

When Zack Wallace’s uncle offered him the chance to fulfill his dreams with a job flying for his Alaska charter service, no way was Bailey George going to hold him back. Flying was Zack’s life. Which is why she never told him about the unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. Or answered his letters or returned his calls. Instead, she moved away, got her law degree, and raised her son with the help of her family and friends. When Bailey is charged with running a retreat for her law partners at Casa Blanca Resort and Spa at Barefoot Bay, the last person she expects to run into is Zack. But any chance of a future comes to a shrieking halt when Bailey’s son, the image of Zack, shows up at Barefoot Bay. Part Two It was bad luck that had Robin Hanna working late the night her boss, already in trouble with the feds, had two late visitors. Worse luck for him when they shot him dead. In less than twenty-four hours the FBI whisks her out of town and off to the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa in Barefoot Bay, Florida. If she has to hide a way, she gives thanks for the hiding place they picked…a luxury resort. Trey DeMarcus. He had his life all mapped out: a beautiful wife, a career in JAG, and then retirement to Montana, a state where he’s always wanted to live. Neither his wife nor the law practice worked out and now he’s at the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa, trying to figure out his life. When these two meet up, they have nothing in common except lives in chaos. Then Barefoot Bay works it’s magic, and soon the electricity between lights up the sky. But first she has to escape the killers on her track.

Desiree Holt · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 25: PART TWO

"Trey?" Art's voice cut into his reverie.

"What?" He gave himself a mental shake. "Oh, vacation. I don't know. I can't seem to work up the enthusiasm."

"Well, give it some thought, okay? We're just a little concerned for you." He paused. "You know we're all happy to take up the slack to give you whatever time you need."

He ground his teeth. "Worried I'll fall down on the job? Am I not pulling my weight?"

Art had the good grace to look a little embarrassed. "Not at all. You more than pull your share around here. Hell, just taking Bridger off everyone's hands ought to earn you a bonus. But-" He paused.

"But you're worried about my state of mind. Is it because Laura's making no secret of the fact that she's seeing someone while I'm not? Is that it?" He had deliberately not ventured out into places where he might run into her. Even after a year, seeing her with another man would be the pits.