
stronger than u will ever be

Autor: sakura101
Contínuo · 2.6K Modos de exibição
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What is stronger than u will ever be

Leia o romance stronger than u will ever be escrito pelo autor sakura101 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Reincarnated In MHA With A Mimic Quirk (Discontinued)

Hello everyone Moon here I just started writing this book on 6/26/2021(USA) and I started writing the Synopsis 6/27/2021(USA) so I hope you will bare with me, I will be updating chapters I've already made as well so try not to get upset for the constant updating and now for the Synopsis. Amber and her boyfriend Michael died together in a car crash and an explosion upon their death they are given a choice to be reincarnated in MHA they chose to make the best of their second chance to be together again for them to find that there love to be seen as a force to be reckon with. Follow Amber on her quest to find the top Five quirks for her to mimic and to find the love of her life Michael. Being the second born twin sister of Momo, reborn into a rich family she asks for very little from her parents $60 to $100 a month for allowance, and their connections to people with different types of rare quirks who owe her parents favors. To pass the UA entrance exam. As for Michael as soon as he turned 5 he started training his body and his quirks to be strong enough to protect Amber. Even if his parents disapprove of his choice of training. His older brother Mirio Togata helps him in every way he can as a favor that his little brother asked of him so he can protect the ones he cares about. Mirio agreed to the favor on a condition that he will apply to UA when he is old enough Michael agreed to the condition readily. ______________________________________________ 7/7/2021(USA) AUTHOR NOTE: This is my first fanfic I'm surprised at how many people who have already added it to their library if you have any comments or questions about my fanfic please don't hesitate to ask and just so y'all know this fanfic you not have a Harem ______________________________________________ 7/17/2021(USA) AUTHOR NOTE II : I'm not a author who updates weekly. I will try to come out with chapters as much as possible when I has time and if I can make more to the story, plus I am looking for people who want to help me improve my writing and understanding of the MHA/BNHA series all I have to go by is the first volume of the manga and the english TV series that only comes out once a week on Toonami around midnight, where I live, so I'm in desperate need of a Co-author or three of them so I'm leaving my Discord Server for anyone who wants to put in a word of their own and/or pointers ________________________________________ DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/zNggJERVQG ________________________________________

MoonFairy425 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


大二学生白雪在一个噩梦中穿越到端木王朝,从此人生就像开了挂,段位一路飙升。 杨雪:   穿越初始,自己处于一种依赖状态,可是当一个小白不仅会害了自己,还会成为猪队友。反击!不仅能保护自己,还能拯救更多的人。   他以为,我只曾倾心与他,可是,一开始就无意识撒网的,却是自己。   端木朔:   心中自有天下,心中不能没有她。   前十年,谋权,为了权利,为了拥有她。   后半生,乱世,为了赎罪,为了追回她。   端木泽:   她再美也不过是个女人,既然得不到,再找一个便是。   相亲对象一:和亲公主。   这女的也太特么矫情了!吃饭也没她香,那么小口,看的着急。   穿的繁琐沉重,脱衣服都是个麻烦事。   相亲对象二:文艺贵族少女。   看她一整天咬文嚼字,慎得慌,时不时还伤春悲秋!这谁顶得住?换一个。   青楼头牌...   下一个......   泽王殿下,您是要禁欲吗?   端木新:   她告诉我,你去喜欢别人吧,没有必要在我这里浪费时间了;   她说,你是个值得拥有幸福的人,娶个贤妻,儿孙满堂才是正经事,   她说,苦苦相追会让她难过。   那么简单,娶妻生子,伦理纲常,便依她的意思。   端木峥:   老四喜欢的人,我偏要得到。   可是她怎么都注意不到我。   她想要幸福,可是那些幸福里没有我,我便要毁了那幸福。

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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