
Survive As A Reincarnated Bat

Follow the story of a young man who is suddenly transported to a strange world, where he discovers he has been reincarnated as a bat. With limited powers and knowledge of this new world, he must navigate dangerous territories, face powerful enemies, and find a way to survive. This thrilling webnovel is packed with action, humor, and a unique take on the fantasy genre. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with twists and turns. So, don't wait! Start reading "Survive as a Reincarnated Bat" now and experience the ultimate fantasy adventure. You won't be disappointed!

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11 Chs

Night Dragon Twilight

Chapter 8: Night Dragon Twilight

As I, Ryuichi Tatsuya, flew through the dark skies of the Nightmare Forest, my senses were on high alert. As a vampiric bat, I was gifted with the powers of echolocation and flight, which allowed me to navigate even in complete darkness. My journey had led me to the encounter of a fearsome dragon known as the Night Dragon Twilight, said to dwell in the darkest reaches of the forest. I was determined to prove myself by defeating the dragon and absorbing its powers.

As I flew through the thick, gloomy mist, I suddenly heard a loud roar echoing through the air. I narrowed my eyes and focused my echolocation, detecting a large and imposing presence ahead. I swooped down and landed on a rocky outcropping, gazing up at the massive, shadowy figure of the Night Dragon Twilight. Its eyes were two blazing orbs of red, shining through the darkness like beacons. Its wings were spread wide, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape.

"So, you're the one who has been causing all the commotion," I said, my voice echoing through the darkness.

The Night Dragon Twilight let out a low growl in response, its eyes blazing with anger. "You dare to challenge me, mere bat?"

I chuckled, "I dare indeed. I've come to prove my worth by defeating you and absorbing your powers."

The dragon let out a fierce roar, "Then you shall meet your end here, foolish bat."

I prepared myself for battle, focusing my mind and gathering my energy. I let out a fierce growl, ready to unleash my powers and take on the dragon.

The Night Dragon Twilight lunged forward, its massive jaws opening wide to reveal razor-sharp teeth.

I sprang into action, my wings beating the air as I rose into the sky. I shot forward, my claws extended as I unleashed a powerful claw attack.

The dragon's mouth closed with a snap, its massive jaws barely missing me as I dodged to the side. The dragon's tail whipped around, slamming into me and sending me flying.

I regained my balance in the air and taunted the dragon, "Ha! Is that the best you can do?"

The Night Dragon Twilight let out a fierce roar in response, its eyes blazing with anger. "Foolish bat! I will crush you and feast on your blood!"

I chuckled, "Bring it on, dragon. I've faced much stronger creatures than you."

The dragon lunged at me again, its jaws wide open. I flew up and over its head, my claws extended. "Take this!" I shouted, as I brought my claws down on the dragon's back.

I hit the ground hard, my vision blurring as pain shot through my body. But I refused to give up. I gritted my teeth and forced myself back to my feet.

I absorbed the force of the impact, landing gracefully on my feet and immediately launching myself back into the fight. With a fierce snarl, I clashed with the dragon once more.

"You won't defeat me so easily, dragon," I taunted.

The dragon let out a fierce roar, "You are no match for me, bat."

Our powers were evenly matched, with me using my echolocation to anticipate the dragon's movements and strike back with my own attacks. The battle was intense, with both of us giving it our all.

"You're getting tired, dragon," I smirked. "I can sense it."

The dragon let out a growl, "You are not faring any better, bat."

However, I began to feel my energy waning as the dragon's sheer strength and ferocity gradually pushed me back. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I remembered my ultimate skill - the Devoured Crimson Cage.

"It's time for you to meet your end, dragon," I said, a smirk on my face.

The dragon let out a roar, "You think that cage will hold me?"

I gathered my remaining energy, focusing my mind and unleashing the powerful technique. A cage of solidified blood rose up around the dragon, trapping it within. The dragon roared and thrashed, but the cage held firm.

As I approached the dragon, my fangs extended, I was taken aback by the taste of its blood. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced - dark, thick, and with a metallic aftertaste.

"This blood is incredible," I muttered to myself.

As I drank it down, I felt my own powers growing and evolving to new heights. I was unstoppable, a true warrior of the night.

He could feel the dragon's abilities merging with his own, increasing his strength and endurance. He could sense the dragon's life force draining away, its own energy being absorbed into Ryuichi's body.

The dragon let out a final roar, its body collapsing to the ground as its life force was completely depleted. Ryuichi stood over the dragon's remains, his eyes blazing with power.

He had done it. He had defeated the Night Dragon Twilight and absorbed its powers. He was now stronger and more powerful than ever before.

But as Ryuichi took a step forward, he was suddenly enveloped in a blast of dark energy. He stumbled back, his senses reeling as he realized that the Night Dragon Twilight was not truly defeated.

It was still alive, its spirit lingering on in the form of an ethereal entity that was now attacking Ryuichi with all its might. The vampiric bat could feel his own energy being sapped away as the dragon's attacks hit him with full force.

Ryuichi summoned all his strength, calling forth his newfound powers as he prepared to face the Night Dragon Twilight once more. He let out a mighty roar, his eyes blazing as he charged towards the dragon's ethereal form.

The two entities clashed in an epic battle, exchanging blows and exchanging energy as they fought to determine who would be the victor. Ryuichi's vampiric powers were now enhanced by the dragon's abilities, giving him an edge in the fight.

As the battle raged on, Ryuichi could feel his own energy starting to wane. He pushed himself to his limits, determined to defeat the Night Dragon Twilight once and for all.

With a final burst of energy, Ryuichi unleashed his ultimate skill, Devoured Crimson Cage, trapping the Night Dragon Twilight within a cage made of solidified blood. The dragon let out a final roar of fury as it was devoured, its life force being absorbed into Ryuichi's body.

With the Night Dragon Twilight defeated, Ryuichi was now the most powerful vampiric bat in existence. He had defeated a legendary dragon and absorbed its powers, making him a force to be reckoned with.

As Ryuichi gazed out at the night sky, he knew that there would be other challenges and battles to come. But with his newfound strength and abilities, he was ready to face anything that came his way.

Ryuichi stood victorious over the defeated Night Dragon Twilight, its blood merging with his own as he absorbed its powers. He could feel his own abilities evolving and growing stronger.

His web walk, web attack, and web shield abilities were now all related to blood, giving him even more control over the vital fluid. He could create webs made of solidified blood and shoot them at his enemies, or use them to protect himself in battle.

With his newfound power, Ryuichi gained a 2 twin skills new ultimate skill and a new passive- Blood Summoning Undead And Blood Curse: Arise . He was now able to summon the spirits of the dead, where he put a mark on defeated enemy using his passive skill Blood Curse:Arise and summoning it using the ultimate skill Blood Summoning: Undead using his blood as a source of power.

His status window now read:

Name: Ryuichi Tatsuya

Species: Vampiric Bat

Level: 35 (Increased 8 levels from defeating Night Dragon Twilight)

HP: 3500 (Increased 800 from battle) MP: 2130 (Increased 700 from battle)


Strength: 450 (Increased 75 from battle) Dexterity: 500 (Increased 75 from battle) Intelligence: max (unchanged) Willpower: 450 (Increased 90 from battle) Endurance: 500 (Increased 80 from battle) Charisma: 450 (Increased 50 from battle)

Special Skills:

Echolocation: Allows the user to sense their surroundings and detect objects and enemies within a certain range, even in complete darkness.

Flight: Allows the user to fly and maneuver through the air with increased speed and agility.

Claw Attack: A physical attack that deals extra damage to enemies.

Blood Walk: Ability to walk on blood as if it were solid ground.

Blood Attack: Ability to shoot blood as a ranged attack.

Blood Shield: Ability to create a shield made of solidified blood for protection.

Blood Drain: Able to drain the blood of enemies and use it as a weapon or to heal oneself.

Blood Mimicry: Ability to take on the physical characteristics of those whose blood has been consumed.

Passive Skills:

Night Vision: Allows the user to see in complete darkness.

Enhanced Hearing: Allows the user to hear sounds at a greater distance and with greater clarity.

Natural Camouflage: Allows the user to blend into their surroundings and become harder to detect.

Shadow Wolf Slayer: Increased damage to Shadow Wolf species.

Spider Venom Immunity: Immunity to spider venom and poison.

Blood Manipulation: Ability to manipulate and control blood.

Poison Immunity: Immunity to poison-based attacks and status effects.

Increased HP Regen: Faster regeneration of HP during battle.

Enhanced Agility: Increased speed and agility in battle.

Vampiric Regeneration: Allows for faster healing and regeneration of HP and MP.

Blood Curse - Arise : Allows to put a mark on defeated enemy and summon it the Ultimate Skill Blood Summoning Undead

New Ultimate Skill:

Blood Summoning Undead: Summon a undead creatures where the user Put the passive skill Blood Curse - Arise previous defeated made of solidified blood to fight for the user.

Ultimate Skills:

Nightmare's Embrace: Unleash a powerful energy that drains the life force of enemies and deals massive damage.

Devoured Crimson Cage: Traps enemies within a cage made of solidified blood, devouring them for nourishment and gaining their abilities.

Frost Bear's Roar: Blood Freezing Roar - Unleash a powerful, blood-based roar that freezes enemies within a certain range, dealing damage and stunning them.

Inventory: Dragon's Seed

Ryuichi's blood related skills underwent a significant evolution after defeating the Night Dragon Twilight. Prior to this battle, his abilities included claw attack, blood drain, and blood mimicry. These skills relied on his vampiric powers to drain blood from enemies and use it as a weapon or to heal himself.

However, after defeating the Night Dragon Twilight and absorbing its powers, Ryuichi's blood related abilities took on a new form and he have now a Dragon seed in his inventory. His web walk, web attack, and web shield skills were now all related to blood, allowing him to create webs made of solidified blood and use them in battle.

Additionally, Ryuichi gained a new ultimate skill - Blood Summoning Undead - which allowed him to summon the spirits of the dead and use their blood as a source of power. This expanded his abilities and gave him even more control over blood.

Overall, the evolution of Ryuichi's blood related skills made him a more formidable opponent in battle and gave him a wider range of abilities to draw upon. These skills, combined with his existing vampiric powers, allowed him to take on even greater challenges and emerge victorious.

Ryuichi's blood related skills underwent a significant evolution after his encounter with the Night Dragon Twilight. These abilities, which were previously centered around spider silk manipulation and blood drain, now incorporated the power of the dragon's blood, making them even more formidable in battle.

His Blood Web Walk allowed him to walk on webs made of solidified blood as if they were solid ground, making him more agile in combat and enabling him to navigate difficult terrain with ease. His Blood Web Attack allowed him to shoot webs made of solidified blood at his enemies, dealing damage and immobilizing them.

His Blood Web Shield, previously used as a defensive measure, now provided even more protection as it was made of solidified blood. His Blood Drain ability was also strengthened, allowing him to drain even more blood from his enemies and use it as a weapon or to heal himself.

Ryuichi's ultimate skill, Blood Summoning Undead, allowed him to summon the spirits of the dead and use their blood as a source of power. He could harness the energy of the blood to attack his enemies and gain even more strength and abilities.

The evolution of Ryuichi's blood related skills made him a formidable opponent in battle, giving him greater control over the fluid and using it to his advantage.

As I stood over the remains of the Night Dragon Twilight, I could feel its power coursing through my veins. I closed my eyes and focused, calling forth the dark essence of its blood. I shouted, "Arise, Dark Twilight!"

And then, before my eyes, the dragon's body began to stir. Its limbs twitched, and its eyes snapped open. But this was no longer the Night Dragon Twilight. This was something new, something created by my power and its own.

I could feel a bond between us, as if we were linked by an unbreakable chain. I could sense its thoughts, its desires, and its loyalty to me. I had created an undead servant, a being of pure darkness and blood.

I opened my status window to see that my skills had evolved even further. My web walk, web attack, and web shield were now related to blood. Instead of shooting webs, I could shoot a stream of solidified blood to ensnare my enemies. My web walk now allowed me to traverse even the most treacherous of terrains with ease, as I could use my blood to create a path for me to walk on. My web shield was now a wall of blood, providing even greater protection in battle.

And as for my new ultimate skill, Blood Summoning Undead, it was the ultimate expression of my vampiric powers. I had complete control over the dark Twilight, and it would serve me until the end of time.

I was level 35 now, stronger and more powerful than ever. The Night Dragon Twilight was just the beginning. The world would tremble at the mere mention of my name, Ryuichi Tatsuya, Vampiric Bat.

End of chapter 8.