
Sent 400 years into the future

[A couple hours later]

"Urgh… w-what happened?"

"A-argh.. I-I kicked your ass Natsu-nii..! That's what happened!"

"Huh? Utter crap! I obviously won, Crimson!"

"Hahaha! Calm down boys!" A mighty voice sounded from above both children. 

Natsu and Crimson reluctantly shut their mouths up while also struggling to get up.

Igneel laughed and made them stay down to rest further. Two days passed and they were finally recovered. 

Crimson wanted to learn more spells and so Igneel decided to teach him. How could he not? 

After seeing his kids' duel he realized how much of a genius Crimson is. 

If he didn't nurture him then what kind of father and teacher would he be? 

And so, the months went by and without anyone knowing an entire year passed. 

Crimson and Natsu made massive improvements, especially Crimson. 

His control over his flames improved dramatically. He could now shape them into small items and objects. 

On a small patch of land that was severely burnt, a young boy with shoulder length spiky crimson hair and garnet red irises stood with flames emanating off of his clenched fists. 

In front of him was a young boy his exact age with short spiky pink hair. 

He had flames flowing out of his heels and hands. Both of them smiled at each other while showing off their adorably yet dangerously sharp canine teeth. 

"Lemme see that new skill of yours Natsu-nii!!"

"Ou! I wanna see that skill of yours as well, lil bro!"

Natsu crouched slightly as his feet burned and ripped away at the fragile ground. His flames kicked up excitedly as it responded to his emotions. 

"Fire Dragon's Embodiment: Speed Acceleration!!"

Within mere seconds, his figure disappeared. A red blur shot towards Crimson with a heat bearable by none.


"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Natsu speedily sent his flaming hands down at Crimson with an excited grin. 

Crimson widened his eyes in astonishment seeing Natsu's new skill but he didn't back down. 

Flames overtook his entire body before wholly enveloping him with a spinning motion. 

Natsu was shocked as he stared intently at the spinning vortex of flames surrounding his little brother. The vortex soon expanded and grew into a monstrous flaming tornado.

Natsu winced, feeling the heat of Crimson's flames. 

He immediately retreated and stabilized himself. Crimson grinned and soon, the flame tornado shrunk and separated into both his hands. 

Natsu moved and sent a series of breath attacks towards Crimson. 

Crimson looked at the incoming breath attacks and sneered. 

He gripped the flame tornados and efficiently sent them out with a twirl of his hands.

"Fire Dragon's Heavenly Rotation!"




The flame tornadoes tore through the incoming breath attacks and cornered Natsu. They slammed into his body before sending him flying. 



Natsu flew through several trees before finally coming to a stop. 

Crimson withdrew his attacks and casually walked towards his unconscious brother. He sighed before kicking him on his head.

"Natsu-nii, I know you're awake! This is my 100th win! With this, I'm now three wins ahead of you!"

"Damn! You've gotten stronger again! I'll beat you next time!!"

"Haha! I'll be waiting!"

Crimson stretched out his hand and Natsu accepted it. 

Both brothers organized themselves before heading back to their father. 

They soon arrived at their father's location and recounted their duel to him. 

Igneel laughed hearing Natsu complain after once again losing to Crimson. 

He only had 97 wins whereas Crimson had 100. Though he was frustrated he was happy for his brother. 

Igneel smiled seeing the brothers' rivalry however he sighed emotionally after remembering that he had to send them through the Eclipse Gate in a year. 

He wanted to spend this year with them being as close as ever to his sons. So after lessening the boys' daily training, Igneel spent more time chatting and telling them the old and funny stories of his past. 

Their bond as a family grew stronger throughout the passing days.

The year went by fast and it was finally time for Natsu and Crimson to get sent 400 years into the future. 

Igneel fell asleep with the boys also following along with his actions. He then silently woke up and took the sleeping boys to the designated location. 

The dragons gathered there greeted Igneel and smiled seeing Natsu but was shocked seeing the other boy that looked no younger than him. 

They turned towards Igneel questioningly whereas Anna Heartfillia spoke up.

"Who is this child?" Igneel looked at her and said, "Crimson Dragneel." His eyes melted with warmth as he looked at his sleeping son. 

Everyone was stunned. Did he say Dragneel? Zeref looked at the new Dragneel and smiled while thinking to himself, "Crimson Dragneel huh? I guess I have another brother with the potential to destroy me."

The other dragons along with Anna turned towards Zeref and he just nodded before asking, "So, how'd you meet and adopt a new brother for me?" 

Igneel looked into his eyes before sharing Crimson's story. They all learnt that Natsu gave him his name and even told him that he was his brother. 

They also learnt that Igneel took him in the moment Natsu said that and started teaching him Dragon Slayer Magic. 

Everyone was shocked to hear about his quick progress. He was even more proficient in it than Natsu was which shocked Zeref greatly, though he kept his calm smile. 

Soon they activated the Eclipse Gate and prepared themselves to be sent into the future. 

Igneel smiled and made two scarfs out of his scales before giving them to both his children. 

Igneel then split his body into two counterparts and entered their bodies before Anna stepped forward and placed both children into the Eclipse Gate. 

The rest of them soon followed behind.

[In a forest]

A spiky pink haired boy laid there sleeping soundly and peacefully. His body quivered slightly before he was jolted awake. 

He looked around only to see that his brother and father were missing. He panicked and began to call out. "Crimson!! Igneel!" 

Seconds turned into minutes yet, there was nothing. His despair only grew as he hecticly searched for his family.


Despair strengthened and soon wrapped itself around his heart as tears welled up within his eyes. 

At that moment he had finally felt the scarf around his neck. 

He took it off and gazed at it with misty eyes. Natsu wrapped the scarf around his neck once again before kneeling down with tears falling from his eyes.

"Dad..!! Crimson..! I-I'll never give up on you guys! I promise I'll find you guys and when I do we'll live happily again!!" 

Natsu shouted with all his might. At this moment his shouting drew the attention of a passing old man. 

The old man approached the child and saw that he was crying rivers of tears. Concerned, he questioned him. "Hey kid, what's the matter?"

Natsu looked around and immediately brightened up seeing the old man. 

He ran towards him and asked, "Hey short old man! Can you help me find my brother and father?!" 

The old man ignored what he called him and paid attention to the latter of the sentence. "What does your father and brother look like? And what's their names?"

"Old man, my father's name is Fire Dragon King Igneel and my brother's name is Crimson Dragneel! He has spiky shoulder length red hair and red eyes! Please help me search for them!" 

Natsu subconsciously released his Dragon Slayer Magic as he hurriedly requested the old man's help. 

The old man furrowed his brows and thought to himself, 'Dragon? This kid said he and his brother are the sons of a dragon? And a king at that..? Hmm.. I don't know if he's telling the truth but nevermind that. He has a lot of magic power for his age. It would be bad if he falls into the hands of a dark guild.' 

"Kid, how about you join my guild, Fairy Tail? If you do, locating your brother and father would become easier!"

"Really?! I'll join!!"

"Haha! Well then my name is Makarov the master of Fairy Tail but you can just call me gramps. Let's go back to the guild and get you a Fairy Tail mark!"

"Got it, gramps!!"

[Meanwhile at an unknown location]

A young boy with shoulder length spiky crimson hair, garnet red irises and canine teeth laid in a misty forest snoring loudly as he slept comfortably. 

Seconds passed and the kid finally woke up after choking on his own saliva.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Argh! W-where am I?" Crimson looked around suspiciously but when he saw that he was alone he panicked.

"Dad? Natsu-nii? DAD?! NATSU?!"

His emotions roiled about in turmoil. He himself had no clue what to do. He was scared while also feeling a sense of loneliness well up within his heart.

"D-did they abandon me?" 


Crimson suddenly slapped himself on the face. He had streams of tears flowing down his face while gritting his teeth. 

"Crimson Dragneel! Don't you ever say that again! Father and brother would never abandon you!" He scolded himself while repeatedly beating himself. 

After a moment of self torture he calmed down and gazed at the misty forest with an icy cold expression. 

His hellish flames surged out viciously as he bit down on his lip for a short moment before shouting aloud with tears and snot covering his face. 


Rage. An unrestrained rage ripped out of Crimson at that moment. He knew that Natsu and Igneel would never abandon him so he jumped to this conclusion instead.

He calmed himself down though as a series of memories emerged within his mind. 


"Crimson, I've noticed that your emotions are rather wild. You need to control your emotions in order to gain the true advantage in a battle. If you allow your emotions to take over you're nothing more than a crazed beast that wildly attacks without taking any precautions. You're basically walking into your own death trap, understood?"

"Yes, dad!"

[End of flashback]

"Sigh… I almost let my rage overtake me. That was scary.. but dad… Natsu-nii… I'm sure you're somewhere out there! Stay safe, I'll come looking for you guys soon!" 

He dried his tears with a scarf that he held in his hand. 

Wait.. scarf? He immediately looked down at his hands only to see a white scarf that was made out of dragonic scales. 

It emanated a warmth Crimson could never forget. He couldn't hold back the rest of his tears after feeling the warmth of the scarf. 

He fell to his knees while tightly gripping onto the white scarf. Tears fell onto it and made a soft sizzling sound. 

He took the scarf and placed it on his neck. But he didn't wrap it like how Natsu did. 

He instead attached tiny strings of his flames at the back of his neck to it in order to hold it in its place. 

After silently crying he wiped his tears and got up, clenching his fists as hard as he could. 

"Is this some sort of trial dad? By leaving this scarf do you wish for me to train and temper myself before venturing the world in search of you and Natsu-nii? If so then I'll make you proud! I'll get stronger, stronger than anyone! So wait for me dad, Natsu-nii!" 

Crimson then turned his body and randomly picked a path to walk down. 

His figure entered a patch of mist before it disappeared with the mist only growing thicker. 

[Back to Natsu's side]

"Oh yeah, gramps! My name is Natsu Dragneel!"

"Oh? Well then Natsu, while you are on your search for your family I'm sure you'll make many friends in Fairy Tail!"

"Mn! I look forward to it!"

Both of them travelled a great distance before finally appearing in front of a majestic looking building.

They entered and were instantly greeted by several men and women partying and drinking together.

However the moment they saw Makarov they went silent. Makarov looked around and shouted, "This brat is our newest member! Treat him well!"

The crowd once again regained its liveliness. No, it was even more lively than before.

"Oh?! Welcome to Fairy Tail brat!"

"Oi! Oi! Kid! Come take a drink with us!"

"Hey! Let's celebrate our newest member's  arrival!!"


Natsu's eyes sparkled at the scene in front of him. Makarov grinned seeing his reaction and said, "Impressive eh?" 

Natsu nodded vigorously. Makarov then went onto explaining the rules and finished by saying, "Don't feel shy brat! Go receive your stamp and officially become our family!!"

"Family?" Natsu thought back to his brother and Igneel while tears formed in his eyes. 

He nodded and thought inwardly, "Crimson would love it here…" 

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