
Taken down for spirity

What would you do, if the first time you booted up into a VR Cyberspace Universe, you got the most Overpowered weapon? This is a system story where Everyone has a system! Except the main character, who has the Most OP System that he gets from his weapon! WPC#166 entrant Ken Ouroboros was a disaster child. From the moment he was born, he set everything and anything he touched into absolute chaos. Known for hating rules and cockily challenging authority, Ken was on the brink of being sent to jail for his brazen misdemeanors. But when a man gives him access to Cyberscape, a game set 1000 years in the future where thousands of online players fight over a large galaxy, he gets the most powerful weapon the "Cyberblade Plasma" from a loot box at level 1! However this comes with a huge price. On his first time playing the game 10,000 players invade his world to try and steal the weapon! The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city. As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him, Ken closed his eyes. “Focus….” He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile’s exhaust and thrusted it to the side. “Hehe Juicy” Ken gagged BOOOOOOOOOM!!!! The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him. “That's impossible,” Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. “He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible! he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!” “You there!” Wei Chen yelled “Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you’re hacking! Even a Max level player couldn’t do that! What the hell are you?” The Image I used as my cover is not mine, if you would like me to take it down please contact me.

Gaburieru · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2: Tomato Tamato Missiles And Mangos Part 1

"Hmph! You're just a level 1! I can see with my scanner ability that you have 450 HP!"

"Yeh and what's your point exactly?" Ken asked

"These soldiers are all level 5! Equipped with plasmoid pistols, which have a base damage per bolt of 10!"

"If you have point I'd love to"

"These pistols shoot at a rate of 4.5 bolts per second! In other words if each one of men hits you for more than one second that blade is mine!"

[Enemy type: Soldier]

[Level: 5]

[Abilities: Fire]

[Main hand: Plasmpid Pistol(I)]

Charging up their pistols, the 12 armed soldiers began to fill the streets with the blue light of their weapons.

"Hehe...I really wish I hadn't skipped the tutorial now…" Ken said

"Men open fire!" The man in the cybersuit ordered

They discharged an array of blue bullets all enclosing Ken's position.

"Well… what do ya know" Ken said as the fire rained down on him. "This sword ain't half bad"

Without breaking a sweat, Ken deflected all of the incoming fire with his blade. His blade moved at speeds that even his own eyes couldn't follow, easily intercepting each shot. The craziest part about it, was the fact Ken wasn't consciously moving his arm; it was as if the blade had a mind of its own.

"That's… that's impossible!" The man said as he watched "It came with the autoguard expansion slot? What! A level 1 shouldn't have any spheres for that! What the hell is going on?"

"Lord Wei," The soldier said.

"Our pistols are ineffective, we haven't taken a single HP off of him!" The soldier reported

"Cease fire!" Wei Chen ordered.

The soldiers' fire came to a halt.

"I see, because it's a "Plasma" blade all plasma attacks are going to be auto deflected! If only I had brought some metal bullets!"

"Mace!" Wei Chen chanted.

A holographic man came out from his arm ready to receive his orders.

"What weapon option do I have against that cyberblade?" Wei Chen yelled

"At your current disposal few your main weapon as well as all of your aircrafts attacks are plasma weapons, only your offhand weapon your crimson blade as well as the homing rockets on the aircrafts will work!

"Alright then! It's time to bring out the heavy artillery!" Wei Chen shouted

"Waoh!! What is that! Did a dude just come out of your arm?" Ken said

"You idiot! This is a C.A. the cyber AI companion they give you at the beginning of the game! Did you skip the tutorial or something?" The man asked

"Uhhh… maybe" Ken said "Wait let me try! Mace!" Ken yelled into his arm.

Nothing happened

"You idiot! Mace is my C.A's name not yours!"

"Wait what's mine's named then!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? You're the one who names it! Remember the option at the beginning of the game"

"Shit…" Ken said "I thought it was weird they were asking for me to name that random cyber girl. I was clicking so fast I didn't read what she was! What did I name her again?"

"I don't care! I'm ending this here and now! Mace! Launch our highest priority missile at that blabbering idiot!" Wei Chen yelled

"But sir launching a missile here will cause massive NPC damage causing your star rating to"

"I don't care! Once I get my hands on that sword I'll be unstoppable! Even the Level 99 Nautica guards won't be able to touch me!"

"Very well sir."

The large aircraft pointed a homing missile aimed at Ken.


The missile flew towards Ken.

"Haha! Now you're finished! That cyberblade can't auto deflect missiles or metallic artillery! Even if it could, with the blast radius of over 200 ft. there's no way you can possibly escape! Btw did I mention each missile does about 12,000 dmg! Haha you're finished!"

"Hmph! That mango isn't going to work on me!" Ken yelled

"Mango!? You mean missile?"

"Heh, what's the difference" Ken said smiling

The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city.

As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him Ken closed his eyes.


He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile's exhaust and thrusted it to the side.

"Hehe Juicy" Ken gagged


The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him.

"That's impossible," Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. "He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible, he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!"

"You there!" Wei Chen yelled "Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you're hacking! Even a Max level player couldn't do that! What the hell are you?"

"Heh all those days playing Fruit Samurai were worth it" Ken said patting himself on the back

"Fruit Samurai? One of those super old VR games that came out during the first launch of the VR consoles? How in the hell does that help you?"

"It may not seem like much but… I play a lot of Fruit Samurai, helps me get my anger out."

"What's your online name in that game? I don't believe you. I want to see your scores!"

"I… don't have the online version… Mom never could afford that one so I played the old offline version."

"Ok how about this! What is your highest score, hours played and longest cutting streak! The number one player has a high score of 980,000 1400 hours of game time and a cutting streak of 158 fruits! How about you?"

"That's a high score? That's weird" Ken said "The last time I checked my high score was 30 million. Play time, well that's 3 hours every day for 10 years, and as for cutting streak… Doesn't everyone get to the point where they no longer miss fruit?

"That's impossible… In fruit samurai the game ends when your basket is full, a normal session is 5 minutes before people miss fruit, and at that point alone there would already have been 500 fruits that have passed."

"What? Doesn't everyone play for three hours and the game crashes? Or did they fix that bug?" Ken asked

"What did you just…? What! That's ridiculous, are you even human! That would be over 25,000 fruits! Are you telling me you never missed one!"

"Yepp! And I don't ever plan on missing one, that missile was just another juicy fruit to me." Ken gagged

"You liar!" Wei Chen yelled "You're just speaking nonsense now! Men prepare to engage in hand to hand combat!"

"WOooaaahhh woo ahhhhh!" Ken yelled

The car he was standing on started to accelerate, dragging him down the neon streets with blazing speed.

"Holy shit! Looks like the traffic jam is over!" Ken yelled as the cars carried him away from Wei Chen

"After him!" Wei Chen ordered his aircraft. It took off after Ken, still being carried away by a car.