

Tamayo was a tall, fair-skinned woman with large lime green eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair is white with a lime green ombre at the bottom and is styled in a full, long ponytail and with kanzashi hairpins holding up the ponytail. revealing a two-piece version of her kimono consisting of magenta pink panties tied by long, black bows on the sides and with two magenta pieces of cloth that cover her bust. Just like her brothers she had fox-like features including foxtail, ears, and eyes.

"I see she has only 1 tail, so most likely she's the weakest out of the three," Lavender spoke "I have a chance to win."

"You think you have a chance to win against me?" As Tamayo says this she appears behind Lavender showing incredible speed, with her claws out she swipes it towards Lavender.

Lavender with no time to move out of the away blocks it with her forearm, however, the impact of the claws sends her onto the staircase away from the entrance door.

"If I didn't move out my arm my head would've been swiped off, not only that her claws cut deep," Lavender thought to herself "I need to avoid getting hit by too many attacks."

"Ughh, damn it that kick was super strong," Manjiro spoke in pain still grabbing his ribs.

As Manjiro looked around the room he noticed that it was identical to the room he was just in, but this room had less space from all the boxes taking up storage.

"You are a pitiful being," Sozo said calmly

Sozo has long brown hair cut short on top. Two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face. He wore a high-collared, light-colored kimono held closed by a dark sash. He wore a black full-bodied suit underneath. He also has Fox eyes, ears, and had 2 tails.

Sozo, who was standing in front of Manjiro picked him up by the collar of his jacket.

"Older brother was right, Kami Shinto was the only threat, now die."

As Sozo got his claws ready to slice through Manjiro's neck, he felt a punch that hit his face sending him flying into a wall.

As Sozo gathered himself he saw a long black-haired boy standing in front of Manjiro.

"That's twice Manjiro that you've almost died," Shita spoke with anger in his voice.

"He caught me off guard and I think he broke my ribs," Manjiro responded trying to come up with a valid excuse.

The two boys stopped their argument as they saw Sozo getting back up.

"Listen Manjiro," Shita spoke. "Going off what that merchant said he's the most dangerous out of the three so we have to work together to take him down, you here."

As Shita looked behind him Manjiro was nowhere to be found.

"Where did he-,"

"I'm going to kill you! And achieve my goal," Shouted Manjiro as he ran towards Sozo, throwing a kick.

Sozo blocks the kick with one hand however, the force of the kick slightly pushes him back.

Frustrated Sozo counters with a punch to the gut sending Manjiro back towards Shita.

"That kid, he hasn't shown any type of cursed energy unlike his partner but his raw strength is troublesome," Sozo thought to himself

"You, yellowed hair boy you mentioned something about your goal what is it?"

Manjiro confused on why a demon would ask for such a thing answers "My goal is to kill all the demons that exist in this world."

Those words made Sozo smirk as he disappeared from Shita and Manjiro's vision.

He then appears between the two and kicks away Manjiro. He tries to do the same with Shita but unlike Manjiro, Shita blocks the kick using both hands.

Shita and Sozo both exchange long series of punches with the battle going slightly towards Sozo. As things were looking bad for Shita he jumped away from Sozo and shouted.

"Fire Element, Fire Ball Projection"

As Shinta said those words fire spheres came out of his mouth shooting towards Sozo.

Sozo with minimal difficulty dodged the spheres.

He then dashed towards Shita punching him in the gut and grabbing him from the head.

"Now!" Shita shouted as he held on to Sozo's hand making it impossible to move.

As Manjiro heard this he ran towards Sozo with his fist ready to decapitate him, as Manjiro was running he saw a grin on Sozo's face.

Then he felt a knee hit his chin causing him to go upwards. Sozo then also grabbed onto Manjiro's head.

Holding both boy's head's he threw them on opposite sides of the room causing Manjiro to go through a wall and Shita to land on boxes.

He then made his way towards Manjiro. "You want to eliminate all demons huh," whispered Sozo in Manjiro's ear. "Your goal is just absurd as mine."

This caught Manjiros attention.

"Tell me," Said Sozo "Can you… Gaze into the sun?"

This confused Manjiro as he didn't understand.

"My goal is to kill the demon who blinded my two siblings," Spoke Sozo. "Now your probably trying to understand… Why this goal is so absurd, I'll tell you why."

"The demon who blinded my siblings was the former ruler of demons, his power far exceeds any being maybe even your sensei," Sozo went on "He ruled nations and had every single demon under his demand, even now with the disappearance of this demon other demons still live in fear of him."

"I still believe this demon is alive and I'm going to kill him, and in the process freeing demons of the constant fear of knowing he's alive," As Sozo said this a smile formed onto his face. "And then I will become their new ruler! There God!."

He then stares Manjiro in the eyes and says, "Both of our dreams are absurd. But… The difference is I'm a demon so I can gaze into the sun."