
Successors of the Gods

I will continue writing the novel on Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/495832 I hope you will continue to read it there thank you.

JesstheCook · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The Fight At A Disadvantage

"Who are you?" Kyouya asked.

"A person who wants to make his rival suffer some torment." Seda answered, but stood in the shadows to cover her head.

"Now come out! Or I'll be forced to attack you." Kyouya threatened.

"That's fine, that's fine. If I'm honest, I wouldn't want to fight against my feared opponent." Seda said snootyly.

"Feared opponent? What does she mean by that?" Suzume said confused while holding her bow tightly.

"I understand. I know who you are." Kyouya said."You are Medusa's god power user, aren't you?"

"Medusa?!" Jin said shocked

"Kids, make sure to look away or try not to look into her eyes or at her snakes. " Kyouya advises her students.

When Seda unmasks herself, the same feeling arose in Kenta that he had with Mordred, but not as strong like back then.

"I am Seda Salic or the modern Medusa. Call me whatever you want."

As she came out of the shadows, her whole figure came into its own. A slim woman with a white dress that looked like she had towels tied around her body. Her hair was green, like Medusa but with that Thing that they can turn into snakes. And the hair from Medusa was snakes she couldnt change it. When she came out the students turned around and Kyouya closed their eyes.

"What are you doing Kyouya?" asked Shiori.

"Getting ready for a fight dear Shiori" Kyouya replied with a soothing voice.

"Jin! Suzume! I need to get you both out of here. Both of you aren't ready to fight yet. Kenta doesn't either, but he knows how to use his powers, doesn't he? Shiori is the only one of you who has a feeling for her weapon, so I need her to back me up if I fall." Kyouya said, still in a calm voice.

"That's not possible! It's like you're already assuming that you're going to die!" Shiori shouted with concern.

"Yes, I will too. Justitia told me a very long time ago that I would die in a fight where I have the advantage." said Kyouya with a broken voice.

"Justitia? But how could Justice tell you that?" Kenta asked.

"You'll find out sooner or later because you're the god power user from Hephaestus." Kyouya answered.

"So you're Justitia? Now everything makes sense. The blindfold, the sword, these are all characteristics of Justitia!" said Kenta with a conscience.

"Yes and that's why she is my feared opponent. But just that you know, I will enjoy your death with joy." And licked her fingers, you could see her fangs and Jin started to run away with Suzume.

Seda ran at Kyouya without covering any casualties.

"Wait Jin! I have an idea!" said Suzume with confidence. "But I need Kenta's strength"

"That's not possible Suzume, that's too risky and Kenta is too far away now. He has to make sure that the two of them come back unharmed." Jin said with concern.

"So please, Shiori has to make sure he comes back safely." Suzume said pouting.

"That's true but we still can't go back, it's too dangerous for us. So listen to your big brother!" Jin replies like a big brother and with a big grin.

"I'm older than you and I'm not even related to you!" answers Suzume angry.

Seda and Kyouya fought each other, Seda took out a dagger from her dress and attacked Kyouya with it. But she defends it. Kenta spends his time trying to help but he can't think of anything real. He wants to help but can't. He hides behind a tree with Shiori and hopes that Kyouya will defeat Seda, but this thought is short-lived when he remembers that she will die in this fight today.

"But I still want to learn so much from her." Kenta said with a broken voice "She was my first master but she will die in this fight how can I change it?"

"You can't do that Kenta" said Shiori as she raised her hand puts his shoulder to comfort him.

"But somehow it has to work! Can't I just create a volcano where she falls in and burns on the lava?" said Kenta, almost crying.

"Was that another Star Wars reference?" said Shiori teasingly.

"Shiori! This is a serious matter! I definitely want to help." Kenta said with apparently little self-confidence.

"But that's not possible. Accept it!" Shiori said with tears in her eyes. "If you go into the fight between the two of them, you will die, I won't allow that. Jin will kill me if I do that."

After an exchange of blows, both faced each other.

"Not bad for the divine power user of Justice," Seda said provocatively.

"Of course, I don't want to make a bad impression in front of my students when fighting a snake." Kyouya replies provocatively.

"Stupid bitch! I'll enjoy your death so much I'll enjoy your blood like a vampire. And my little friends will help me." said Seda like a madwoman as she transformed her hair into snakes. "Make sure they don't bite you."

"I'll do it, don't worry," Kyouya said with a grin.

Seda ran towards them with a very surprising speed. She is much faster than before.

"Kyouya!" Kenta shouted "That's a form of her! She's stronger now than before!" Kenta shouted worriedly "And I think that wasn't the last form!"

"Ah, crap! If she has more forms I have to be careful or retreat. Or in the worst emergency use Last Judgment." Kyouya thinks to himself

"So? What are you thinking? Your student told you that I can increase my strength and how about you?" Seda said with a provocative grin and attacked Kyouya who was completely focused on her defense.

As Kyouya was too busy, she didn't notice the snakes moving from her head towards her. And it happened that Kyouya had 7 snakes bite from Seda's head.

"Ah! Shit!" Kyouya screamed in pain and fell to her knees

"Don't expect what? 7 snakes have bitten you, their poison is spreading throughout your body, you have a maximum of 6 minutes to live, Successor!" said Seda like a madwoman.

"Not while my students are watching!" Kyouya shouted but came to his senses and now whispered "It has to be, I have to use it."

"Hm? What has to happen now?" Seda asked confused but in an evil voice.

"We'll probably both die, last judgment!" she shouted as she banged her fists together. "This will be my last, last judgment forever" the earth around them shook and 2 chairs and tables made of earth came up from the ground. Where both are forced to take part in the last judgment.

Last judgment. An attack that can cause maximum or minimal damage, but the user loses their life, which is why the god users of Justice only use them in the greatest emergency, but last judgment can be interrupted by anyone through objection or through physical measures.

"Seda Salic, you are sentenced to death for murder and verbal threats to kill. How do you recognize yourself?" Kyouya asked in a pained voice.

"Guilty." Seda said with an evil grin.

"Be honest again on your deathbed, huh?" said Kyouya.

"Deathbed?!" asked Seda shocked.

"Last judgment, like a real court, you die if you are guilty with the death penalty. But be happy not only you die, I will die too." Kyouya said as she watched Seda's arm begin to disintegrate. It's like maggots are eating it.

"No!" Seda screamed in pain. But it suddenly stopped. Kyouya has died and Last Judgment has been cancelled. The judge must stay alive until the condemned person dies so that his life is then ended. But Kyouya died as a result of the poison.

"Kyouya!" Kenta shouted very loudly.

"Now the filth of her" Seda said pissed as Last Judgment dissipated and Kyouya's body fell to the floor.

"You stupid bitch!" Kenta shouted and ran towards Seda without paying attention to Shiori. He took his katana and held it in a fighting position against Seda, who only had one arm.

It's time for Kenta's first fight.