
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Ch 40- Bottleneck

"Hello Morgan. How are you doing?" i asked as i was supposed to hunt a ravaging dragon alongside him today. Morgan Like me is a Master Ranked monster Subjugater. We hunt

Together many times. Infact he is one those that i trust in Ardonia. He is also the one who introduced me to this world without scamming me at least.

"Yeah i am doing good but still could be better. Well to be fair I'm mostly worried about that you know." It seems he is worried about his rank up task.

As you can imagine rank up tasks are given to Monster Hunters who wish to rank up. It is usually fighting a difficult monster or just solving some problems in the city. It truly depends on your luck and rank.

My own rank up task was to kill an entire wolf pack led by an alpha. It was difficult even with my minions. In the end i triumphed over the alpha and now It's one of my loyal eternal minions.

We are currently walking across a forest path following the map given to us by the guild. The dragon we are hunting is apparently destroying innocent villages. Killing people and well just causing chaos. It's yet to mature thus only us Master ranks were sent out. Otherwise Grandmasters would've been sent out instead. After all its a dragon an apex predator.

I myself tried to take out a dragon once but I learned a valuable lesson from that day on. My elemental power was ineffective my other powers harmed it but the damage was quickly healed. I Didn't have enough mastery on my powers to take it on. Thus i quickly teleported out of there before i became fried dragon food.

Later i learned it was mature Red dragon and they are actually quite sturdy and powerfull than normal dragons.

But that was 4 months ago I've long since overcome that bottleneck. Plus the one we will fight is not mature dragon and It's not a red dragon. Otherwise we would for sure need a grandmaster even if it Isn't in mature stage.

Even with our speed it took us more than 3 hours to reach the area.Just goes to show how large the city of Ardonia is.

"Alright Zain, i will catch It's attention and tank its attacks while you chip out It's armor and damage it as much as you can." that was the battle plan we discussed simple and precise. However most of the times you don't really need a complicated plan for a battle.

Morgan took It's attention and the dragon it looked at him with hatred. The dragon had onyx scales and fiery red eyes. It was black a dragon.

It opened It's mouth fire pitch black as night ascended towards Morgan. Morgan however used his ability deftly. He dodged and responded with his force ability. The attack pushed back the dragon as well as rattled its brains. Force abilities like that are quite rare really It's different from telekinesis.

so I watched Morgan fight against the Dragon as I waited for the perfect moment to strike. After a few more moves between Morgan and the dragon i knew The perfect moment was here. I materialized my sword. Coated it with thick streams of abyssal energy. I jumped high with percision in my mind i cut the neck of the monster right as it was trying to bite through Morgans battle shield.

It was dead. The abyss energy also ate its inside and annihilated all its life force. I could feel the thick stream of power flowing through my body strengthen just at this moment which i knew that i advanced the final level.

"Whoo Good job there Zain, i honestly thought you were gonna wait more longer in which case i would've just brought it to you." Morgan joked.

"Nah you would become fried meat before you could bring it to me. I saw it was giving you quite a hard time. How will you lass your rank up task if yoy can't handle that much." i said mockingly

"Ohh you mean that..that was me being considerate you know. I thought i should give you this kill otherwise i might feel bad Since i had it all under CONTROL." rebuked Morgan.

Like that we went back after bickering on the road.

Finally Morgan went back since he needs to practice more for his upcoming task. I Was left all alone.

Now let's see what the long awaited benefits are and also what the newly awakened abilities i Get.

"Status" i say out loud excitingly.


Host Status-

-Name: Zain Barlow

-Class: Eldritch Lord

-Level: 1

-Exp: 90/1000

-HP: 15000/15000

-EP: 35000/35000

{Host Attributes}

-Strength: 105

-Agility: 121

-Dexterity: 112

-Intelligence: 117

-Perception: 123

-Charm: 90


Whoa Ok so my class although i knew that it was related to eldritch beings i did not know my level would be reset like literally.

Alright lets look at the bright side atleast i Don't have to farm crazy amount of exp for leveling up.

Lets check the new skills i got that's the part I'm crazy for.


{Host Skills & Abilities}

>>Gaming lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows host to game better and learn newer ones faster also has a small chance to increase luck during gameplay.

(>> Raise Mass Undead lvl: 5

-Desc: Raises mass amount of undead from dead corpses. Undead will retain their previous powers and abilities. Undead's can also evolve to do many more things than the basic.

Also allows one to summon undeads from the eldritch realm of the dead.

Mass Undead Skeleton Knights Summon.

Mass Undead Skeleton Archers Summon.

Mass Undead Skeleton Mage Summon.

Summon Undead Champion (new)

Summon Undead Titan (new)

>> Greater Arts of Eldritch Necromancy lvl: 1

-Desc: Allows one to comprehend and understand the arts of of Eldritch Necromancy on a higher level. Helpful for adeMadritch Necromancers.)

(>> Void teleportation lvl: 15

-Desc: Opens up a portal that can transport host any location that host has visited before. The range depends on the level.

>> Void Defense System lvl: Max

-Desc: A defense system Created by the first void space magus himself. Perfected by countless others after him. Allows one to insta cast a preset system of defensive abilities. Can be used to defend against multiple types of attack including true damage and soul, origin damage.

>>Void Armament Lvl: 1

Desc: Allows user to materialize Armor and wepaons from the illusive and mysterious void energy)

(>> Hell Fire lvl: 13

-Desc: A fire that's hotter than all other fires. Its extremely painful, especially for those that are guilty of various Sins.

>> Hell Domain lvl: 7

-Desc: Transforms any place the user is into a hell Domain that can cover as far as infinity. The only catch is user needs enough energy to supply the domain. While in domain all abilities and stats are doubled. Damage is tripled and HP Regen is quadrupled. Also Transforms any fauna object or beings as suited to the domain

>>Hell's Chamber lvl: 1

Desc: Allows one to imprision enemies in a hell chamber for some time. Enemies also take damage while inside of it.)

(>> Abyssal Beam lvl: Max

-Desc: Fires a beam that's filled with high amounts of abyssal energy its extremely lethal to all living beings other than abyssal's.

>> Abyssal Conversion lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows user to convert both living or dead being into abyssals. The rank and the power of the being will depend on their will power and talent while they were normal. Converting one into an abyssal gives them abilities and other things related to it as well as making them almost immortal and the possibilities of evolution are endless. Also the user requires one third the total amount of energy of the said target being to convert them.

>>Abyssal Veil lvl: 1

Desc: Allows one to hide oneself completely and erase all life and soul signs for a short amount of time.)

(>> Advanced Elemental Control lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows basic control over the four basic elements of nature as well as advanced elements of nature.

>> Elemental Resonance lvl: 7

-Desc: Allows one to feel a deeper connection with the elements or reality. Deeper comprehension and contact with elemental spirits can also be achieved with perfect resonance with elements. With this ability one can even connect different elements to create or new or control existing elements. The possibilities and limits of Resonance is only the imagination of the user.

>>Elemental Rage lvl: 1

Desc: Manifest the furious nature of the elements. Increases elemental abilities effects and damage for a short period of time.)

(>> Demonic Charm lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows host to charm and control the actions of any being within host's lvl. it can only work on creatures maximum of five levels above host's level.

>> Demonic Magic lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows one comprehension into the unique and almost endless possibilities of demonic magic.

>>Demonic spawn lvl: 1

Desc: Absorb the soul of sinners and inncoent akive through hell fire and then use its energy to create a demon spawn. These creature have their own ranks and classes a strong soul can create a greater demonic spawn)


Ok So some powers just evolved and some new ones got added this is very cool and all but i guess I'll need time to see what does what and get a general feel of these abilities as well as see where their limit lies.

ok so i think i need to revamp the ability tab like It's very confusing and i personally feel like the desc is not that useful. so ill try to revamp it in a way it looks more clean and takes less chapter size i guess. Anyways here is a surprise chapter i suppose. And yes i am not ded and i will not abandon the novel. Also I'm not native english and i am actively trying to improve my English and any help is appreciated so thanks for reading guys.

Archlegion999creators' thoughts