
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Ch 23- Dungeon Part 2

"So you feel like you could literally crush giant boulders into powder?" I questioned Saith with a trace of excitement.

We were sitting inside a makeshift Earth Fortress. Courtesy of my mages of course.

"Yes, master i can do that and so much more i believe." She said with confidence.

Welp i guess my minions becoming stronger than me has become the trend now. I just hope Jake, James and the others don't outclass me as well, otherwise i'll really be embarassed.

Speaking of them i beleive their mission should've been finished by now. I suppose i could call them to the dungeon that way they can also level up and gain much more strength.

As i thought of the idea my Undead Knights Brandished their swords and the mages readied their staffs in a practiced manner. I also looked towards where they were looking. welp it seems like a really big horde of Minoels that seem to ride on top of Bulsauroses and there are some other new monsters i've never seen before as well.

"Damn that's might be troublesome." i said as their numbers seemed like a lot.

"Hey Saith how many are they?" i asked her since she has superior range and vision than me.

"I believe there are about six hundered and among them two hundred of them are riders." She said quite calmly.

Damn that number is a lot. I don't think our chances are that high against that big of a horde but i think maybe with Saith we might just be able to win. Damn if only the corpses of the Bulsauroses were intact i could've had some more numbers on our side. I thought with regret.

"Say Saith, how confident are you fighting against that horde?" I questioned her.

"I can easily kill the normal monsters and even the riders wont be able to damage me but that gaint rider at the front could potentially give me some toruble." She said flatly.

Hmm, the rider in the front deffinetly stands out from the rest but i dunno how strong that guy is. These are times where i wish i had something like an apraisal ability.

Okay now i have two options that is to do a strategic retreat or we could just go nutz and kill as much of them we can.

While i was thinking. "Master i belive we should fight them and i'm confident that with yours and my ability that rider and the rest of his horde wouldn't be too much of a problem.

But of course the final decision is with you." Saith said.

Hmm technically i could turn the battle into an attrition one as my Undeads are immortal and i could always turn the enemies troops against them.

"Okay we'll fight them. Mages get in position, Knights Stand tall and form a double line!" I said in a commanding tone

"Minoels will act as support from the air and throw projectiles using death energy, understood?" i said and all the Minoels nodded with their head, The fires in their eyes flickered for a moment.

"Alright now Saith you shall hold the frontline alongside the Knights and also when the battle begins try to attract that ride and clash with him as much as you can.

I'll try to give you support okay." I told her after much thinking.

"As you wish master." She said.

Okay now all we need to do is wait for them.

10 minutes later.

Those guys are smarter than i thought. They positioned some of their troops at the back which i believe are range damage dealers. The riders also seem ready to charge alongside some gaint like mosters grabbing boulders and picking them up. Oh shit..those giants are they going to do what i think they are gonna do.

As if agreeing with my thoughts That boss rider gave me a devilish smile as he looked this way. I really wanna burn that sucker with hell flames now.

Multiple boulders approached our position in fury alongside magical arrows made from pure energy. It looked exactly lilke scene from a medieval siege movie. Minues the monsters of course.

Anyways although i did underestimate the intelligence of these monsters they also underestimated me as well. I smirked in the direction of the boss rider as he was giving a cruel smile.

Without warning multiple dark domes appeared in our position comepletely blocking their entire barrage of range attacks.

"Now, give those Mofos hell bois."

Right after that several giant black orbs flew with much speed towards the enemies alongside multiple javelins also flew there thrown by the aerial Minoels.

Surprise at the unexpected counter attack the enemy was completely caught in our attack. They didn't even have the privilage to take a defensive posture.

Multiple enemy soldiers melted right before the naked eyes as they were hit by the dark balls, and tens of them got skewered by the deathly javeling which embedded themselves into varios body parts of the enemy giving them a gruesome death. But that was not the end of the attack. The one's hit by the dark balls slowly rose up as zombies and low level skeleton swordsman.

Soon the enemy ranks was in a mad melee. This in turn made me glee in happiness without my forces even having attack them they already lost so much. That attack wiped out almost one third of their soldiers.

The Boss rider was fuming with anger as took it out on the undead zombies and skellies. It ended quickly after that he readjusted his ranks and led a mighty charge towards my minions.

Hah! Did he think chargin like that would scare me welp tough luck Bich. Like two tides clashing both my knights and the Enemy riders clashed as there was chaos everywhere. Projectiles flew randomly everwhere hitting enemies and allies both in ground and air. My Minoels swooped down and target those at the ground with their weapons and of course the enemy Minoels soon countered the attacks.

As the battle got more heated the number advantage soon played the major part as it does with every battle.

My minions were getting overwhelmed and the only reason they weren't getting completely overwhelmed is because Saith was reaping a lot of enemies while also fighting against the enemy leader. They were almost dancing across the battlefield. She realeasing bursts of Abyssal magic arts. Deadly projectile made of abyssla energy completely crushed all hope of survival on those that were hit by it. The Boss Rider was also having trouble because of it but it also had red aura around it that kept the abyssal couruption at bay.

Beams of abyssal energy left Saith's hand as they were quickly blocked or dodged by the boss rider or completely devoured by that reddish energy until the abyssla energy dissapated.

Damn that guy also has some aces up sleeves. Saith of course wasn't afraid as she also used her stat boost skill. Immediately she grew several times larger as did her body colour change from the majestic white red rimmed with golden to pitch black gold. It looked like a form simply made just for battle and war. This time the rider just getting completely played and beaten one sidedly by Saith. But as he was getitng more and more injured suddeny a deep red aura erupted from the boss rider as enemies and allies all paused and looked towards their Battle.

The boss rider seems to be collecting the blood from it's own kin that were dead as it seeped inside his body that kept growing large until it matched that of Saith. He had two giant crimson Horn on top of his head with a more Minotaur like apearance. He also acquired some big vampire like fangs. He looked like he was out for blood. That guy must have some vampirism ability or something i'm damn sure of it.

As if gaining a second wind the battle between the heavy fighters became even more deadly and heated. Both of them got injured and healed at the next second. Soon the ride boss lost a hand while fighting but it regenerated soon. Same was happening for Saith although she didn't lose any limbs yet.

The battle seem to be at a crossfire as both sides aces tried to get an advantage but were just unable to. As i saw this i finally made my move. All this time i was observing the battlefield for any surprise attacks or reinforcment. Now that i see there isn't anything like that it's time end this.

I raised my hand and soon began casting a brand new type of attack that just thought of in the few minutes the battle was ongoing.

"Welp this was fun, but now's your time to die." I said out loud as everyone heard me and looked towards me at the same time.

The boss rider and Saith also looked towards me especially the boss rider looked towards me with surprise and a bit of fear written on it's face

"Pierce, Ultra Lightning Lance!".....

To Be Continued...