
Super Fruit System For Pokemon

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 03 Sister, I'm Not Young

"Devil Fruit!?"

Of course Luo Yi knows what a Devil Fruit is. This is a super treasure in another comic in Huaxia World. Every Devil Fruit has incomparably magical abilities, some can give people the ability to control lightning, and some can make people The body becomes like rubber, and some can turn people into animals, with super strength.

Taking the Devil Fruit will give you super powers, which is the consensus of everyone!

Of course, Devil Fruits also have drawbacks, that is, whoever eats Devil Fruits will become landlubbers and will never be able to swim.

But Luo Yi is on land!This is a perfect way to avoid the drawbacks of Devil Fruits!

This system is a bit of a dick...

Needless to say, Luo Yi must get this Devil Fruit.

What's more, there is a rare Pokemon that must not be missed!

"System? Where is that rare unmaintained Pokemon?" Luo Yi asked, he didn't intend to waste time, there was a Pikachu in his pocket that he had never seen before, who knows what the hell it looked like.

It's better to quickly capture that rare Pokémon, get the Devil Fruit, and sum it up.

Hearing Luo Yi's voice, the system directly gave a map of a nearby area in the upper right corner of Luo Yi's field of vision. On the map, there were many bright spots in a forest, all of them being elves.

It's just that the brightness of these bright spots varies, and one of them is very dazzling, as bright as a bright moon compared to the others.

The elf forest with dense bright spots on the map was prepared for the graduates. A rare elf appeared infrequently. It must be the negligence of the Baibo Research Institute. I just don't know what this rare Pokemon is.

"It's him! I didn't expect a rare elf to sneak in this year. What do people in Bai Bo's laboratory eat!"

Soon, Luo Yi came to the Baibo Institute among a group of graduates. After listening to a lot of precautions announced by the teacher and the institute, many eager students rushed into the elf forest behind the Baibo Institute.

They have been waiting for this moment for many years, in other words, their big hang... No, their Poké Ball is already thirsty!

Luo Yi also walked towards Jinglin Shenlin. At this time, someone from the Baibo Research Institute finally found Luo Yi, this little brat.

"Wait, little kid, you can't go over there!" A beautiful female researcher stopped Luo Yi and gently stopped him.

"It's very dangerous inside, you're still young, you can't go in until you grow up!" The beautiful female researcher patted Luo Yi's head and said with a smile.

"Unless you have a written certificate from the teacher that can prove that you really have the corresponding knowledge and ability, I will not let you in."

The female researcher is of course kind to Luo Yi. After all, even a docile Pokemon is quite dangerous for underage children, and they are likely to be hurt.

In such a day, in addition to graduates, if you want to enter the fairy forest to grab the Pokemons, you must have the teacher's certificate.

At this moment, Luo Yi frowned. At this time, all the students had entered the deep Pokemon forest, and he was actually blocked from the deep Pokemon forest.

Rare Pokémon and Devil Fruit are right in front of you, but you can't get in! ?

Looking at the female researcher's firm eyes and a just expression, Luo Yi knew that he must have let her in.

"System, is there any way?"

"The host has obtained the ability to use a single shot of hunting swallow butterfly paralysis powder, which can temporarily paralyze the target and lose the ability to move. It will be invalid after using it, and it will be numb, or the rare Pokémon will run away!"

Hearing the system's voice, Luo Yi rolled his eyes. This inexplicable system seemed to be more anxious than himself.

"Paralyzing powder!!"

Taking advantage of the female researcher's inattention, Luo Yi jumped up and raised her small hand, and suddenly sprinkled dust on the researcher's body. The beautiful female researcher immediately stood there and couldn't move. She could only look at the little boy in front of her in horror, like was frightened.

"It's okay sister, I just go in and have a look, I will come out alive." Luo Yi comforted.

Afterwards, Luo Yi raised his hand and patted the female researcher's tight ass twice, with a crisp voice.

"By the way, researcher sister, I am not small."

After saying that, Luo Yi ran towards the deep Pokemon forest, leaving only the researcher who was blushing and couldn't move.


After entering the Pokemon Forest, Luo Yi looked for the map provided by the system, but a few minutes passed without finding any rare Pokémon.

Luo Yi was about to inquire about the system, but out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a swift black shadow that flashed past Luo Yi's left side.

"Appeared! It's a rare Pokemon!"

Luo Yi realized that with such a speed, it could only be the rare elf, and hurriedly ran in the direction where the shadow disappeared.


Just two steps away, Luo Yi heard a panicked voice not far ahead, it was a girl.
