
Strictly Platonic

Hindered by her past, Bambi tries to pick up the pieces of her seemingly broken life. But when a sudden whirlwind takes a human form in Oh Sehun, she faces a type of chaos she isn't quite ready for. Add her quirky friends into the mix and you get a recipe for disaster. Will she be able to take that one brave step to move on from her past? Or will she choose to remain stuck in a f'ed up haze of sugarcoated memories?

effylane · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2

Bambi keeps a watchful eye from the kitchen as Sehun talks to Bulky McBulk and the other mover by the front door. At the moment, she has no idea whether to let herself get carried away by her slight attraction to the guy or to punch him in the face, so that he's less distracting. But of course, the latter would create an unnecessary problem; what with the medical bills and her hand possibly experiencing some type of pain as well. The former, on the other hand, might drive her slowly insane. Both involve her wellbeing, whether physical or mental, so it's just a matter of which issue she's willing to tackle.

"Planning a nice shower?" Sehun's honeyed voice interrupts her internal debate.

He's standing so close to her that she almost pushes him off, but only makes a face at his sickly sweet tone. "ALRIGHT. Now before you get TOO comfortable with living around here, I'm going to have to set some ground rules."

"What happened to talking to the landlord first?" He casually asks.

She rolls her eyes at the thought of Kim Junmyeon. "He's not around, unfortunately." Probably sensed I was about to murder him.

"That's too bad."

A sudden thought pops in her mind. "Wait. If Junmyeon's not around, then how did you get to open the door?"


"Landlord's first name."

"I'm aware. I just didn't know you two were on a first-name basis."

"Well, yeah. He's friends with Amber and he's not THAT old." She asks him again, "How did you get the pin number to my door?"

"Mobile phones are a great invention, aren't they?" He sends a classic smirk her way.

"Right." She mentally slaps herself for not thinking of that sooner, but also tries to restrain from strangling the smug bastard.

She then clears her throat and announces, "Now, ground rules. Rule number one, no entering of each other's rooms. Ever. If for some bizarre reason, you find yourself needing a tampon while I'm not around, then you best believe you're going to get it in the convenience store a couple of blocks from our building and NOT in my room. This rule also allows us to have our own privacy even if we're within the same vicinity."

He nods in understanding, seemingly bored with the formality of the discussion.

"Which brings me to rule number two. This..." She points to him and then herself. "...is strictly platonic. Should remain that way until one of us moves out."

"Platonic?" He raises an eyebrow.

"STRICTLY. Platonic," She emphasizes. And that is going to be the end of my attraction to you.

"What makes you think this is ever going beyond platonic?"

Definitely the end. She scrunches her nose up in irritation, but steadily replies, "Just in case one of us wants to fuck up."

"Don't worry, I won't." He shrugs and gives her a small mocking smile.

She narrows her eyes in suspicion and immediately interjects, "No, no. Wait. You underestimate your instincts as a man. Picture this. I come home drunk. Like piss drunk, I've completely lost my mind. You're there. You're in peace. Watching some late-night show that serves as your guilty pleasure."

She gestures at the TV nearby and continues, "Or maybe porn. Who knows how weird you are? Anyway, I throw myself at you. I manage to whisper not too sexily that I want to have sex with you. Probably because I've been rejected by a few men at the club and every single one of my girlfriends has managed to snatch their own one night stands. It's heated. I'm desperate. I'm doing whatever I can to get you to bed. The boobs are being flung. The kisses are sloppy, but they're still soft. My hands are roaming everywhere. Then, all of a sudden, your lower region starts reacting. What now? Should you think with your penis or your brain? At this point, it's hard or get harder."

His expression slightly changes, but she carries on, "If we didn't have the strictly platonic rule, you'd do it. You'd give in. Don't tell me that you wouldn't, because of the whole 'chivalry's still alive' crap. It isn't. And also, I might be too good at convincing men to do whatever I want whenever I want. Hell, I'd probably settle with giving you a blowjob, given the situation of a rather desperate Bambi. Then, it'd be awkward the next morning. We won't be able to look at each other, let alone be in the same room. I'd forever curse you for letting me suck your dick and you'd be yelling protests of 'You wanted to do it! It was your idea!' It'd just get uncomfortable around here and I'd probably kick you out after that."

Just as he's about to protest in reply, she beats him to it, "BUT since we DO have the strictly platonic rule, you'd be bothered. Too bothered that maybe, just maybe, this one time you decide not to think with your penis. Chivalry may be dead, but stupidity shouldn't be reigning in our society. You'd leave me on the couch, heat me some milk, and wait for me to fall asleep then and there. Next morning will be fine. I'd be quite confused as to why I'm on the couch, but after curing my hangover, I'd probably remember my drunken escapade a little more clearly. And guess what? Sehun's a good guy in this scenario. He's a dashing, sophisticated gentleman. And I'd like to continue living with this modern-day Fabio. Don't you agree?"

His all too familiar smirk finds its way back to his face. "I stopped listening after you talked about my lower region reacting."

"Oh, for God's sake. I'm not implying that I'll ever get THAT drunk. But who knows, really? YOU might get drunk."

"I get it, okay? I'll try and abide by the platonic rule."

"STRICTLY. Platonic."

"Okay. Strictly platonic rule." He waves at her dismissively and inquires, "Does this mean I can bring girls here?"

"Yeah. And I can bring guys. Just...we have to um...inform each other ahead of time if we're doing anything beyond hanging out with um...the company."

"When I bring girls around, I'm always going beyond hanging out." He chuckles with a cheeky smirk.

"Okay! TMI! Good talk!" She yells with widened eyes and a forced smile.

"And mentioning the idea of sucking my dick isn't TMI?" She glares and he immediately changes the topic, "I have your number already, so it won't be any problem texting you."

"What? Where did you get--?"

"Amber. Just now."

"Charming," She throws sarcastically when another sudden thought comes to mind. "Oh! I almost forgot! Bathroom schedules."

"Nah, that's okay. I can take Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can take Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Sundays, we can either flip a coin or shower together," He teases with a flirtatious smile.

"Strictly! Platonic!" She shouts as she throws a strong smack on his shoulder.

He brushes it off and maintains his playful smile. "I know. I just wanted to see how you would react to a little teasing."

She cocks an eyebrow and folds her arms across her chest. "You haven't exactly stopped since you walked in here."

"It's a way of showing my platonic affection." He attempts to pat her head and she instantly dodges.


"Strictly platonic. I know. You're never going to let that rest, are you?"

"You should NEVER forget our strict obedience to the rule." She waves one finger around as if teaching her student a lesson.

"Okay, MOM."

"Good boy."

The familiar buzzing of the front door abruptly echoes in the room and the two loftmates snap their heads toward the entrance in confusion.

A petite female figure emerges and Bambi immediately protests, "Dara, I gave you my pin number in case of emergencies!"

"I ran out of Doritos," She replies with a shrug as her eyes fall upon Sehun. "Ooh. Who's the hottie?"

Bambi sighs and reluctantly introduces the two. "Sandara, Sehun. Sehun, Sandara. She's from 402. He's my new loftmate."

"New loftmate, huh? So, you two are dating?" Sandara remarks cheekily.

"No! We're—" Bambi pipes.

"Strictly platonic," Sehun deadpans.

"OKAY..." Sandara sends both of them incredulous looks while putting her arms up in surrender. She then proceeds to grab a pack of Doritos in the top cabinet of the kitchen.

"Kyungsoo and Jongdae coming over?" She asks, plopping on the couch.

"They have LIVES you know," Bambi replies, shaking her head.

"Kyungsoo and Jongdae?" Sehun whispers.

"403," Bambi whispers back.

"Right across the hall." He nods understanding. "Who's in 401 then?"

"Mr. Atienza," The two females answer simultaneously.

"He's barely around though. The only time he comes up is when he fools around with his mistress. Which is every Monday and Wednesday. It used to be Tuesday and Thursday. He must've switched mistresses along the way," Sandara reveals in detail.

"Dara!" Bambi sends her a knowing look.

"What? He's going to be living here for a while. Aren't you?" Sandara glances at Sehun and he only nods in reply. Her eyes revert to Bambi. "Then, he should at least know about Mr. Atienza."

She continues her tale to Sehun in a hushed tone, "In case you were wondering about his mistresses, they're not that pretty. Just your standard college girl who would do anything to get a sugar daddy."

"She's eccentric," He comments while unconsciously invading his new roommate's personal space.

"Welcome to the building." She forces a smile and instantly breaks the weird closeness between them by plopping next to Sandara on the couch.

"Oh, and tell Amber to come over too! I haven't seen her in years!" Sandara suggests as she wolfs her chips down.

"You saw her last Tuesday," Bambi points out.

"Actually, I saw her again last Friday. But same shit."


"Hey! Are you okay?" Amber greets with open arms as soon as she enters the loft and spots her best friend.

"Don't 'Hey! Are you okay?' me! You owe me a lengthy and reasonable explanation!" Bambi protests from the living room.

Amber ignores her annoyance and decides to tackle her with a hug.

"Ugh. Get a room," Sandara groans as she pops another triangular chip in her mouth.

The two merely chuckle in response.

"I thought you were dying to see me!" Amber whines towards their older friend with an innocent pout.

"Not anymore!" Sandara says in a singsong voice while waving her bag of Doritos.

"Hey, Sehun." Amber finally acknowledges the lanky giant's presence.

He lazily waves back, eyes focused on the television.

Bambi then takes two last glances at Sandara and Sehun before pulling Amber away from the living room to a quieter place near her bedroom.

"Where are Kyungsoo and Jongdae?" Amber asks eagerly.

"A STRANGER just moved in my house out of the blue and you're asking me where my neighbors are?" Bambi hisses.

"I'm sorry!" Amber frowns apologetically as she takes hold of her hands.

"When were you going to tell me?!"

"When I called you! Wasn't it obvious?"

"You could've texted me."

"I knew you weren't going to bother checking it the night before so I figured calling the next morning was better," Amber explains with a sheepish shrug. "He's nice, isn't he?"

Bambi furrows her eyebrows, recalling the moment Sehun barged in her apartment. "What are you talking about? The minute he walked in here, he insulted me."


"Well, he introduced himself to me. But then he insulted me right after!"

Amber tilts her head and stares into nothing for a while. "That does sound like something Sehun would do..."

"AND YOU'RE ASKING ME IF HE'S NICE? Are you drunk?" Bambi flicks her forehead out of spite.

Amber immediately glares at her best friend and argues, "Maybe you were giving him your weird owl eyes."

"My what?"

"Your weird owl eyes. You know, when you stare at someone you find attractive for so long that your eyes enlarge really quick." She proceeds to imitate the wide-eyed creature. "Like 'KROOOO!'"

Bambi wrinkles her nose at the ridiculousness of both the situation and Amber's impression. "I do NOT have weird owl eyes. And excuse you. I don't find him attractive at all." Lies.

"You know, you also do your weird owl eyes when you lie." A smirk forms on Amber's lips.

"Oh shut up." Bambi could only roll her eyes as she folds her arms across her chest.

Amber sighs deeply before continuing in a soothing tone, "Look, it's been a year, Bambi. A year since my brother's been gone. Keeping his room empty won't help the healing process. I know it's hard, but it can't stay empty forever."

That makes Bambi silent for a minute. The several memories involving her ex-boyfriend and roommate, who also happened to be Amber's brother, start flashing like several short films in her mind.

She remembers how he used to touch her and whisper empty promises. The empty promises she thought were sweet, but after seeing him with that girl that night, proved to be the former.

She remembers how every morning he would leave her good morning notes attached with a line from his favorite poems. Each morning different, each morning inspired.

She remembers their random conversations at the roof terrace. It didn't matter what time of the day it was. They always made sure to have a good talk outside to escape from the crippling realities they lived beyond it.

She remembers the 'I love you's, 'You're beautiful's, and the variety of kisses that followed after. Midnight coffee, shower duties, stay-in dates, intimate stories, plaid shirts the morning after, playful fights on the couch.

She remembers everything; as if God wants to curse her for the rest of her life with these etched memories.

"I know," She finally responds, barely in a whisper. I hate it when you're right. She breathes out, trying her hardest to keep the tears from falling out of her eyes.

Amber could only frown and stroke her best friend's arm in silent consolation. Sensing that Bambi might break down, she decides to veer the conversation elsewhere. "Besides, I had no other choice. Sehun was practically homeless, because--"

"I'd rather not know about his private matters. It'd be great if you also don't tell him about me and..."

Amber sighs, knowing that she's touched a delicate topic. Her best friend probably won't be saying much for the rest of the day.

"Okay, sure." She quickly dives in for a hug and Bambi pats her back as a 'thank you'.

Aware that they'd been gone for a while, the two try to sneak back into the living room without Sandara and Sehun noticing.

"Hey, so did she tell you all about the strictly platonic rule?" Sehun bubbles sarcastically as soon as he spots them.

Sandara sends a mocking stare at the younger female. "I'm baffled, Bambi. I didn't know you're uptight!"

Amber slowly casts her gaze upon her best friend, only to find her glowering at Sehun.

"Whatever it is that he told you, it is a complete and utter lie."