
Suckered Into Marrying My Scheming Lackey

Love Questionnaire: What would you do if you get caught breaking into a cold and arrogant billionaire's mansion?... What if that said billionaire also happens to be your lackey from high school and you don't even recall them? Better yet what if that said billionaire sets a marriage contract on the table and demands that you sign it? Quinn: Hahaha, What stupid questions. Who came up with these? That would never happen to me. A few hours later Quinn: You @%!^%##, you set me up.

Faith_Andru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs


"I think I need to get back into excising. Maybe I should do some pilates today? What do you think?" she said looking for her yoga mat.

"Oh wait, I need to buy some ingredients first then pilates then make dinner," said while picking out a simple runner's outfit with long leggings like she gave zero fucks about what people would say.

She knew that Leif wouldn't appreciate it when he heard that she walked out like this but she couldn't stand get all dressed up like a lady just to buy a few things.

She put on a pair of sunglasses and cap as she entered the elevator. The place was very close so she decided to walk there today.

When she reached the ground floor the man in the black suit who chased away Alison just now walked over to her and asked, "Miss, I will call the car."

Quinn waved her hand and said, "No Earl, I am walking there today. If I remain ideal I won't be able to fit in the wedding dress."

Earl couldn't help but raise the corner of his lips hearing this. "Then how about we accompany you, miss," he said as two more men walked over made sure to keep their distance.

"Sure, I am going to do some shopping. Today I am going to make something a little special for the president," she said with genuinely excited.

She got mumu back today so she was a in a great mood today so much so that she decided to go all out. The two of them walked to the square which was a five minute walk. This was Quinn's favourite part of the day thus she deliberately slowed her pace as she walked over to the store.

She passed by the coffee shop and bought an shaken iced green tea. She wanted to buy one for Earl at the guys as it was hot outside but she knew they would refuse like before.

With the cup in hand she tipped the barista and took a picture of the drink of the day. Leif disliked these daily messages but after Quinn told him it was to prove that they had a relationship he could only relent. Knowing that she was going to annoy Leif again her smile grew bigger as she typed.

QQ: image963.jpg

QQ: today I am trying the shaken iced green tea... mm yum.

Leif had just gotten back into the contracts on his desk thus he didnt check his phone. In fact, he had set it on don't disturb internationally. He was already behind schedule afte that meeting with Mrs Bach so he didnt want to be disturbed.

After waiting for a minute Quinn knew he wasn't going to respond but she didn't stop there. She took a picture of her sucking on the straw and sent it him.

QQ: image964.jpg

QQ: Husband, you should try it. It very yummy.

She put her cell phone away regretting that she couldn't be there to watch his expression when he read those messages.

"*Sigh, maybe I should visit his office once," she said as she put her cell phone away. She would send him a message and ask him to open it so she could just his face change colours or rather his eyes show emotions. Leif's change in emotions was usually in his eyes which incredibly weird but fascinating.

Quinn walked into the grocery store and like always told Earl to stay outside. Besides they were guarding all exits and entrances so it was safe.

She pulled out her cell phone and checked her grocery list. Today she was making orange chicken and some rice so pulled up her list and started picking things up from the shelves.

While picking up some orange juice from the fridges, Quinn felt a pair of malicious eyes staring at her. When she turned around apart for the employees packing the shelves she found nothing suspicious.

She pushed the cart and turned the corner at fast pace and lo and behold someone slammed right into her back when she stopped abruptly.

She clutched the employee's collar and dragged her to the door written employees only.

A chubby looking guy pushing a trolley carrying fruits saw them come in and he sasi to Quinn.

"Hey hey hey miss you can't be here. This in an employees only place," he said but Quinn glared at him viciously making shut his mouth instantly. That look translated directly to 'stay out of our business' type of gaze thus he gulped hard before continuing pushing the trolley out.

As soon as he was gone, Quinn pushed her to the wall hard and the before taking of the cap and mask that was burning her face.

When she saw who it was she sneered before loosened her grip.

"I never thought I would see the day the princess of the Bach family work in a grocery store. What did your family go bankrupt?" she said in a mocking tone completely unaffected by her swollen eyes and red nose.

"You!... You bitch you knew how I felt about him and you went behind my back and married him? He could you betray me?" she said getting right to the point.

Quinn wanted to say whose fault was it that she was caught and put in this position in he first place. She was doing fine before she went out with Alison. Her life was stressful but it was tranquil.

She used her tears and took advantage of her trust only to turn around and ditch her. Alison's mother targeted her left right and centre intending to squeeze the life out of her and if it weren't for Leif his mother would be homeless and that dance studio her grandmother had left for her would be shut down in a heart beat. He was very angry at Alison and didn't want anything to do with her on the future but she also should be thanking her. Without her she wouldn't have the opportunity to make enough money to start a new with her mother.

Quinn took a step back and said, "I should really thank you. If you didnt ask me to break into his mansion with you I wouldn't have met such a lovely guy. After you ditched me and blamed everything on me your mother came after me and made my life a living hell but like a knight in shining armour Leif came to my rescue and we fell in love. Before that night I never thought I  would meet someone that special," she said doing as instructed in her contract. They were meant to be in a happy relationship and that's what she would sell to the entire world.