
Super English

English is a West Germanic language that originated from Ingvaeonic languages brought to Britain in the mid-5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon migrants from what is now northwest Germany, southern Denmark and the Netherlands.

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32. Spelling (part-4)

Before 1400, it was possible to tell with some precision where in Britain a letter

or manuscript was written just from the spellings.

By 1500, this had become all but impossible. The development that changed

everything was the invention of the printing press.

This brought a much needed measure of uniformity to English spelling—but at

the same time guaranteed that we would inherit one of the most bewilderingly

inconsistent spelling systems in the world.

The printing…press, as every schoolchild knows, was invented by Johann

Gutenberg. In fact, history may have given Gutenberg more credit than he

deserves. There is reason to believe that movable type was actually invented by a

Dutchman named Laurens Janszoon Koster (or-Coster) and that Gutenberg—

about whom we know precious little—learned of the process only when one of

Koster's apprentices ran off to Mainz in Germany with some of Koster's blocks

and the two struck up a friendship. Certainly it seems odd that a man who had

for the first forty years of his life been an obscure stonemason and mirror polisher should suddenly have taken some blocks of wood and a wine press and

made them into an invention that would transform the world. What is certain is

that the process took off with astonishing speed. Between 1455, when

Gutenberg's first Bible was published, and 1500 more than 35,000 books were

published in Europe. None of this benefited Gutenberg a great deal—he had to

sell his presses to one Johann Fust to pay his debts and died in straitened

circumstances in 1468 but it did attract the attention of an expatriate Englishman

living in northern Belgium.

William Caxton (1422-91) was a rich and erudite English businessman based in

Bruges, then one of the great trading cities of Europe. In the late fifteenth

century, intrigued by the recent development of printing in Germany and sensing

that there might be money in it, Caxton set up his own publishing house in his

adopted city and there in 1 475 he published Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy.

So, a little ironically, the oldest publication in English was not printed in

England, but in Flanders.

Returning to England and setting himself up in the precincts of Westminster

Abbey in London (which explains, incidentally, why printing unions to this day

use such quaint terms as chapel for union branch and father for the head of the

chapel), Caxton began to issue a torrent of books of all types—histories,

philosophies, the works of Chaucer and Malory, and much else—and became

richer still. The possibilities for quick and easy wealth led others to set up

presses in competition.'

By 1640, according to Baugh and Cable, more than zo,000 titles were available

in Britain—that's not simply books, but titles. With the rise of printing, there was

suddenly a huge push towards regularized spelling. London spellings became

increasingly fixed, though differences in regional vocabulary remained for some

time—indeed exist to this day to quite a large extent. But just as a Yorkshireman

or Scottish Highlander of today must use London English when he reads, so in

the sixteenth century the English of the capital became increasingly dominant in

printed material of all types. Although many irregularities persisted for some

time, and Caxton himself could note in his famous aforenoted anecdote that a

Londoner seeking eggs in nearby Kent could scarcely make himself understood,

the trend was clearly towards standardization, which was effectively achieved by

about 1650.Unluckily for us, English spellings were becoming fixed just at the time when

the language was undergoing one of those great phonetic seizures that

periodically unsettle any tongue. The result is that we have today in English a

body of spellings that, for the most part, faithfully reflect the pronunciations of

people living 400 years ago. In Chaucer's day, the k was still pronounced in

words like knee and know. Knight would have sounded (more or less) like "kuh-

nee-guh-tuh," with every letter enunciated. The g was pronounced in gnaw and

gnat, as was the 1 in words like folk, would, and alms. In short, the silent letters

of most words today are shadows of a former pronunciation. Had Caxton come

along just a generation or so later English would very probably have had fewer

illogical spellings like aisle, bread, eight, and enough.

But it didn't end there. When in the seventeenth century the English developed a

passion for the classical languages, certain well-meaning meddlers began

fiddling with the spellings of many other words in an effort to make them

conform to a Latin ideal.

Thus b's were inserted into debt and doubt, which had previously been spelled

dette and doute, out of deference to the Latin originals, debitum and dubitare.

Receipt picked up a p by the same method. Island gained its s, scissors its c,

anchor its h. Tight and delight became consistent with night and right, though

without any etymological basis. Rime became rhyme. In several instances our

spelling became more irregular rather than less. Sometimes these changes

affected the pronunciation of words, as when descrive (or descryve) became

describe, perfet (or parfet) became perfect, verdit became verdict, and aventure

had a d hammered into its first syllable. At first all these inserted letters were as

silent as the b in debt, but eventually they became voiced.

A final factor in the seeming randomness of English spelling is that we not only

freely adopt words from other cultures, but also tend to preserve their spellings.

Unlike other borrowing tongues, we are generally content to leave foreign words

as they are. So when, say, we need a word to describe a long counter from which

food is served, we absorb buffet, pronounced "buffay," unconcerned that it jars

with the same word meaning to hit but pronounced "buffet." In the same way it

seldom bothers us that words like brusque, garage, and chutzpah all flout the

usual English pattern. Speakers of many other languages would not abide such

acoustic inconsistency.