
First steps

And God created me. The animal turned out to be spiteful, but interesting.

From the diary of the Prince of Darkness.

(Note: These lines are heresy, slander and defamation! The Prince of Darkness can be created only and exclusively by the Great Darkness, in all other cases, those who dare to bear this title are impostors and heretics!)


I hate stairs and unclean people! Why? For the simple reason that in the form of a 'black puddle', in addition to sight, I also had a sense of touch, well mixed with taste buds or something that replaced them for me. I already mentioned that the basement was pretty dirty, didn't I? And as for how I flowed up the stairs, you can write a separate book (more precisely, from those epithets that were spinning in my head at that moment). But it all ends someday, and this damn rise is over. And so I saw the light of the new world for the first time. The world greeted me with fine drizzling rain, slush and absolute silence. I don't understand anything, but where is the noise of the wind, the hum of the motorway, and at least the sounds of the rain itself in the end?

After that bell tower, the Symbiot went deaf or what? The thought struck me, to put it mildly, delusional, but at least I had no explanation for the absence of sounds. Having decided to leave this question until better times, I began to implement the first point of my plan to conquer the world, namely, the extraction of the body. I don't understand how in the canon the suit managed to find Eddie Brock in a multi-million city and why it was him (although there are a couple of ideas here), but for a start, the first individual I come across will suit me. Here I was lucky - the aforementioned individual himself stomped in my direction. Judging by the appearance of the person, this was an ordinary tramp, going to take shelter from the bad weather in my basement. I looked at the approaching figure and thought. It seems that serious changes have taken place in my psyche - I was not embarrassed that I was going, in fact, to devour a rational creature, which I was just recently, much more interested in the question of how, in fact, to do it. Something in my mind was in no hurry to emerge the knowledge of Venom, and when I woke up, the instructions for operating the Symbiots were not found nearby. (Yes, it seems the 'incantation' was a little unfinished, what else could explain such a setup?)

Meanwhile, the tramp successfully hobbled to the entrance to the basement and managed to step right on me. Then my body worked on its own - thin flagella shot up from the puddle and braided the poor fellow from head to toe, forming a black cocoon. I felt how my body penetrates the human nervous system, joins his muscles, carrying out tissue modification, at the same time taking a cast of the genetic code. The sound of rain hit my ears, the smell of filth irritated the sense of smell, and my body was dirty and itchy wildly. Hmmm, the material was of low quality, the shell of the host was badly damaged and would have functioned on its own for no more than six months.

What the hell? My thoughts seemed to be divided - on the one hand, I was disoriented by the newly returned opportunity to listen and smell the world (and there was a smelly there), on the other, something in me performed a long-established algorithm, merging with this man, simultaneously analyzing his condition and capabilities ... I was not allowed to think normally - just a minute ago this alcoholic was standing on the edge of the abyss (metaphorically, he was quite standing at the basement descent), but now he took a big step forward ... and safely wound up down the stairs, counting the steps with our ribs (42 steps, however). It hurts! No, definitely, as I become the ruler of the world - my very first decree will be to replace these damn staircases with ... hmm, at least with ramps!

The further, the worse, I had a burning desire to drink and smoke. A dirty hand reached into an equally dirty pocket and pulled out a worn flask, to which I eagerly sucked. Some kind of mud poured into my mouth, completely disgusting in taste, but it was alcoholic and that was all that interested me.

- Eh ... heh, yes, I'm lucky ... to wriggle from such a height and not even get scratched! Today is exactly my day, if only to devour something to find and it will be very good, - a hoarse, smoky voice sounded in the silence of the basement.

Hell, I completely forgot that at first the symbiont has no control over the actions of the body, and to a heap the desires of this ... creature are woven into my thoughts. So, I need to do something about this, but what and, most importantly, how? Since I still could not control the body, and time had to be occupied with something, I proceeded to a detailed study of the movable property that I had inherited.

Yeah ... any neurosurgeon, without thinking, will lay his soul for the possibility of working through the Symbiot. Bioscanners, microscopes, diagnostic complexes - all this and much more included a modest black mucus. And the 'interface' was nowhere more friendly - as soon as I wanted to know how, for example, how the liver of a host works, I immediately received not only an exhaustive answer on the work, structure and state of the organ, but also several options for improvement and optimization, and if there was desire, then the possibility of implementing some of my ideas, although the latter I understood somehow vaguely and decided not to experiment with it yet. Along the way, I tried to figure out the structure of the Symbiot itself, but then a complete bummer awaited me - either I did not have enough knowledge to correctly formulate my desire, or I was not designed to analyze myself, but the result was the same - I never learned anything, sadness...

But on the tramp I managed to dig up a whole bunch of information, in fact, I found out everything about him - who he was, how he lived, his new physical condition, and, perhaps, the most important thing - information about the world of my hitting, and the world was extremely interesting and very , very valuable in relation to the collection of genetic information - they had various mutants here almost the norm of life, there were rumors about vampires and werewolves in the city, and local representatives of the lower strata of society were afraid to walk in certain areas of the city, fearing to participate in the underground experiments of the powers that be. In general, a very cute little world, although in other countries things may be different, but the host was not interested in geopolitics and the general situation in the world (uh-huh, why is this interesting?)

While I was digging myself (in the literal sense of the word), my unwashed friend settled down on a mat in the corner of the basement and snored selflessly, looking through the tenth dream (judging by the brain radiation - only the eighth!).

Hmm, I think it might work ... no, it should work! - I had been watching my host's sleep for several hours when a very interesting thought occurred to me. I can control the sleeping body (I experimented a little while studying the carcass I got), so why not try to constantly keep the wearer in a state of sleep - and he feels good and does not bother me. Uh-huh, it was much easier to say than to do, yes, I could take readings from him, I could change his organs, but still change within finite limits (I hope that only for now), try at your leisure from the cubes 'K' 'U' 'C' 'F' form the word 'happiness' or do heart surgery with a spoon and a reference book 'medicine for dummies' and you will immediately understand what I am faced with.

Three more hours later.

Yes! I did it! I did it (let's omit from what attempt and how many times the unfortunate Symbiot had to pull the host out of the other world because of the curvature of his 'possessed' consciousness)!

- Sweet dreams, tramp, sleep tight, - said the man on the stinking bedding and winced slightly at the sound of his own voice: hoarse and smoky.

Half of the work is done, now I got my body, which, of course, is just wonderful, but the appearance of this body did not suit me categorically, however, for a creature that can almost instantly overgrow damage to the host, change its genetic structure and simply grow additional organs to change its appearance no problem ... nor growing normal clothes. From the memory of Parker just managed to get how he did it.

Having obtained a piece of soap from a pocket of rags (it was lying there next to a skein of rope, which suggested certain thoughts) and having thrown off all my clothes on the floor, I went to wash myself under the streams of the still dripping rain.

Brrrr ... The cold rain lost a lot to hot shower in all aspects, but still managed to wash. Now let's take care of the body. The height of one meter eighty-five was fine for me, roughly corresponding to my past body, but everything else ... however, Venom already had models of bodies that can be molded from this sample with a minimum of losses, I just had to choose the one I needed and deal with face, I honestly tried to restore my own, but the similarity turned out to be very distant. It's strange why the Symbiot did not act in a similar way before, although the more I try to understand what it is, the more I come to the conclusion that this is some kind of cunning biological weapon of an unknown race, painfully some moments of its behavior resemble a clear algorithm, which is repeated over and over again. Finally, feeling that my face had finished transforming, I grew myself pants and boots and looked into the nearest puddle. The image pleased me, and it resembled someone very much, but still something was still missing, with a slight smile, I changed the pigmentation of the skin just below the left shoulder - this is now complete order. Having finished the image by growing a black turtleneck and a heavy cloak of the same color, I breathed in the air deeply and took the first step, now completely of my body into this new world - the first point was completed, and very quickly, which could not but rejoice. (evil laughter off-screen)


Hello, thanks for reading this, for tomorrow maybe there will not be any chapter (IDK, i won't be at home, so if for today I have time to translate some extra chaps, then no problem).

Please check my other works, and have fun!!

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