
Surviving as a False star

I was sleeping at home when suddenly I woke up in an unknown space. Surrounded by a vast space full of stars. The stars shined more and I heard a voice [Are you a newbie star?] Newbie star? what does that mean? I suddenly got goosebumps and got up my body had not only changed my clothes but also changed. " I feel like this is going to be the worst day of my life."

Nahimana_Raoul · Ação
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1 Chs

New star

Stories... I have liked reading a lot since I was young.

It didn't matter to me the genre of the story as long as it was enjoyable I would read them all.

When I was young I had no parent so stories told by My Grandma was the only thing I had. I grew up like other kids and became an adult, it was hard I failed a lot but I finally managed to get a stable job got an apartment, and now I was living here alone as always

I finally arrived home and glanced over my room full of paper everywhere

" I hope I get done with it today"

I pulled off my shoes and got ready to tackle the workload I had to finish, suddenly the bell at door rang.

I checked my watch to see the time and it was quite late I got up and checked the door and opened it to see no one so but there was a package lying down and I grabbed it and closed the door

" Who could have sent this?" I wondered who could have apart from my Grandma I am not close with anyone enough.

I opened the package to see a book.

It had no particular cover

Usually, I would have ignored it and continued my work but something was attracting me to open this book.

It had no title and it had a white cover what surprised me was that when I spread the page to see the inside nothing was in.

"What a weird book, did Grandma send me this?"

As I was about to close I heard a weird voice

"Found you"

and my eyes suddenly closed.


I opened my eyes but something feels off. Despite opening them I can't see anything but slowly I check my surroundings and I see nothing.

Far away something started shining. Stars start shining far away. I couldn't stand in the darkness for long so I stood up and walked towards the light of those stars.

" What is that" I continued to walk towards the light.

What greeted me was countless stars, shortly something appeared in front of me, a famous window-like characteristic appeared of me

Instead of relief, I felt anxious and fear

"Don't tell me this what I think it is"

As a reader I knew very well what was in front of me it was not a sign of relief but one that announces a horror, it was a "system" a popular setting that appears in a lot of fantasy and munchkin books.

" Don't tell me after I opened that book " I could remember my last memory was when I opened that weird book

I had no time to think about that and instead focused on what was in front of me from the system

[Welcome new star]

[ You have been selected as a new star in the Great expanse would you like to know more?]


I clicked yes and information started flowing through me. I held my head for a few moments and started thinking well

" I am fucked aren't I"

That was my current thought at this absurd moment here.


The place where I am now was the "Great expanse". It is the place where countless " stars" watch from.

since I was a newborn it was different for me but I could also create a place that suited me, this place housed countless stars that watched as worlds and acted as gods to their followers

What exactly is a star? it was something born from the power of being of faith. They are born from human consciousness or story, legends, myths, and tales but the main point was to be "known" sometimes there were those born from an unknown condition like me,

The main purpose of a star was to spread their fame and story. Like a set of a certain story. the power of stars where their stories and tales without them they are not qualified as existent and each story had a grade from E to Myth.

" What am I supposed to even do now" I was wondering what to even do.

Despite the strange unknown, I was living I thought this was more fun than my boring life hidden behind endless work, as I was thinking a window popped out

[ The New Star has currently no story]

[You will be given a new story randomly]

A random story

[ We have found a suitable storry]

[The story " The One who helps the Villain" Has been given to a new star]

[Due to the highly evil nature of the story you have gained a [Demon King] trait and acquired evil attributes]

[Your relationship with good nature star has decreased ]

[What would you like to name your star?]

I was shocked I was labeled as a demon king already. It seems my future is already looking dim.

"Well as much as I would like to complain it is either this or death"

I started to act according to the info I got and created a new place, a book cafe to be exact, and created new clothes

A black tuxedo with white strips on the collar and black pants

I called out the system

" The name of the star will be "False Actor of light and Darkness".

[ The name is now known as [False Actor of light and Darkness]

[Welcome False Actor of light and Darkness]

[A world will be chosen randomly]

[You are now watching now the world of " I was the God of Murim but I returned back]

[Information will be sent]

I sat on the chair as I made a coffee. I was both scared and thrilled about where this new adventure would lead me


" Damn it what should I do know"

In a modern hotel complex, a man was currently drinking alcohol as he despaired.

" Where did I go wrong, why was he chosen not me?" He continues to drink a lot of thought poured in .

He finally let go of the glass.

The Young man was named " Armin " The young heir of a prestigious clan named the " White heavenly clan". As the heir of the clan, he was expected as the new power to rise but alas fate was not kind and he was not chosen by the stars.

Despite that, his family stood behind his back and Armin continued to live his life as a part of the Grand Clan

" How did that bastard do it he was a nobody"

Armin dizzy thought continued. Recently the man who was a lowly commoner and everyday victim of his superior complex had risen mysteriously and became chosen by the stars and not an ordinary star at all, the man soon took everything Armin had one by one, and even the support of his father and the fiancee he was engaged to be all taken. He was now at the end of the rope perhaps this was his karma.

"What should I do?" Armin thought as he fell on the bed

" Should I just die....." Armin slowly watched the sky and blamed the stars, if he was blessed he would shine along with other generations perhaps even becoming the leader of them all, and yet it was but a fleeting thought.

As Armin almost gives up he sees something in front of him. A blue board appeared

He woke up and wipes his eyes to confirm it.

He suddenly started laughing as a demon his red eye shined through the night. In front of him was a message that was light itself to him

[ You have acquired a " Star watcher"

["False Actor of light and Darkness" is watching you]