

130 years ago humans and mutants lived together in peace.Then a human named Antitorpil started a war. He was the first to kill yet something happened when he did. He got the mutants power. The mutant that he killed was the male leader of the mutants named Capo. In so much rage his wif destroyed everything human. Yet the humans destroyed more. Only her son Energia and 136 kids lived freely. 300 of them in prisoned. I am Harvey grandson of Energia one of the last true mutants. My true father is dead. My stepfather if you can even call him that that died. My mother is hunting me. My sister has turned her back on mutants to. It has now been 40 years since the last known mutant has died. Now there is people with powers and people without powers. Yet a new war is about to begin and this time I swear on my deathbed we'll win