
Chapter 1 live

I can't move Jill thought as he tried to move from his seat but couldn't. Why can't i move Jill started to panic he could still move his eyes but he couldn't move anything else.

Did you hear James got ran over yesterday a student from the seat behind said.

wait why did he get ran over another kid said.

Because he just stopped while in the middle of the round the kid said.

Wow i knew that he was dumb but i didn't think he was that dumb that other kid said.

I know right but that was not the strange thing the kid said as he continued. Apparently his body when autopsied was already decaying like he was zombie that was left out to rot for months the kid said.

Wait a minute doesn't that explain when he was moving so weirdly through out the day the other kid said.

What do you mean?

remember at gym he was moving very sluggishly he even took a basketball to the face but that didn't even make him flinch.

that's news to me what else was he like?

Well there was this one time i saw him going into the bathroom and he stayed there for 30 minutes and left.

Hold up where you just chilling outside the bathroom waiting for him what are you a stalker.

No no no there was a line and i had to wait but that's besides the point when I went in there was this horrible smell like a dead body was moved into there and when i checked the bathroom there was this black vile on the floor.

Are you telling me that he did that the kid said with a disbelieving look. was that also the reason the school shut down for the day he asked.

Probably the kid said.

Why did you tell anybody about this?

Well first off the kid was always weird i don't know what he would have done if i said something also i don't know if that person or thing was human what if by doing that i blown his cover i don't want to have to look over the shoulder for the rest of my life.

A bit paranoid aren't you

Motherfucker i rather be paranoid then risk having a zombie have a death grudge with me because i only need to be wrong once then be brutally murdered and either ending up in a ditch or someones stomach the kid said.

What's that another kid said out loud gathering everyone's attention to the life side of the bus. But before anybody could react the world flipped as the bus was tossed like a sack of potatoes into a truck then off into a deep valley.

as they were tumbling the truck that was next to them got destroyed causing metal pieces to be injected into the bus kids were screaming and smashing against the walls one kid was unlucky and disemboweled by the seat belt he was wearing causing blood and guts to spry all over the bus and kids.

after several rolls and smashes they hit the ground hard. there was silence for a few seconds before crying could be heard from the bus as kids were either injured showered in there school mates blood and guts or a mix of both.

Jill on the other hand was in a interesting position no limbs were cut off but his legs were bending in unnatural ways. his foot was currently in a kids stomach and touching there intestines and both arms were crushed by seats his only working and relatively intact limb his left leg was currently at a 90 degree angle not like he was sitting down but having his big toe point toward his stomach.

What hit us Jill thought as he tried to move but couldn't he currently couldn't feel anything. Why am i so calm right now Jill thought as he moved his eyes around he could see other kids some were able to move and another kid had his head planted into the roof of the bus but it seems he was dead considering he was just hanging there and his brains were in another girls hair.

Help Jill said with surprise because he could now speak another kid heard his voice and crawled over to him. Who said that the kid said as he got closer. Me Jill replied with calm.

What the fuck the kid said out loud as he looked at Jill.

What is your name Jill said as he tried to calm the guy down.

My name is gale and how are you alive?

I don't know but can you try bending by left leg back into shape Jill asked

Are you sure about that Gale replied while eyeing his leg Yes Jill replied.

Gale reached down and slowly pulled his leg back into place. If this were some other kid he would have screamed in pain and probably died of shock. But the whole time Jill said nothing.

OK it's back in place but know what Gale asked Wel- Jill was cut off when the howling of a creature was erupting from somewhere and was getting close. Everyone heard this and went quite.

Everyone hide Jill said in a completely calm voice as if he didn't even hear the roar. But on the inside he was also panicking. Gale grabbed those chairs that were detached from the ground and lay on top of me with the chairs covering us Jill said.

Gale responded rather quickly maybe because he was also worried that he might die a horrible death if that thing saw him. He laid on top of Jill and everything went quite. The other students also did this some even tried the tactic of playing dead some of then even took shorter breaths to make sure they didn't expand there lungs out.

Wait it's way too quite Jill thought there should be some type of noise even birds he thought with worry. But that's when they heard footsteps but they were wrong it sounded like they were wearing dress shoes on a marble floor.

No no no no no no a kid that was flung outside the bus said as that thing outside saw him and the kid saw it. the state of the kid was bad to say the least he was currently armless and was barley able to crawl.

Strangely everyone could hear this even thought they shouldn't be able to hear this that clearly. The kid on the other hand was scared of what he saw and tried to run but he failed miserably at it.

Jill then heard a heart beat in fact everyone could but that was when a loud crack could be heard. it was the sound of something important breaking and a large thump like something was dropped from a large height and hit concrete.

then there was a disgusting sound like a tiger was chowing down on a fat cow this continued but that's when a girl squeaked because she saw the head of the kid just rolled next to her. The expression of the head was horrifying to say the least he died in utter fear and helplessness.

the sound immediately stopped and everyone that was still alive on the bus know that the thing out there knows that someone was still alive. Then there was those foot steps those fucking footsteps. The heartbeat was getting louder in on ear and there was very loud breaths that seemingly seeped through the body of all things that were alive.

With every step the heart beat of everyone there increased. Then they stopped but everyone knew that the thing out there was at the back of the bus that was currently ripped out and far away from them. The sound of the wind slowly moving the hanged body from left to right was torturing them.

that's when a clank could be heard as if someone was walking on the bus aisle. Luckily Jill had his head covered by a seat and his heart was not beating otherwise he would have been heard by this thing.

it continued to walk to where the noise was made and all was silent. When it stopped it was at the place the girl was hiding everyone knew that he was there and so did the girl. The girl's heart rate was jacked and her body was taking deep breathes she is screwed Jill thought.

For some reason he could hear the heart rate this girl had and if he could hear it the thing could too. That was when another sound was heard and this would hunt all the students for the rest of there lives as a sound of meat dropping to the floor could be heard it was like a organ just popped out and pain filled groan echoed the bus.

Then there was more guts dropping and hitting the ground each more disgusting then the last with each one everyone was filled with a feeling of doom and that they wouldn't get out of here alive. But Jill on the other hand was unfazed by this.

Some people just died Jill thought because he couldn't hear the heart beat of several students that hid earlier

When the thing dropped the last piece of meat there was silence as if it was waiting for something. But at this point the students that hid and were still alive were around 10 now there is 5. Seconds felt like hours as there was just silence and then....

A low but escalating noise could be heard.

it was slowly destroying the surviving kids eardrums but the thing got shut up when it heard sirens coming in the crashed bus direction. That was when it just walked with the footsteps clanking on the ground and the children have already passed out and the last thing that Jill heard was the footsteps and something brush against his leg.