
Sun Before Rain

Sunny is different. No, not supernatural kind of different, just, not normal. She doesn't fit into any crowd, she can't relate to anyone. She expresses herself through her creativity, her love for languages and her dear oboe, Tselane. Yes, she named it. She loves her languages and learning new cultures, but when she's thrown into a completely new place, full of people she's never met. She meets Xavier, and all of his crazy friends, follow her on her journey through a new place, new people and new feelings she's never experienced before.

Shadowemme · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8

"How bad was it? When you got home?" Asked Xavier, we had been sitting in his living room for about half an hour, watching a Harry Potter movie. "They didn't take the news - as, well, they weren't sad to see me go" He sighed and pause the movie, shuffling closer to me. "What are you going to do now?" I just shook my head at him, "I don't know, I'm sick of my parents, well, I guess they're not anymore, but I can only stay here for a bit, but I don't want to couch surf for the rest of my life."

Xavier's eyebrows raised at me, "You can stay here as long as you need, Mom won't mind, she knows what you're going through, and anyway, we need to find out who your parents are" I sighed but nodded,

"I'm not sure if I want to go looking for them just yet, I'm still processing it myself" He agreed and we both just sat there in a comfortable silence until Xavier spoke. "Did you bring Tselane with you?" I chuckled and nodded yes. "Could you play it? Don't you have to practice anyway" I nodded at him slowly, before going upstairs into the guest bedroom I was staying in for the meanwhile. I assembled Tselane and grabbed myself a new reed before heading downstairs.

I fixed the reed onto Tselane before just looking Xavier dead in the eye, "Promise you won't laugh at me?" My family had of course made fun of me for not choosing a more common instrument, but I loved Tselane and nothing could change that. "Hand on heart" Xavier replied, I took a deep breath, and started playing, the unique and beautiful sound overtaking me, the smoothness of it. I loved the oboe as I could just fall into the music so easily, it felt like home.

Once I finished I looked at Xavier and was surprised to see him with a large grin of his face. "What?" I blushed crimson and looked down at the soft beige carpet. "You play so well" I blushed again and thanked him. "Can you play any instruments?" I asked, I had forgotten that I had never asked him this question, which was surprising considering I enjoyed playing with other people. "I can play guitar and the clarinet" I gaped at him. "You could play the clarinet this whole time and you didn't tell me?!" I almost yelled. He laughed and nodded. "No fair" I mumbled before I put Tselane away and sat down on the couch and started scrolling through Netflix.

"Please can we watch Stranger Things?" I enthusiastically requested, he rolled his eyes but complied, when the Demogorgon came up, he almost screamed. I laughed and gave him a, seriously look, before my eyes locked back on the screen.


The episode came to and end, but it was still only two in the afternoon. "Do you wanna invite the guys over?" Xavier asked, smirking at me. "I nodded and awaited the arrival of the weirdos.