
Unfortunate reality

History is filled with legends, myths, gods, Angel's, devils, demons, and so many others. In these stories there is a question if theyre are true, even in part. And if so "which ones" and "how much". The answers are "all of them" and "very little".

But how can that be true? Simple, eternity is a large place. More than enough room for everyone. Instead of fighting for one world, everyone could head out and claim their own. Have their own history, technology or not, magic or not, religion and culture. Never truly needing to fight one another.

Although that has never stopped any body before.

On a particular large world ,were multiple races have settled, war is a regular thing. the usual suspects, greed, arrogance, indifference, ignorance, negligence and so many others are the cause. And ofcourse peoples suffer throughout it all as if it's the most natural thing.

Cruelty and pain causes anger leading to more of the same in return. And it never seems to end...

A stack of cages tremble rhythmically in the back of a scud. A scud is an open transport cargo bed of varing size. This one was about 40 yards long and half that wide and filled edge to edge with cages barely big enough for their prisoners stacked three levels high. They were all children. The scuds wheels haven't been repaired in some time and the slavers never would put out for any levitation Crystal's. So its travel carried a cadence of bumps and grinds as the worn and flawed wheels drunkenly rolled across the road.

These are the slaves whom had survived the treatment of their captors for the last year. From being attacked, hunted, captured, processed, and shipped to those whom would pay for them as is. Even though "as is" doesn't amount to much. Fed just enough to not die, bruised and bloody. Any unwanted sound was met with violence.

The light over cast was still bright enough to clearly see by some brilliant individual beams of light can be seen breaking through the clouds and tall fields of a number of profitable plants created a dim yet beautiful scene on the either side if the road.

These children were on their way to the Olbron family. The Olbrons were an Elffen family known for there researches into making better, more capable slaves. Whether it be entertainment, fighting or manual labor they were the foremost at what they did in the country of Liefyin.

One of the guards, an elf half breed with farish skin, white blonde hair of medium length, pale blue eyes was almost seven feet tall from his dominate heritage but bulky with heavy muscle from whatever else was in him and former slave himself, was entertaining his fellows by trying to prod reactions out of the children with jibes and abuse, reaching in and hitting them when they made noise. They all wore a dirty brown armor set of leather with pieces of plate of common metals here and there leaving the elbows and knees down exposed. No gloves and only some hemp wrappings for their shins over the top if simple boots. Some had leather or cloth coverings for their heads but most did without and they all carried weapons they preferred.

The guards would snicker when he was successful. Teasing those currently helpless was a occupational pastime, but at one piont one laughed loudly enough to be heard by the captain. He was on one of the four Mondo's, mammoth like creatures with short tusks and bone armor covering most of the head, pulling the scud. Same type of uniform if of better quality and actual shin guards, but seemingly no weapons. Dark rough skin with black hair just now coming back from the last time being shaved off was five and half feet tall, layered with lean muscles only showing slight bulk in his shoulders and thighs. His dark green eyes narrowed.

"Oiy! You lot better be keeping your hands off of them. We haven't been paid yet and if you kill anyone of them we lose out. I'ld kill the bastard who did that." the young human mixed captain declared. He himself was still a slave and was working to earn his freedom. He was known to kill all those who were with him if it meant paying it off quicker. As he has already had killed three of them in that outing the remaining twenty or so guards stopped and continued marching.

It was normal for those that used services of people like them to have a current slave as captain. Not only were they more inclined to bring better merchandise on a regular basis, but also strict and blood thirsty if any got in their way of freedom. Leaving little chance of double dealing or a number of underhanded methods that these barely legal mercenaries would typically known for.

But the half-elf had yet his full of fun and after a few paces of silence rapped the hilt of his short sword along the cages. A few muffled shrieks and whimpers came in response. The guard laughed.

"Seems you cant learn to be quiet." he said joyfully as he began to reach in the nearest cage to man handle the child.

"Didnt he just tell you to leave us alone, Gredshin. Fuck off and die would you." a voice came from somewhere behind him.

Gredshin turned to yell at whomever just admonish him. Only to find the other guards not in a position to be the voice, but those who were close were obviously fighting smiles and glancing at on of the cages behind him. He looked and saw an eight year old human mixed boy, bruised and battered, staring at him not breaking eye contact. Although pale due to his condition he still had a light tan a raggedy mop of hair that couldn't make up its mind to be dark brown or blonde with even reddish hairs appearing here and there. Skeletal thin if not for some muscle from living and working outdoors. The dirty hemp tunic, that matched all the other slaves, was crusty from his blood from prior 'conversations' and hardly enough to cover his torso.

"What does the little doggy not like my game? Even if you did you should know better by now to speak at all to me dirty mongrel pup!" Gredshin said.

He lunged his hand into the cage and towards the boy's throat. The boy seemed to fall forward past the lunge as the scud ran over a large rock. Ounce Gredshin hand was past his face he turned his head bit down on the guards pinky just above the knuckle. Gredshin squealed and tried to pull his arm out slamming the boy into the side of the cage repeatedly. It may have been spite or stupidity or maybe even the hunger the boy was driven to, but he did not release the guards finger and only bit deeper with every jolt. Until finally the now screaming guard actually ripped his own finger off.

"ARGH!! MY FUCKEN FINGER!" The guard articulated.

"What the fuck is going back there?!" the captain yelled before the finger came off and was already on the ground running by the time Gredshin started yelling.

The captain reached them before Gredshin had time to recover and attack again. He saw the state of the slave, half unconscious bleeding profusely and gnawing on the finger, and called for the doctor.

"I don't need a doctor! I need to kill that dog!" Gredshin stated ignorantly.

Upon hearing the slur the captain spun on his heel and twisted his waist as he punched the guard square in the teeth, flooring him. This was surprising since the human mixed captains head didnt even come up to Gredshins shoulder.

"The doctor is for the 'Dog' you may have killed. And this 'Dog' is going to use you to teach the others a lesson." And in each of the captains hands a long knife appeared, one glowing faintly red held in a loose grip the other black in a reverse grip.

Gredshin to his credit saw what was coming and didnt panic. He took up his short sword and with a flick sent the sheath flying off at the captain in an attempt to by himself enough time to get his feet under him. It did him little good. The captain contemptible slashed the sheath away with the flat of the red glowing knife, brightening in the motion before dimming again. The sheath blackened and flaked were it made contact with the blade and when it stopped on the ground small tendrils of smoke came from it. Then the captain was coming at Gredshin, still with only one foot under him and his blade in his non-dominate hand. There were three quick exchanges in which Gredshin did his upmost in attacking but was blocked by the black blade, growing darker as if eating the light around it. And even after the blades separated it appeared as if Gredshins sword was being eating away at by an invisible force, it broke at the top third by the third exchange. The captains other blade wasn't idle during this. Every time the sword was blocked by black the red flared and struck deep. First into the thigh if Gredshins leg supporting his weight. Then to his shoulder of his already wounded hand. Finally injured, unbalanced, and broken blade still in hand Gredshin was stabbed in the throat, entering from the side and penetrating through to the back on the other side. Like the sheath each wound was blackened and skin peeled away from them as if retreating from it. The red red blade sank it's full length on every thrust, for there seemed to be no resistance from either the leather or plate of Gredshins armor.

Gredshin didnt die right away. The same magic that let the captains red blade cut so easily also seared the wounds preventing blood loss at first. But after the captain removed the blade from Gredshins throat he kept on trying to move. To get up, to move away, and to scream. Eventually the motion broke the dry and brittle skin and blood flowed. Before a few more breaths past the attempted screams became qarkles and he rolled to his side letting the blood he was choking on por out. He trembled a bit and laid there trying to breathe but failing.

Everyone acted as if they didnt see the man dying and made way for the 'doctor'. He was a goblin with sharp pointy ears long hook like nose with red eyes and not mixed at all. A rarity in this part of the world. He was short of stature, although not much as yould think, maybe feet tall at best. Bald with pale green skin that looked more sickly then belonging to another species. Muscles so lean and tight that you can hardly tell they were there giving him a scrawny appearance. Lightly garbed in black pants made of something that had the texture of moss and a white open coat of glossy spider silk leaving his chest and stomach open. Neither if which seemed to show an wear or dirt despite the travel and work. He wore no foot wear if any sort and his feet that matched the rest of his body didnt show any signs of issue with being exposed. In his hands was knarled walking stick seemingly too short for that purpose and a bag made of tanned skin.

The goblin skipped over the dying man. Shuckling he examined the boy. Taking some containers out of the bag and rubbing the oozing almost rainbow colored contents over the worst of the injuries. He then returned the containers into the bag and started to raise his walking stick. Every guard except the captain in sight of this froze statue still. They all knew and feared what the 'doctor' can do with that peice of misshapen wood. A stream of coiling green and brown lights left the stick and enveloped the boy. After it ended the bruises from before were almost gone only to be replaced by new ones from his most recent injuries that live threatening at all any more.

"You humans are to thin skinned. Someone calls you a domesticated animal and you lose your mind. When people call my people fodder you dont see us get all violent now do you?" The goblin cheerfully stated. He wasn't being serious. Just looking to get a reaction out of the captain, whether it be banter or violence.

"Probably because you are always a bit violent and despite your peoples reputation you are happy for the excuse... I noticed you left the finger." Captain replied monotone.

"Ofcourse he is going to need some meat after that and after watching what he did to get it I'm not sticking my hands in there to get it." The doctor laughed as he spoke.

The captain started at him for a second and sighed. Then took his finger and stuck it behind the boy's jaw forcing him to open it but not managing to wake him. The boy was to tired to wake. Almost quickly as when he struck the guard his hand shot in and removed the finger. With one hand he pulled some meat from his lunch rations, knowing how close they were to their destination meant he could eat real food soon and he could keep the merchandise in good order this way, to place it in the boys sleeping hand and with his other hand flicked the finger at the goblin.

The doctor caught it and looked at the now ruined digit then to the just now still body.

"I could always use another bag, plus I can get some materials with that. Do you mind Captain Oslow?" The doctor asked matter factly.

"His possessions and currency belong to us, doctor Makks. His flesh and everything else is yours to do with." The captain stated in his usual tone.

"Thank you captain. I'll do that. In the meantime let's get on with it. I want to be back before dinner tonight so I might find out what the master has been up to in my absence and get to work early tomorrow." The doctor ordered.

"He Doctor." then the captain turned and got the group moving again towards the manor in the distance with the 'improvement grounds' beyond it.