
Subjective Reality

I wrote this thing to practice my English. Hopefully it's readable. So basically it's the story of this guy who completes a survey, gets killed by thighs, and gets OP. Theoretically, I planned on this being a Multiverse fanfiction because I consider those fun, but I'm still in the first world. I own absolutely nothing except my OC, just barely.

IHaveNoIdeas · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Ep. 7

The next day, I woke up decently early, around 6 A.M, so I decided to head to my suitcase's training area. I started with my daily routine, which consists of some warm-ups, some running, Spear training, and finally some training with the cane-sword. I usually practice magic before going to sleep, but I might switch it to after classes if I can find the ROR. More like, if I want to.

Soon, my watch marked 7:30 in the morning, so I took a quick shower and went to have breakfast. I saw that Silvia was still down, but Camille was really close to her for moral support. Natalie was doing alright and chatting with some new friends she made, so that's fine. I saw that she glanced at Silvia every once in a while, worry was apparent on her face.

When I entered the Great Hall, the older Puffs that saw me yesterday snickered since Sprout literally threw me out of their Common Room, while some Ravens were curious about me. Natalie's friends were teasing her about something, probably how her friend came to check on her. Eh, my worry was founded, as shown by Silvia's situation, so I don't regret it. I sat down at the Slytherin table and started eating. I just went for some bread and jam with coffee since I really can't stand a heavy breakfast.

Oh, I should probably make it clear that today is a Monday, so there will be classes. I have double Charms first, then Potions, then Transfiguration. A full day today.

I headed to class with Natalie, who I started calling Nat since her name is long, and her roommates. Hm… Why am I only socializing with girls? Did I become a lolicon? Nah, I don't feel attracted to them in the least… Well, let's forget about this thought. Yes, Charms is Slytherin and Ravenclaw, Potions is with the Puffs, Transfiguration with the Gryffindors.

Charms with Flitwick was quite interesting. The little guy could at least keep your attention focused on his lesson, contrary to a certain greasy professor. He was a little too overenthusiastic, but that can be attributed to it being the first day for the first years. He explained a little about magic in general in the first three hours, then had us practice the Lumos and Nox spell for the remaining hour. I didn't bother with that and helped Nat understand how to cast the spell.

"Mr. -" Flitwick said from behind me.

"Please, just call me Az, Professor Flitwick."

"Very well then, Mr. Az. I appreciate your initiative in helping your fellow student here, but should you be prac-" I casted a chantless, wandless Lumos and Nox in rapid succession with both my hands. "Right. 20 points to Slytherin. Continue helping your peers, if you would."

"Certainly, Professor." I said, then winked at Nat, who was smiling a little. Heh, take this you magical midget.

I helped a few other students, both from Ravenclaw and some willing Slytherin, then class ended. We had lunch and a small break, then off to Potions.

Snape was a git as expected and picked on my two friends for some reason. He was asking a stupid question about a relaxant, so I thought about picking on him.

"Professor Snape, do you know that the lily has a calming effect? Well, of course a Potions Master of your caliber would know this. However, I believe that it is interesting how it was often a target for theft in the past. The strong would take from the weak and sell it as a relaxant drug…"

He looked at me with a glare full of hatred, self-loathing, regret, and sadness. Wow, that's a whole lot of emotions for a single glare. "Tch. We have a know-it-all this year." He snarkily remarked, then started a normal lesson, according to his standards. I sneakily gave a thumbs-up to Silvia and Camille. I tried using a little bit of Legilimency on Snape and his thoughts were in chaos: sadness for losing Lily Evans, anger for Potter, self-loathing for having allowed her death, curiosity as to how I knew, and a couple more. The man is a nutjob, I should warn my friends not to have any contact with him.

Potions class was boring as fuck and Snape didn't help. I was kinda looking forward to it since I loved experiments and testing stuff in uni, but this guy ruined it all. Anyway, class ended and he gave us a shit-ton of homework on the first day. I said goodbye to Camille and Silvia, then headed to Transfiguration. 'Should I troll McGonagall? Hm… Yes. Yes, I should.'

I had a sadistic grin on my face when I entered class. The firsties that were already there shuddered in fear and the cat looked at me warily. 'Show time.'

"Hello there, little kitten. Never tried cat blood, should I try it out now? I could even make you my familiar…" I said, moving towards the cat.

McGonagall hissed at me and transformed back into a human.

"Pfft! Haha, did I scare you, Professor McGonagall?" I asked, holding back my laughter, and failing.

"You… Are not surprised? Actually, you knew I was the cat?"

"I'm an Animagus as well, so I would of course be able to recognize another one." I said, then transformed into a bat and back into a human.

McGonagall had wide eyes and said: "50 points to Slytherin! What a genius to become an Animagus at such an age! I expect great things, Mr. Azagareth." I nodded and headed to a free seat. The other Slytherin firsties looked at me in respect since I just gained them a whole lot of points from the Gryffindor Head. Well, there was also a lot of curiosity and a little bit of fear from the Gryffs.

I sat in between a Gryffindor boy and a Slytherin girl and listened to McGonagall's lesson. Even though she strictly followed a book and was quite stern, her lesson was much more interesting than Snape's. Well, nothing I didn't know already, obviously, since I am Merlin's Magic Successor. It was fun when she gave us the matchsticks and I didn't even wait for it to touch my desk to transfigure it. I turned it into a needle, as she would ask, then into a mouse, then into a match again. Another 10 points gained. She went easy on the points since I am from an 'enemy' house.

I looked over to the Gryff boy and saw that he was struggling. I used my Rinne Sharingan to check what he was up to.

"The magic is flowing, so it's your image that interferes with the spell." I said to him.

"Image? Didn't you just have to wave your wand, say the words, and *poof* here comes out a needle?"

"Nope. You need to imagine how the matchstick changes into a needle and what needle you want. Are you a Muggle-born or a pure-blood?"


"Good. You should be familiar with, or at least of, the term Chemistry, right?" he nodded. "Good. There are atoms in things, right? Wood and Iron have different atomic structures. Now, you don't need to imagine the change in the single atoms, though it would make the end result tougher. You just need to be aware that it must change. Then, imagine what kind of needle you want and you should be set."

"Thanks, uhm…"

"Az, pleasure to meet you. Try it out."

"Mm, I'm Christian." He closed his eyes, shook the wand and said his little incantation. Surprise surprise, a needle came out, though it was too big and was basically a metal toothpick. He was ecstatic and thanked me over and over. 'What a drag. If I helped you, you can just thank me once and be done with it. Stupid kids…'

McGonagall was looking at the interaction with curiosity since most- who am I kidding, all Slytherins basically hate Gryffindors and Muggle-borns in general. 'They have a weak mentality, don't group me up with these scrubs, please.' I gained yet another 10 points for helping another student, then class ended.

Now, you might be wondering why I revealed that I can use wandless, chantless magic and am a beast in Transfiguration. The answer is simple: they can't do anything to me or Mother, even if they through thousands of Aurors or Death Eaters against me all at once. I can just use Subjective Reality to kill them all and make their spells a 'fiction'. I can also just duel them all and win. While I don't have experience, I practiced and my spells are potent enough to give me a mile of leeway: I can just cast an Infinity-boosted shield on me and tank every spell.

Anyway, I went exploring a little since this is still Hogwarts, it should have some interesting secrets. Ah, I 'Accio Suprima'-ed the Marauder's Map, so I could just follow that. I ended up discovering a few secret passages that weren't on the map thanks to my beautiful eyes, so this trip was fruitful, in particular since it barely lasted over an hour. After that, I decided to look for the ROR. I headed for the seventh floor and searched for that tapestry of an idiot teaching mindless beasts how to dance. What was his name? Barnabas? Something like that.

Indeed, on the opposite wall to the tapestry were several enchantments which basically create a sub-space based on a person's need. However, I couldn't find anywhere a limitation about walking back and forth like an idiot to access the room.

"Room of Hidden Things." I said and a door appeared. 'Heh, those scrubs probably happened to walk back and forth so they thought it was a requirement. Weak fucks.' I entered the room and saw a God-awful mess. How can anything possibly be so messy? Eh, I used magic to lead me to the objects I was interested in. First are Time-Turners. I found a nice pocket watch one with exposed gears and cracked glass, but it was otherwise perfectly functioning. I will fix it later. I then moved to the Vanishing Cabinet, which I warded and enchanted to prevent people from entering my house in London. Of course, I can still use it to come and go as I wish. Last stop was a present for Mother: Ravenclaw's Diadem. That idiot snake-face made it into a Horcrux and a keystone for his curse on the DADA Professor position… I will punish that egg-head when I get the chance to. It wasn't exactly beautiful, but it has historical value.

I used some Holy magic from Merlin's Grimoire to purify the Horcrux and cut the connection with the curse. That will still last for a year or two, but it will then disappear. I took the diadem and returned to my room in the Slytherin dorms while spinning it and whistling a song. It sounded quite eerie since I'm not that good, but who cares? Once I arrived, I headed to the suitcase's enchanted space.

"Mother! I'm home! And I brought a present!" I said. Silty appeared next to me.

"Young Master, the Mistress is napping in the living room."

"Mm, good job. Any problem?"

"No, not at all! Silty took care of everything!" she said while shaking her head. I nodded and headed for the living room. I disinfected and cleaned my clothes first, though. I found Mother sleeping on the couch with a magazine in her hands. I had her float and laid her on the couch in a more comfortable position. I took a seat on an armchair and took out Hecate's Grimoire and my blood-shake. I decided to add a few more types of blood to my pre-existing shake: Royal Veela blood, Vampire Primogenitor blood, Hydra blood, Saiyan blood, Namekian blood, Frost Demon blood, Basilisk blood, again, and Cerberus blood. I want to improve my inherited characteristics, more regeneration, a zenkai boost would be nice, the ability to breathe in a vacuum would be interesting, I want to develop a resistance or immunity to venom, maybe even produce it, and I want to see if I can improve my fangs. I haven't used them much, but who knows if I will need them in the future?

It was around seven in the evening when Mother woke up. She stretched letting out a little moan-squeal, then saw me.

"Az! You came back! Why didn't you sleep here yesterday?" she asked.

"I had to check on some friends I got on the train. There was a little situation and in the end I forgot about coming here."

"Mm… *sniff* Girl… Are your friends girls by any chance?" She just sniffed me? And she discovered that I have some female friends just with a sniff? Mother is kinda amazing sometimes, while others she's just plain creepy.

"Yes, they are females. I also made a male friends, however."

"No good. You can't see other girls."

"Mother, tone down your overprotectiveness. It's not like I would ever abandon you. Now, I brought you a present." I said and switched the topic. I handed her the diadem. "This is Ravenclaw's Diadem. It isn't exactly fashionable, but it has historical value."

Mother took it and smiled. "Thanks, Az! What did I do to get such a wonderful child?"

"Oh, so now I am your child? What about all the times when you almost jumped on me?"

"Th-that's another thing! Now, let's eat something! Silty, prepare some dinner for us."