
Story Shorts

random stories that were written for my children, 19 years worth of short stories.

Tiffany_Forrister · Fantasia
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147 Chs

The Sky Dragon

With bright blue eyes that sparkled with wisdom and kindness. This magnificent creature was none other than the Sky Dragon, a legendary protector of the skies.

The Sky Dragon had been guarding the tribes in the sky for centuries, using its incredible speed and agility to zoom through the clouds and keep a watchful eye over all those who lived among the heavens. Its golden wings shimmered in the sunlight, and its gryphon-like body was adorned with patterns of gold, yellow, and brown that glinted like precious jewels. The dragon's wings were as powerful as an eagle's, and its beak was just as sharp and majestic.

But it was the dragon's bright blue eyes that truly captured the hearts of those who encountered it. They were filled with a deep intelligence and a sense of compassion that was rare among creatures of such magnificence. The Sky Dragon had a gentle spirit, and it was a friend to all who lived in the sky.

The tribes in the sky revered the dragon, believing it to be a divine protector sent by the gods themselves. They would offer prayers and tributes to the Sky Dragon, hoping to gain its favor and protection. And time and time again, the dragon proved its worth, swooping in to save the tribes from peril and danger. Whether it was fending off vicious storm clouds, chasing away marauding wyverns, or rescuing lost souls from the treacherous winds, the Sky Dragon was always there, ready to lend its aid.

One day, a great darkness descended upon the sky. A malevolent force known as the Shadow Storm began to ravage the heavens, bringing chaos and destruction wherever it went. The once peaceful sky became a realm of fear and despair, as the tribes struggled to fend off the relentless assault of the Shadow Storm.

The Sky Dragon knew that it was time to act. With a mighty roar that shook the clouds, it launched itself into the heart of the darkness, determined to vanquish the Shadow Storm once and for all. The dragon's golden wings blazed with radiant power, and its eyes burned with a fierce determination.

As it battled the forces of darkness, the Sky Dragon realized that it could not defeat the Shadow Storm on its own. It needed the help of the tribes in the sky, who had always stood by its side. And so, the dragon flew to each of the floating islands where the tribes lived, calling out to them with a booming voice that resonated through the sky.

"Brave warriors of the sky, heed my call! The Shadow Storm threatens to consume us all, but together we can stand against it. Unite with me, and together we will drive back this darkness and restore peace to our skies!"

The tribes heard the Sky Dragon's call, and they rallied to its side, bringing their courage and strength to bear against the Shadow Storm. They fought with all their might, unleashing powerful spells and wielding ancient weapons, refusing to be cowed by the darkness that sought to snuff out their way of life.

But as the battle raged on, it became clear that the Shadow Storm was a formidable foe. Its tendrils of darkness twisted and lashed out, swallowing everything in their path, and the tribes were beginning to falter under its relentless onslaught.

The Sky Dragon knew that it was time to unleash its most powerful weapon. With a fierce cry, it summoned the elemental forces of the sky, drawing upon the winds, the lightning, and the very essence of the heavens themselves. Its golden wings glowed with a blinding light, and as the dragon unleashed its power, a mighty storm rose up to meet the darkness.

The sky crackled and sizzled with the clash of the elements, and for a moment, it seemed as though the heavens themselves might be torn asunder. But the tribes in the sky stood strong, their spirits unyielding, and with the Sky Dragon leading the charge, they pushed back the Shadow Storm, driving it away from their realm.

As the darkness retreated, the sky began to brighten once more, and the tribes looked up with awe and reverence at the Sky Dragon, who had saved them from certain doom. The dragon's golden wings folded gracefully as it descended towards the floating islands, and as it landed among the tribes, they greeted it with cheers and jubilation.

"Thank you, noble Sky Dragon," they cried. "You have delivered us from the clutches of the Shadow Storm, and we are forever in your debt."

The dragon dipped its head in acknowledgment, its bright blue eyes shimmering with pride and gratitude. "It was not I alone who saved the sky," it replied. "It was the strength and courage of the tribes that turned the tide against the darkness. Together, we have proven that even the mightiest of storms can be overcome when we stand united."

With the threat of the Shadow Storm vanquished, the sky once again became a place of peace and harmony. The tribes in the sky honored the Sky Dragon as a hero, and they celebrated its bravery and selflessness for generations to come. And though the dragon was a creature of great power and majesty, it remained humble and loyal to those it had sworn to protect.

And so, the legend of the Sky Dragon lived on, a shining example of courage and compassion that inspired all who lived among the clouds. Whenever the tribes in the sky found themselves in peril, they knew that the golden wings of the Sky Dragon would always be there to protect them. For as long as the heavens endured, the dragon's legacy would be remembered, a testament to the unbreakable bond between the creatures of the sky and those who dwelled beneath its boundless expanse.