

What? I thought as I floated in the dark abyss of unconsciousness. What happened?

All I remember was the bag being pulled over my head as I unlocked the door to my dorm room. I struggled and fought, but the attackers were numerous and strong, and they overpowered me. I remember being pulled away from my room, a flash of light, and then a heavy blow to the head. Then blackness.

Wait! I realized something. If I can think, then I'm awake, and if I'm awake, I can move.

I felt myself twitch, but it took effort. I decided to sit and rest for a while. I rolled on my back, slow and labored, and sat up. I opened my eyes, and immediately did a double take at what I saw starting at me.

It was a person.... With cat ears and a tail. She looked just as shocked as I was. And she wasn't the only animal person there. I was surrounded by animal people. They all looked like normal people, just with animal ears and a tail. And they were all staring at me, shocked. I looked around, and there was a small crowd surrounding me. I was in a village or town of some sort.

I don't know what's going on, but my instincts say to get the hell out of here. I thought.

I shakily stood up and stumbled towards what I thought was the edge of the town. The Kemonomimi crowd parted and gave me a circle of space at least ten feet in diameter. I was confused, and scared. My stumble turned into a steady walk, then a run.

"Stop right there Human scum." A voice behind me said with such authority that I couldn't help but stop. I turned to see a wolf guy who was clearly some sort of commander or general, cause he had several soldiers following behind him. I found it strange that none of them had weapons though.

"I-I don't want any trouble." I said holding my hands out in front of me.

The soldiers suddenly snarled when I raised my hands and suddenly flashes of yellow light emitted from their hands as they pointed their hands at me. I screamed as balls of pure light and heat flew at me. Adrenaline pumping into my veins was the only reason I was able to dodge them without singing my clothes.

But when they readied a second volley of what I assumed were kinda mini suns, I knew I was royally fucked. I bent my knees and took a football stance. I dove to the side and rolled into a run. I sprinted away as fast as I could, pushing myself to the limit. I was terrified, I didn't know what was going on, but all I knew was I was being chased by crazed animal people who could apparently use magic.

A sudden searing pain in my left arm made me scream in agony as one of the mini sun things grazed my left arm. My arm went numb, but the wound cauterized so I wasn't bleeding. I swerved and ran down a narrow alley, which temporarily took me out of the line of fire, but left me cornered.

Damnit, how could I let myself get cornered! Everybody knows that if you run down an alley, you're gonna get cornered! I'm such a fucking idiot! I turned around and raised my fists. If I was gonna die here, I was gonna die fighting.

The soldiers and the general guy rounded the corner, they close in on me, with sickening smiles spreading across their faces.

"Foolish human, you believed you could escape us?" The general, leader guy said. His fingers curled into claws, and I felt sweat running down my face.

"Where have you been hiding all these years?" The leader dude said. "Where are the Rebels hiding the rest of your kind?"

The leader dude laughed a sickening laugh. "If you tell me where the rest of the humans I might be able to pull some strings and you could be my servant."

I growled, and the man/wolf laughed.

I looked around, hoping for there to be an escape route that I hadn't seen, but there was nothing. I stayed in my defensive fight position. I was ready to go down swinging.

The soldiers stepped forward in a line and raised their hands. Yellow light began to emit from their fingers. Everything seemed to go into slow motion as the mini suns launched at me, and I saw my life flash before my eyes. My arms raised up to protect my face, and then a hand grabbed me from behind and yanked me back. I fell, and felt a cold sensation run through my body. It was all gone, the soldiers, the alley, and I was suddenly in a forest. I was on my back on the ground and a girl with fox ears and a tail was standing over me, a worried expression on her face. And behind her was a glowing white oval of light. It was some sort of portal I assumed.

"Are you oka-"She was suddenly cut off as a mini sun flew through the portal and struck her on the back. She fell, and landed on top of me.

She must've forgotten to close the portal after she pulled me through! I thought. With a pop, the portal disappeared. But with her unconsciousness and lack of concentration, it closes.

I crawled out from under the injured foxgirl and looked at her back. The burn was bad, and her skin bubbled and boiled. She had a sort of tunic and short shorts type getup, so her tunic was in tatters. I pulled my jacket off(Black leather, real nice jacket), peeled the remains of the tunic from her skin, and slid my cool jacket over her burn, and I managed to do this without seeing her breasts, cause I'm not a pervert.

I pulled her on my back piggyback and jogged deeper into the wilderness. I would get answers when she awoke, but I had to keep her alive for that to happen.

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