
The beginning

A feeling of excitement and nervousness hangs in the air. Steph and I are ready for our last first day of school. The bell rang and everyone went to their homeroom. As I was walking to my desk beside the window I noticed the new girl. I was intrigued as one is when there is a new addition to the class. My attention went straight to her undeniable beauty. Her mahogany hair and glistening hazel eyes were captivating. But I wasn't the only one interested. I looked over to my best friend Steph to see him with his mouth wide open.

"Hey, Steph, close your mouth you're gonna catch a fly."

"Jacob, I am more concerned why yours is not open?"

The teacher silenced the pupils to allow the new girl to introduce herself. With a silent tone, she uttered," My name is Nicole Williams, nice to meet you all."

The teacher seated her in front of me. Steph being the hasty and confident person that he is, started talking to her as soon as she sat at her desk.

"Hey, I'm Stephen White, but everyone calls me Steph, it's a pleasure to meet you." He stretched his hand out and so did she, he took her delicate hand in his and kissed the top of her hand. As she chuckled and blushed shyly, my and her eyes met for a second.

That second felt like a lifetime.

I wonder if she had the same experience…

Suddenly the bell rings. I woke up from my daydream.

First period. Biology. Everyone's favourite, mainly because the teacher is extremely passionate and enthusiastic. Nicole also takes Biology. She is seated in the very first row with me and Steph in the row behind her.

The teacher says," open your books on page three. Today we are going to learn about DNA."

When the bell rang for the second period. One of the other girls, Mary, helped her to the physics classroom. I thought to myself," She must be pretty smart." As soon as we got in class she sat next to Mary.

Third-period maths and fourth period we went back to our homeroom for English. After the fourth period, it was break time. I was on my way to the music room when I spotted Steph smoking a cigarette secretly around the corner. I just shook my head in disappointment and signalled him to come to me.

"Yo… can you buy us some food? Here is the money. Keep the change and you better not buy weed with my precious money," I said jokingly. "Haha, no promises." He took the money and left.

As I was walking to the class I saw Nicole and Mary sitting together outside of the classroom. I walked into the class and sat at the piano. I cleared my thoughts and started to play some anime music. When I finished my first song Steph barraged in. He gave me my food and was gone like the wind. This time I played Clair de lune by Debussy. When I was almost done the bell rang and as I walked out I heard Nicole humming the piece. At that moment my heart fluttered a bit.

I spent the whole day wondering if she is a fellow pianist or if she only likes to listen to classical music. When I finally got my head out of the clouds it was the last period. PE. We were summoned to the assembly hall. There, because it was the first day of school we didn't do anything. Instead, we got notified that we are going on a camping trip.

The principal walked in from behind. Everyone turned around like one man. He cleared his throat and said," Good afternoon grade twelves, the other teachers and I are trying to do something new this year. We have planned a camping trip in the mountains. Remember it is still winter so bring warm clothes. We will give more information at a later date but for now, we expect to leave in two weeks."

The principal and the teachers walked out and everyone started to talk. I saw Steph at the other end of the room. As I walk towards him I hear some girls talking about when they are going to start packing and what they are going to be wearing. Then I hear some boys talking about the illegal things they are going to try to sneak onto the trip.

"Typical teenagers…"

When I got to Steph, he said," Bro… I think that is my chance to talk to Nicole."

After school when Steph and I were walking home. As we were walking out, we saw Nicole sitting on a bench. We decided to approach her. As we approached her, our eyes met. I quickly looked away. Steph nudged me and said," Did you see the way she was looking at me." When we got to her Steph asked her why she was sitting alone on the benches after school. She replied," I'm waiting for my mom to come and pick me up." Steph then proceeded to ask her how her first day of school was.

" I can see that Biology is going to be a treat but Physics though."

Nicole and I laughed but Steph stood there confused (because he doesn't have physics). To change the subject Steph asked her if she is excited about the camping trip.

"I'm excited to meet new people and be in the mountains. I miss being outdoors."

I asked her where she is from.

" When I was little I lived in the countryside with my grandparents, at age eleven I moved to my parents in the city. At the beginning of this year, my dad got a job transfer so we moved back to the country."

"Oh, that explains why you miss being outdoors," said Steph.

Her mother came to pick her up in a Porsche Carrera. Once again Steph's mouth hung open. We walked home in silence. Both are very intrigued by this new mystery girl.