
Chapter 1: End the pain

I walk home from school on the sidewalk, my black and grey hoodie pulled up over my face as the rain starts pouring down on me. I had just emerged from school, where even the teachers bullied me for being so dumb, and not good enough. Fuck them.

I keep walking, my feet sploshing in puddles every step I take. My house is just around the corner, and sure enough as I turn, my red brick house is right there. I slowly limp over to the door, due to having lots of bruises. I take a gulp of air, and turn the white doorknob.

I hope my parents aren't home, but me being unlucky, they are. I see my mum, Katherine chatting on the phone with her annoying voice, and then I see my buff dad, Lucas sitting on the couch watching wrestling. I try to sneak past them and go to my room, but I fail to do so.

My dad turns his head from the television and speaks to me in his loud, booming voice, "Get over here Brittany you little asshole!" I stand there in shock, because I didn't do anything. I hesitantly walk over to my father, as he scrunches up his big fuzzy brown eyebrows. "Yes, father?" I reply to him anxiously. He doesn't hesitate on his answer and immediately yells, "I'm going to beat the shit out of you for not watering the garden today!"

I suddenly remember I forgot to water the garden, which is a part of my chores. Keep in mind my list of chores is bigger than the great wall of China. I start getting anxious, hoping he won't beat me. "I'm so sorry... I must've forgotten with everything" I try to speak but he interrupts me with a huge smack to the face.

I whimper and tears start falling down my cheek. I'm a 16 year old girl, and I'm still a wimp. My dad yet again raises his hand, but this time grabs me and throws me across the room where I hit the wall. BAM! I smack so hard against the wall I can't breathe, and my head is pounding like crazy. I lay on the floor motionless for 10 minutes, while my father continues watching his show.

I finally get up, rubbing my bruised body. They start laughing at me, like I'm a clown in a circus. I run up to my room, afraid to go back own there. It's nothing new. They beat me every day. I just expect them to one day maybe just love me. Oh well. I look out my window, and wonder if killing myself would be that bad.

I have a rope in my room, which I used for a wagon when I was younger. Not such a great time. I tie the rope to look like a noose, but the rope is too flimsy and falls apart. "Damn it!" I shout angrily. I limp down the stairs, screaming ow at every step. My back feels like hell.

I know my parents won't bother me now that I've had my beating. I slowly make my way to the door and open the knob, and then I go to my car. (Which I bought myself after working at McDonald's for years on end.) I turn on the engine and start pulling out of the driveway. I know exactly where I want to go.

I start driving, and turn corner after corner. I finally reach my location. The town bridge. I step on the side of it, breathing in the air. I know what your thinking. A bridge. Lame. Well, this bridge is high up, let me tell you that.

I finally build up the courage, and I get ready to jump, when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Gah!" I scream, like someone who just ran into the murderer in a horror movie. I spin around quickly, and see a cute boy. He looks around my age, maybe a year or two older. He has messy black hair, dreamy blue eyes, and his smile makes me shiver. He's dressed in a grey shirt that reads, "2 cool 4 school." Over it is a blue denim jacket, and some dark blue jeans.

I have no idea who he is. I've never seen him around before, and he's way out of my league anyways. I sigh. "Hi? Do I know you?" I ask him. He flashes me another smile, and I awkwardly wave. He chuckles and then replies, "No, I don't know you. But I wish I did. Your truly gorgeous. You weren't thinking about jumping, right?" I search for words, utterly speechless. "I- You think I'm- Yes?"

He laughs again, and grabs my hand. I open my eyes wide in shock. "Don't be shy, my name is Xavier." He says to me in his deep, cute voice. I take a deep breath. "I'm Brittany, and yes, I was, and still am going to jump off this goddamn bridge." I say in response. He shakes his head no. "But Brittany, you are far too gorgeous to die." He says in a fake dramatic voice, but I can tell he is concerned.

I loudly blurt out, "What do you want? To find random girls to have sex with? Because I have enough abuse at home AND at my school!" He looks at me, and I don't know why, but my face turns red when his eyes look into mine.

"I'm not looking for girls to have sex with. And if people don't appreciate you, they're nuts. I swear I'm not lying, your beautiful." I can tell he's being sincere, and I honestly have no idea what to feel like. Then he speaks again. "Want to go talk at the coffee shop?"