
Suckered Into Marrying My Scheming Lackey

Love Questionnaire: What would you do if you get caught breaking into a cold and arrogant billionaire's mansion?... What if that said billionaire also happens to be your lackey from high school and you don't even recall them? Better yet what if that said billionaire sets a marriage contract on the table and demands that you sign it? Quinn: Hahaha, What stupid questions. Who came up with these? That would never happen to me. A few hours later Quinn: You @%!^%##, you set me up.

Faith_Andru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

How I met your son in law*

Four elegantly dressed ladies sat underneath the dim light of the restaurant all in the name of celebrating Quinn getting married. They had her go through an intense spa treatment from deep tissue massage to full-on body wax so one can only imagine what sort of mood Quinn was in.

In front of her were plenty of delicacies but she couldn't enjoy them because she felt someone was deliberately blowing cold air on her arms and legs.

The sensation was so weird that she couldn't sit still. After her hair and nails were done her mother put a tiara on top of her head. The tiara she could tolerate because she felt like a badass princess wearing it. It was the sash that she couldn't stand. This thing right here would directly tell the world their business but her mother insisted so like a pretty doll she sat there with admiring stares coming from her aunts.

"QQ is so beautiful. Your hair is so soft and smooth," said Doris stroking Quinn's hair but her hand was smacked away by Kaya while being reprimanded.

"Get your greasy paws out of her hair. You are making it frizzy," said Kaya and Doris retracted her fingers feeling quite offended. "My hands aren't greasy, they are clean. Look," she said as she shoved her hands right into Kaya's face.

"You. Get your filthy hands... off of me," said Kaya marking the beginning of another round of constant bickering.

Tired of it, Amalie put down her cutlery and with a clank, it fell on the dinner plate as she glared at the two women. "Enough. You two should get a room if you really want to fight," she said bringing an end to the senseless arguing.

"QQ," she called out and Quinn who was unhappy because the fight ended too soon looked at her mother. The most entertaining thing was watching her aunties bicker now she couldn't even have that.

"So how did you two meet?" she asked and Quinn who hadn't had time to think this through panicked. What was she supposed to say? What did Leif tell her?

With the words 'I am screwed written on her forehead' Quinn had to think fast, like super fast if she wanted to get out of this quagmire.

She raised her glass and took a small sip of wine. The warmth that came with it didn't give her any reassurance at all. With the rim of the glass a few inches from her lips she asked, "Didn't Leif tell you?"

Amalie who had no idea her daughter's head was spinning like a monkey trying to spin a tale casually replied, "He said you will tell me and that it was an unexpected surprise. It was fate," while cutting her steak.

Quinn, "..."

Oh, she got screwed, she got screwed big time. How could she not know Leif was making fun of her? He could have just said Quinn will tell you and left it at that. Now she had to come up with an exciting storyline titled 'how I met your son in law'.

'Fuck,' she swore internally while biting her lower lip. She had to make it very convincing because just like how she could tell when her mother was lying, her mother could also tell if she was spinning a tale. Half the time Amalie would let her get away with it on purpose because she was soft hearted but she would know her baby was lying.

"It must be a hero saves beauty type of story. She must have been casually taking a stroll in the park when a petty thief jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her purse. Then in comes the amazing president Carnell saving the lady right in the nik of time. As they looked into each other's eyes they fell in love at first sight... The end," said Kaya her eyes sparkling like gems.

Everyone, "..."

"You think my daughter needs rescuing from a petty thief? Her?... I would believe it more if the petty thief became the damsel," said Amalie and the three ladies laughed while Quinn was jotting down a believable plotline.

"Hahaha, mine is more romantic and believable. The gorgeous babe was at the bar and suddenly the room went silent and a handsome James Bond type of character ambled in drawing everyone's attention. All except one..."

"Because everyone else was looking at him except her, the president's heart was stirred and joined her. Two drinks in and they rolled in between the sheets and he falls in love with that intoxicating taste. Those voluptuous curves linger in his mind day and nig-," said Doris only for her story to be interrupted.

"Doris! That's my daughter you are talking about," she yelled and Doris replied,

"Uh, sister Ama I am almost finished. He then searched far and wide for this gorgeous woman who disappeared like Cinderella in the middle of the night. Surprisingly he finds her at a gym that he was trying out and the two reconciled marking the beginning of a romantic journey."

Quinn, "..."

There were several issues with their stories. One was that Leif would probably never enter a bar unless it was at the country club. Neither would he be caught dead at a public gym. The way that man avoided his hand like it was plagued with the black death, he would probably see germs only when he entered such an environment.

"Have you been reading those brainless smutty novels again?" asked Amalie with a soft chuckle.

"I have and they are quite entertaining," said Doris feeling quite proud of herself.

"So how did yo-," said Amalie to Quinn not letting her daughter go when everyone's faces changed to that of hostility. The change was so drastic that she had a very bad feeling in her heart.

"Wow and here I thought my dearest sister would invite me when my niece had something good happen to her," said a slightly annoying voice that most wouldn't be able to tolerate. 

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Amalie managed to put on a smile before turning to look at her. That's because she wasn't going to fight over a dog she divorced a long time ago. She had moved on with her life and didn't care for this viper's words.

"If I remember correctly... we don't know each other so why would I invite a stranger?" she asked with a mocking smile at the corner of her lips. This relationship was broken ages ago and was irreparable.