
Systemless Hero

What would happen if the main character of an isekai were to be the only one without a functioning system. Unable to do more than view his status, Giles Morgan decides to still do what he can in this new world that seems to be technologically advanced in some areas yet medieval in other areas. Will he manage to restore the life of the child he may have accidentally ended? What actually caused him to go to another world in the first place and is it related to him not having a system?

Bolt_Penguin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2

For the next few minutes, through many tears and unstable voices they relayed to me a lot of information about my situation and who I am. My name is now Giles Morgan as opposed to Corey Freeman, my old name now I suppose. I am 7 years old with a birthday in a week. The couple from before have been confirmed as my parents, although it wasn't hard to guess after a bit. Apparently we live in a world with a system like you would see in many novels and video games that everyone has. I pulled up my status after some instruction from my new parents.

Name: [Giles Morgan]

Age: 7

HP: 30/30



[STR] = 3

[AGI] = 6

[DEX] = 2

[CON] = 3





Unique Magic:





Wow. That kinda sucks.

All of my stats are either really low or locked for some reason. Hopefully they unlock with the system in six and a half days. Speaking of which, what does it even mean for the system to unlock?

"Hey mom, I have a question about the system".

"What is it sweetie?"

"What does it mean by 'unlock the system in 6 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes, and 37 seconds'?"

"Oh that, that's what we'll be doing during your birthday party in a week. It's a very special occasion where you'll get your system foundation and begin to be able to use mana! By the way Gilly, I'll have you know that I have high hopes for you. After all, not many kids your age are able to get their physical stats as high as yours before they get their system foundations like you".

"First off, why did you call me Gilly, and what does a system foundation do and how is it decided?"

"Well since you love swimming so much I came up with that nickname when you were four and it stuck ever since. As for the system questions there's a book in your room with a whole bunch of what you want to know about it. It seems like even without your memory you're still a very inquisitive young man! Anyways now that I know you're generally alright I'm going to let your friends and the school know what's happened while I leave you here with your father. Have fun reading your book! Oh wait I almost forgot, come give mommy a hug before I leave".

I reluctantly approach her since I don't want to make her sad by saying no. She scoops me up and gives me a big kiss on the cheek before saying bye one last time and leaving. It's going to be very uncomfortable trying to pretend that I'm Giles for who knows how long. At least it seems that we're similar personality wise so far. Hopefully any inconsistencies that pop up can just be accredited to memory loss.

I enter my room and actually look around it for the first time. I have two bookshelves, one being entirely lined by what seems to be this world's equivalent to shonen manga and light novels and another being lined by a LOT of textbooks. There are a lot of technical books about mechanical and electrical systems in addition to various general studies like history, geography, classical literature, and some topics that seem unique to this world like books about the system and magic. Did this kid never leave his room? If so, how isn't he some twig for his age? Some of the books look to be rather high level, I wonder if he was smart enough to understand them. It would be great if he was, then I could let loose with some of my own knowledge. Of course I'm very interested in some of these textbooks since they directly relate to my field of study, and some of the others are just good knowledge to have for adapting to this new world.

The rest of the room was just like the rest of the house, stone and mortar walls with old wooden floorboards that creak ever so slightly underfoot. I have a desk with a fountain pen and a notebook and a few Knick knacks on the desk, one of which seems to be a lewd anime girl figure with red hair. I'm supposed to be seven right?

After looking through my closet for a bit and finding a mix of sporty clothes and stuff that looks like it came straight from the 50's I get bored of room exploration and decide to start reading the textbook about the system.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'm new to the world of fiction writing since for the last few years all I've done are lab reports. Any tips on how to improve will help!

Bolt_Penguincreators' thoughts