

As I laid in bed I still remember the feeling of being on stage, I never felt something like that, it was like if I was someone different.

Well, maybe it's because it was easy to relate, thanks to my old life. Although it can be annoying, I'm really grateful for the system.

[I knew you loved me, boy. You can't do anything without me.]

'Shut up or write up… Bad joke, sorry.' I'm really not good with jokes, even in this life. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but a melody was keeping me awake.

'I can't forget that girl singing, she's just a teenager, but she was so pretty.' I was feeling a bit guilty for thinking about a teenager.

'I'm a teenager too, ain't no problem, right?' Now that I think about it, it's perfectly normal, I'm in a teenager's body right now, so of course I'd like teenagers. It's not like if I'm doing something wrong, am I?

[Shut up, or I'll call the police for you.]

'This damn system, well, I just need to sleep right now.'

Another screen appeared while I was closing my eyes, but I couldn't read it, because I just fell asleep at the moment I closed my eyes.


One week passed since that day, every thing is going really smooth. I don't think I've a friend, beside Julia, but she's really cool.

'New day, new things to do.' I thought as I was going to class.

'I got early today, because I wanted to hear her singing again, or maybe just talk to her before class.' While I was thinking, I realized that I was in love.

'I really got in love at first sight? Maybe not love, but interest.' I thought while putting my backpack on my desk. When I was about to sit, I saw someone getting into the classroom. It was her.

— Hey, Julia, Good morning. How you doing? — I said, after using up all my bravery.

— I'm good, how bout you? — At first she looked a bit surprised, but then she answered.

'She's so pretty.' I thought while looking at her, but I couldn't let she know I'm thinking about her.

'Damn, why being a teenager is so hard?' I thought, but realized I was getting too lost in thoughts.

— So, Julia, you're from some musical club or something like that? Since last week I was thinking about it, cuz you're great at singing.— I said the truth, I was amazed by her.

— I'm really not that good, but thanks.— Her smile got me off guard, if I don't do my best I'll fall. Maybe I'm falling for her already, I really don't know.

— But answering your question, I'm not in any club, but maybe in the future.— She said, but it's really a pity.

— And you, Lee, you're in some club? — She asked. She looked a bit curious.

— I'm in the acting club, but I'm a singer too.— I said, trying to look cool. I wanted to impress her.

— Singer, really? Can you sing something to me?—She asked, looked like she didn't care much to be an actor.

— Only if you sing something for me.— I said, I wanted to hear her singing again.

—What do you want me to sing?— I asked, I was curious to what she'd like.

— Probably something from Fred Sheeran. Can you sing something from him?—She asked, her voice sounded a bit higher than normal, probably she's excited about hearing his songs.

— Yeah, Can it be Photograph?— I asked, because it was one of my favorites.

She nodded her head as saying yes, so I decided to go on with it.

As I was singing, I closed my eyes, this song is one of my favorites of all time. I began with a calm, but sweet singing style, trying to express my feelings through it.

I'm not thinking about a woman, but about acting. I always loved movies, and what they can represent for people, but it was just a Platonic love, where I'm always getting hurt by it.

I put all of my in that song, I don't even know why, but I was feeling the song, and wanted to go on singing, although when I opened my eyes the whole class was looking at me. So, I quickly stopped singing.

— Hey, why didn't you stop me? — I said a bit upset. It's hard to sing when people are watching you.

— I was a bit lost, to be honest, you sing better than thought you'd.—She looked surprised as she said.

—Hey, before class begins, can I get your number?— I asked her, hoping she didn't say no.

—No.— She said with a disgust face.

— Just kidding, I'll write it up for you.— She laughed before saying that.

— You... I'm gonna revenge.— I tried to say threateningly.

— Gonna wait for it.— She said.

— Can the singer and his girlfriend shut up? Class gonna start.— Some guy of our class said, and everyone laughed.


I was going to the acting club after the classes ended, tonight the auction results going to be told. I was really doubtful of the results, every time in the past that I tried I've failed, this time I was hoping it'd be different, but it's hard to get rid of bad habits.

When I got there, everyone was already there, so we just waited some minutes, and began.

— Firstly, I just want to thank everyone that came. It's not an easy thing to be an actor or actress, so you guys did very well. — Said the same boy from the last time. I was looking at him, and he's really something different.

He's tall, black hair completely messy, using a black leather jacket and sunglasses. Yes, he's using sunglasses at night, besides it, he was using jeans, and white sneakers.

— Secondly, I'm Brian Miller, I'm in the Third year, and I'm in acting since I was 5. Right now I'm leading the acting club. My family is owner of a film company, you guys probably know, It's the Miller Films, so if you guys are exceptional I can recommend you to some auctions.

Immediately, as I said, the people in the crowd started talking about it. Many were saying that it'd be a lifetime dream if they could get this chance. That was exactly what I wanted.

—Guys, let's calm down, and proceed.— Said Brian with a presumptuous smile on his face.

— So I'll say who got the female protagonist.— I looked right at Jessie as I said that.

— Jessie Roberts, Please come to the stage. After an exceptional presentation, she managed to show us much of the character's feelings, she lacks experience, but I'm sure she will improve much— I said, and I looked at her, but she didn't look surprised.

— So, about the male protagonist, please come to the stage, Lee Noon.— I said, looking at him, who looked shocked.

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