
Supreme Alien Collector

From the first contact between humans and aliens, to the establishment of the Alien Society, the interaction between humans and these amazing beings does not stop for a moment. Captain Roger Heart, an alien collector, is piloting his spaceship to and from different planets, striving to become the supreme collector. But in order to become the pinnacle that all collectors look up to, he has to conduct research and write many papers instead of participating in the confrontation. Roger Heart: Where is danger where is me because I have to write my thesis. Even God can't stop me. This is an interstellar travel taming novel; hope you will like. Please comment more often, I love reading them. : )

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After getting out of the dangerous and mysterious mushroom forest, Roger returned to the hotel for a short rest, and then immediately took a cab to the nearest city, San Buffy.

In the blink of an eye, the unique star 'White Parry' in the Parry system had already set down, and Roger, who had been busy all afternoon, finally had a chance to breathe and take a short rest.

The seaside city did not seem to be affected much by the state of emergency and still maintained a basic state of operation. Under the huge afterglow of the setting sun, the streets were filled with coolly dressed tourists, and the aroma of food came from the food carts on the street.

If not just out of the dangerous primitive jungle, Roger is afraid it is difficult to think of the scene in front of him and the danger he faced before but sixty kilometers apart.

But Roger was not in the mood for street food, he hailed another cab and went directly to the San Buffy branch of the Federal Alien Specialist Club located in the heart of the city.

After authenticating his identity through face recognition and id card, he immediately paid to rent a standard-size alien research lab. He began his own research on the newly discovered mushroom subspecies of the plant class of aliens.

Relying on professional equipment for genetic comparison, Roger soon learned that the alien was indeed a newly discovered species, and as the first discoverer, if he could prepare a paper that could pass the review of the Parry branch of the Federal Alien Species Recognition Committee, he would win a bonus from the Research Fund and the right to name the species.

Even if he did not produce a qualified paper, he would also receive a generous prize, but the naming rights of the species would be given to the Parry Species Recognition Committee and the Parry Planetary Federal Government Council.

What he really valued was that if his research paper was well written, it would be helpful for him to raise his collector certification level, and when his collector level was high enough, the money would naturally find him.

Thinking for a while, he put pen to paper and wrote down the title of his paper: A controlled study of a special alien subspecies and local ecological environment changes.

After a sleepless night, Roger finished some physical tests that would cause some pain to aliens and laboratory work on blood and body fluids as soon as possible while the anesthetic's effect could still be maintained.

After that his energy also finally could not hold on, drank a high-sugar drink and ate a bite of cookies, he fell into a deep sleep on the folding bed in the laboratory.

At the same time as he fell asleep completely, Hill, who had been breathing steadily and sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and showed a flexible treachery in those vivid sheep's eyes.

He got up slowly and slipped out of the lab through the auto-sensing doorway to the early morning city of San Buffy.

The streets were already full of breakfast carts that were open for business. He sniffed hard at the various fragrant scents in the air, chose the one he liked best by instinct, and walked briskly past.

The mornings in San Buffy were like those in other Federation cities, with the same number of humans taking aliens out for exercise, so Hill's variety, though rare, did not arouse much curiosity, and everyone thought his owner might be nearby.

Hill walked around, crossed a few traffic light intersections, and stopped in front of the food truck of his choice. By the way, Hill was perfectly capable of crossing the intersection on his own, and he knew how to identify the different traffic lights.

Although the window of the food truck is a little high, more than Hill can reach, but it is not difficult to defeat it, only to see him bypass the side of the food truck, directly through the entrance at the end of it jumped in, the boss who is working inside startled.

Hill waited for the stupid human in front of him to calm down, handed Roger's ID card that he had smuggled out to the boss, then stretched out his left front hoof and pointed to a seafood and vegetable pancake on the menu, signaling the boss to hurry up and start cooking.

The owner of the food truck, Jimmy, has been selling breakfast for thirty years, or the first time to see alien with the owner's id card out to buy food to eat, for a time do not know whether to sigh Hill's high intelligence or sigh his master is not responsible.

But in the spirit of customer is God, he still swiped Roger's card, and then placed the password input device in front of Hill.

His intention was to get Hill to back to his master, after all, the avatar on this card was Roger, not Hill's hairless metal sheep head.

However, Hill moves skillfully to enter the six-digit code, and then to turn his head to find a seat to jump up and sit and wait for Jimmy to serve.

Jimmy scratched his head, feeling that it is not a big deal, after all, a seafood pancake is not worth much money.

So he pressed the switch of the machine, a batter immediately fell from the top into the skillet, in the high temperature quickly formed a pancake prototype, then he will be processed in advance oyster and shrimp together into a small bowl, then add fresh onions and two eggs, stirring well, poured on the pastry.

Then he picked up two spatulas and flipped them over, turning the pastry from the skillet so that it would be heated evenly.

After a few minutes, he estimated that the seafood was already half cooked in the hot skillet, so he took out a ball of shredded vegetables mixed with sauce from a large box and put it on top of the pancake, then folded the pancake in half, wrapped the vegetable salad in the middle and put it into a biodegradable mushroom plastic box, and used the same box to fill a bowl of chilled plum soup and brought it to the waiting Hill.

"Jimmy's seafood vegetable pancake is ready, please enjoy."

Hill bleated twice at him in thanks, then quickly finished the delicious meal and continued to wander the streets.

For a young tourist city, Santa Fe's infrastructure is in good shape, and the new environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable economic measures developed by the Federation over the years are working to full effect.

Some wild alien that are ecologically potent for the city have also been allowed to settle in the city to form natural colonies, and to raise them, Santa Buffy has spent a significant amount of money to set up a large portion of the city's greenery areas as dual-use landscape/food areas that produce natural food.

Affected by the quality of the air, Hill entered one such wooded area at this time.

The local alien in the wooded area did not make things difficult for him as an outsider, and after a brief confrontation allowed him to enter the wooded area to move freely and even eat some wild fruits.

The reason for this is probably because the aliens here have been artificially domesticated, are more gentle in nature, and never lack food. In addition, Santa Fe is after all a tourist city, and there are a few visiting trainers and collectors, so the alien here also followed the passive acceptance of many guests and became less resistant to such things than the wild alien.

After successfully penetrating inside the small group, Hill comfortably found a lawn under the shade of a tree, stowed the metal rod on his back into the rift, then closed the rift and laid down on the lawn and rolled around.

After converging his physical features, Hill looked almost like an ordinary metal hairless sheep, not a rare toaster sheep. Although there were some people passing by who noticed him, but he was obviously an alien with an owner, random capture or abuse is a felony, so no one bothered him either.

But such a lazy good day did not last long, just when he was half asleep, half awake, dazed doze, a hard wild fruit flew, hitting him precisely on his big head.

Hilton was furious when he stood up and entered a combat posture. The electric current on the two metal rods crackled, and as soon as he locked the target, he immediately burned the enemy into medium.

The sneak attacker apparently also discovered the power of his lightning, and did not engage him head-on, but jumped back and forth in the dense forest, throwing a fruit from time to time to hit Hill.

Hill fired several lightning bolt, did not hit the attacker, but tired himself enough, had to stop the attack, cautiously hiding under a large tree.

With his back to the tree, the attack will no longer come from behind, Hill can finally hold in place for a while, carefully looking for the figure of the sneak attacker.

However, this time the sneak attacker seems to have suddenly disappeared, without any attack, nor any sound or figure, as if it had vanished into thin air.

Hill instinctively felt that the situation was not good, but could not at once remember what the problem was, and could only anxiously make bleating sounds to provoke his opponent, hoping that it would make a mistake and be found by him.

Suddenly, he rushed forward and dodged a huge tree fruit that fell from the sky. At the same time, he didn't need to see where his enemy was, he directly sent out his own electric light with all his might, and a demonic lightning bolt immediately focused on the direction where the fruit fell.

Along with an exasperated scream, a twisted ghostly face emerged from the tree canopy, startling Hill.