

"Itachi! Erza!" Gray's voice was heard. Erza and Itachi turned towards the source and saw a water dome with the others coming towards them. Gray stretched his hand out and Erza grabbed it and was pulled into the water dome, Gray then grabbed Itachi and pulled him into the water dome. "I've got to say Itachi, I was expecting you to beat him. But this is a little too much overboard even for you." Gray said as they all looked at the tower that sank down to the bottom of the ocean.

"…" Itachi didn't respond.

"Hey, where's Simon?" Sho questioned.

"….." Erza couldn't say a word.

"… He's dead… Jellal killed him." Itachi replied making everyone widen their eyes in shock.

"S-Simon… is dead…" Millianna muttered as tears fell from her eyes.

"Si-Simon…" Wally muttered.

"I-It can't be…" Sho said.

"He gave his life to save me and Erza…" Itachi said as the mood turned dark.

"… What happened to Jellal?" Gray asked.

"Onii-chan beat him… Last time I saw him he was vanishing into the bottom of the ocean." Erza replied.

"Well finally he has some peace…" Itachi said.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked.

"He was apparently possessed by the ghost of Zeref, and I think when I beat him I set him free." Itachi replied.

"How can you know that?" Lucy asked.

"With my eyes, I can see what someone is saying by reading the movement of their lips. When we were in the bottom of the ocean Jellal muttered some words." Itachi replied.

"What did he say? Onii-chan, what did he say?" Erza asked.

Itachi looked at all of them. "… He said, "Thank you." nothing more, nothing less." Itachi replied.

Later at the hotel, next morning

Natsu was in his bed with a few bandages wrapped around his body as he was snoring. "Seriously, how long is he going to sleep?" Gray asked as he sat with Erza, Lucy, Itachi and Happy. Out of all of them Erza was the one who was covered in bandages, as Itachi had some wrapped around his waist and hands.

"Well he wasn't able to sleep for a whole day during all the tower of heaven mess, guess his body just needs some rest." Itachi said.

"Still we didn't sleep for three days straight, unlike the idiot flame brain over there." Gray said.

When Gray said that last remark Natsu instantly woke up. "What was that Gray?!"

"He's awake!" Happy said with a sweat drop, and then Natsu fell asleep again. "He's asleep!"

"Don't wake up if you don't want to pick a fight!" Gray shouted with thick marks on his head.

"I caused you all much trouble during this latest incident…" Erza said.

"You've said that so many times already…" Lucy said, as for them everything was all right now.

"Come to think of it, where's that girl?" Erza asked referring to Juvia.

"Oh, Juvia? She already headed back. said something about wanting to join Fairy Tail as soon as possible." Gray replied.

"I see…" Erza muttered.

Later on Erza went to meet Sho and the others down by the beach. "I'm sorry, Erza…" Wally said.

"I'm sorry, Erzy…" Millianna said.

"No, I should apologize to you. I wasn't able to do anything for those eight years. I'm truly sorry." Erza said as she felt ashamed of not being able to help them sooner.

"It isn't your fault, nee-san!" Sho argued.

"If only I had done something sooner, Simon would still be…" Erza said.

"Simon was a true man, you know! He wanted to protect you! He always loved-" Wally said.

"Wally!" Millianna stopped Wally from saying anything else.

"I know his feelings very well, as well as the feelings of everyone left behind. But we have to keep moving forward, towards the future Simon left us." Erza said as they all let out a weak smile. "You can always come to Fairy Tail if you don't have anywhere to go." Erza suggested making them all widen their eyes in shock.

"Us?!" Millianna questioned.

"It might not be the same freedom you were seeking, but…" Erza said.

"Come to think of it, the Salamander said something like that too!" Wally said.

"A full-of-life guild!" Millianna cheered.

"Plus, I'd like to always be with you guys… Now let's get going. I still need to properly introduce you all to the others." Erza said as they all went on to have a feast and a party.


Itachi stood outside of the balcony looking up in the night sky. 'Maybe it's time I let them all know…' Itachi thought as he clenched his chest. 'It's not like I can keep it a secret for much longer. I even used that much power against Jellal, I think I might have used around 40% of my power. I can feel my body's getting weaker, I even feel tired…' Itachi thought.

Then suddenly the door to his room slammed open with Erza standing there. "Onii-chan! Have you seen Sho and the others?!"

"I haven't seen them since that party. Why do you ask?" Itachi questioned.

"I can't find them anywhere." Erza said.

"I see, I think you know what this means?" Itachi asked.

"…Yes…" Erza muttered. "I will go tell Natsu and the others to get the fireworks ready." Erza said and walked out of the room.

"I'll be right there." Itachi said and looked at the stars one more time. 'It's time I let them all know about the sickness.' Itachi thought before he jumped down from the balcony.

Meanwhile at the beach where you could see the hotel on the other side, were Sho, Wally and Millianna pushing a boat into the water. "Can we really make a life for ourselves in the outside world?" Wally questioned.

"We have to! We can't burden nee-san anymore!" Sho said.

"There you are!" Erza's voice was heard as they all turned to the source to face her.

"Nee-san!" Sho said. "We grew up inside that tower. There's so much we don't understand and feel unsure about… So we want to see this outside world for ourselves! We don't want to live our lives dependent on others anymore…or live our lives for someone else anymore! We want to live for ourselves now and discover our dreams on our own! That's the freedom we seek!" Sho declared.

"With that much determination, I'm sure you can do anything. I feel relieved now." Erza said as she requiped into her Farwell Fairy Tail Armor. "But there are three rules people who leave Fairy Tail must abide by! Listen well!"

"Hold on! Leave? We haven't even joined!" Wally said.

"One! You must never reveal information detrimental to Fairy Tail for as long as you live! Two! You must never make unauthorized contact with past clients for personal gain! Three! Even if our paths stray, you must live your lives to the fullest! You must never consider your lives insignificant!" Erza said bringing tears to Sho, Wally and Millianna's eyes as well as her own. "You must never forget the friends you loved for as long as you live! Let the Fairy Tail farewell ceremony begin!"

""Yeah!"" Itachi, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy said in unison. Natsu and Itachi spitted out balls of flames that exploded in the air making fireworks.

"May the flowers of light blossom in your hearts!" Erza said as Gray shoot up a wave of ice that exploded in the air making it look like fireworks. Lucy swung around one of her celestial keys and shoot up a wave of celestial magic that exploded in a golden light in the air.

"I truly wish we could all stay together. But, if that would only enfetter you…then I wish you luck on your journeys." Erza said as Sho and the others floated away in their boat.

"It's just the opposite, Erzy!" Millianna cried.

"If we stay here, you'll always be reminded of painful memories…!" Wally cried.

"I'll never forget you, wherever you are. Besides, painful memories strengthen us by acting as seeds for tomorrow. People have that power within them! Walk tall! I will continue to do so as well! As long as we remember this day, I know we'll meet again. Take care." Erza said as tears ran down her eyes.

"You too, nee-san!" Sho cried.

"Bye-bye, Erzy!" Millianna waved as tears ran down her eyes.

"We will meet again someday! It's a promise!" Wally cried.

"It's a promise!" Erza said as she watched her friends sail away in to the open sea.

Later in Magnolia

Itachi, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy stood and stared in awe at the new guildhall which now looked more like a castle. "Wow!" Lucy said.

"This is a surprise…" Erza said.

""They finished it?!"" Natsu and Happy said in unison.

"The new Fairy Tail!" Gray said.

"Think they went a little overboard…" Itachi said.

When they walked in through the gate they saw several tables outside with their guildmates sitting there and drinking or eating. "Is this an open-air café?" Gray questioned as they even saw a merchandise shop.

When they walked inside the guildhall they saw a large stage at the end of the room. ""Oh! So pretty!"" Happy and Lucy said in unison.

"Yes. Splendid indeed!" Erza said.

Gray turned to Natsu who looked a little depressed. "What's with you, Natsu?"

"It's different than before." Natsu replied.

"Lu-chan! Welcome back!" Levy welcomed.

"Oh! Levy!" Lucy said.

"Amazing isn't it?! You'll never believe it there's a pool behind the bar!" Levy said as they saw a pool with their fellow guild mates such as Jet, Droy and many others.

"Welcome back!" Romeo said.

"Why a pool…?" Lucy questioned.

"It's not the same…" Natsu complained.

"There's also a recreation hall down below!" Levy said as they went down and saw Macao, Wakaba and Reedus playing games like darts and other things.

"Yo!" Macao welcomed.

"Oh, you're back!" Wakaba said.

"This is so overwhelming…" Lucy said.

"It's not the same…" Natsu complained.

They were now back in the main hall. "And the biggest change is upstairs! Everyone is allowed in the second floor now!" Levy said as Elfman walked by on the second floor and saluted them. "You still need to have an S-class wizard with you to go on S-class quest, of course."

"Oh, you dunderheads are back." Makarov greeted them.

"Master." Erza said.

They all then stared at Juvia who was standing next to the master. "This is our newest member, Juvia. Isn't she a cutie?" Makarov said as Juvia had now a different outfit from before this outfit was more revealing then the last one, and she had even cut her hair shorter.

"It's a pleasure to work with you!" Juvia said.

"You actually joined…" Gray said with a friendly chuckle.

"Thank you for your help in Akane." Erza thanked.

"This is all thanks to you! Juvia will do her very best!" Juvia said with a big smile.

"Good to have you on board!" Lucy said.

Juvia then returned to her yandere state. "Romantic rival!"

"It's not like that…!" Lucy said with a sweat drop.

"And there's one other new member. Come on. Say hello." Makarov looking to the side.

"There's another?" Happy questioned as they all looked over in the same direction as Makarov.

"Huh?!" Lucy questioned in shock.

"Wh-Whoa! You can't be serious!" Gray said as they spotted none other than Gajeel.

"Gajeel?!" Natsu said and was ready to fight.

"What is he doing here?!" Gray questioned.

"Wait! Juvia brought him here!" Juvia said.

"Juvia aside, he's the one responsible for destroying our guild!" Erza said looking at Gajeel with an angry expression.

"Now, now. As they say, yesterday's enemy is today's friend." Makarov said.

"Yeah… It doesn't bother me at all…" Levy said.

"Screw this! I can't work with this guy!" Natsu said and went over to Gajeel and slammed his hand on the table.

"Don't worry. I don't plan to be your buddy." Gajeel said making Natsu feel offended. "All I want is work. It disgust me that I ended up working at the guild I can stand the least." Gajeel said as he stood up and had a stare down with Natsu.

"What?!" Natsu questioned.

"Gajeel is always alone, so Juvia couldn't turn her back on him! Oh…! I don't like him or anything, though!" Juvia said looking at Gray while sweating nervously.

"It is the duty of an old soldier to lead a stray youngster onto the right path. He's a nice guy at heart… I'd like to believe." Makarov said.

"If that's your decision, Master, then I will comply. However, I think it would be wise to keep a close eye on him." Erza said.

"Yes…" Makarov agreed when suddenly Itachi walked up to Gajeel and Natsu and went between them, Itachi then turned towards to face Gajeel who looked at him in confusion. Itachi stretched his hand out and smiled.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail." Itachi said shocking Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Erza.

"What are you doing?! He's the one who destroyed our guild!" Natsu shouted.

"It's just a building, it's fine." Itachi argued.

"Y-You can't be serious?" Gajeel questioned as he looked confused at Itachi.

"I'm just welcoming you, even though if you were an enemy before it doesn't change the fact that your one of us now." Itachi said still with his hand stretched out.

Gajeel looked at Itachi's hand then his face Gajeel then shook Itachi's hand. "Yeah, um, thanks I guess…"

"Are you really sure about this?" Gray asked Itachi.

"It's not like it's impossible for people to change." Itachi replied.

"This new place just doesn't feel right to me…" Natsu pouted when suddenly the lights turned off and a light appeared on the stage revealing Mirajane who was holding a guitar.

"Mira?" Itachi questioned as he went closer to the stage.

"Welcome back." Mira welcomed. "Okay this song is in celebration of Itchi and friends' safe return and our newly constructed building!" Mira said as everyone cheered. Mira then began to sing in which made Itachi widen his eyes.

'Beautiful…' Itachi thought at hearing the sound of Mira singing as he stood frozen and watched closely at the stage. It was like everyone else besides him and her vanished for a second. When the song was over Itachi was brought back to reality by everyone cheering.

"Amazing! Who's next?!" Macao questioned as the stage light turned on revealing Gajeel in a white suit with a matching hat, and dark sunglasses making everyone in the room pale.

"This is a little ditty I wrote called "Best Friend." Give it a listen." Gajeel said ignoring the fact that people was throwing garbage at the stage.

"Like hell we will!"

"And what's with the fancy suit?!"

Gajeel ignored them and began to sing. And the song was… interesting to say the least… Several people paled in surprise but eventually some of them began to cheer.

"I've never heard a song this bad in my life!" Natsu said when suddenly Gajeel threw his guitar in Natsu's face.

"You want a piece of me?!" Natsu shouted as they both had thick marks on their heads. They then charged at each other and Gajeel kept singing. "What do you think you're doing?!" Natsu questioned as they were fighting in a cloud of smoke while Gajeel just kept singing.

"Quit screwing around, Natsu!" Gray shouted as he stood up and tilted Erza a little making her drop her strawberry cake.

"My… Strawberry cake…" Erza muttered while staring at her fallen cake.

Itachi saw this and sweat dropped. 'Oh, no…' Itachi thought it got even worse as Elfman without knowing stepped on the cake.

"Quit your shrieking if you consider yourselves real men!" Elfman shouted.

"Shut up!" Erza kicked Elfman sending him flying across the room. As a large battle began.

"Itachi, can you do something?" Makarov asked.


"Itachi?" Makarov questioned and looked at the Uchiha who was lost in his own world.

'Mira sure has an amazing singing voice…' Itachi thought.

"Itachi!" Makarov shouted breaking Itachi out from his train of thought.

"Um, sorry Master, what is it?" Itachi asked and then looked around. "Oh…"


"What did you call me out here for? I was just about to start work, too…" Gajeel said as he stood face to face with Jet and Droy and Levy who was hiding behind a tree.

"Work?!" Jet questioned.

"Don't be stupid! You're the one who demolished our guild!" Droy said.

"You guys are petty, all right." Gajeel said.

"I don't think we should do this… I… I don't care about what happened at all anymore…" Levy said.

"We have to show him…" Jet said.

"…who's boss!" Droy finished as Gajeel just smirked.

"That's right, act though while you still can!" Jet said and charged at Gajeel shoulder charging him in the chin.

Droy then threw some plant seeds and plants with fists popped out and began pounding Gajeel.

Knuckle Plant!

Falcon Soar!

Jet charged at Gajeel in high speed and kicked him in the gut sending Gajeel back. Gajeel looked at them with bruises on his body. "Come on!" Jet said.

"What's you deal?!" Droy questioned.

"What kind of harassment is this?" A new voice was heard they all turned to the source and saw Laxus.

"Laxus?!" Jet questioned.

Laxus looked at Gajeel. "So this is the kid who picked a fight with my guild, huh? I'm guessing the old geezer only let you join to keep you from wrecking it again, right? That's exactly why everyone mocks us, you piece of crap!" Laxus said as veins appeared on his neck. "On my way to this town, I heard things in pubs everywhere that pissed me off. Fairy Tail ain't so great?! Those losers are done for?!" Laxus said as lightning flickered around him and Gajeel was electrocuted by a wave of lightning. "It's because of you…!" Laxus punched the ground as a wave of lightning came flying towards Gajeel while tearing the ground apart.

"Stop, Laxus! You're going too far!" Jet said.

"I knew Laxus was strong and all, but this is way too one-sided…!" Droy said.

"Don't tell me Gajeel never intended to…" Jet said as he began realizing it.

"He wants to win our acceptance by enduring this without fighting back…!" Levy said.

Laxus then began stomping on Gajeel's head. "I'm gonna teach you what happens to people who defy Fairy Tail!"

"Stop, Laxus! That's enough!" Jet said.

"You stay out of this, small fry!" Laxus send a wave of lightning towards them that was about to hit Levy, when Gajeel suddenly stepped in front of her blocking it with his arm that had turned into an iron club, that now had a large burn mark on it.

"Gajeel!" Levy said.

"Is that enough for you? I have work to do…" Gajeel walked away while shaking slightly.

"U-Umm!" Levy uttered.

"Just let me be…" Gajeel said and walked away.

Laxus the punched another wave of lightning towards Gajeel. But then Itachi appeared and slapped the wave of lightning to the side. "Enough, Laxus." Itachi said as his sharingan was spinning. "If you keep going on with this any further, then you will have to deal with me." Itachi threatened. Laxus stared at Itachi and grunted and walked away. "Well then, time to get these groceries to Mira." Itachi said and picked up a bag from the ground. "See you guys later." Itachi waved and walked back to the guild.

The Guildhall

Itachi walked in the door and was meet by Mira, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and the others. "I'm back." Itachi said.

"Welcome back, did you get those groceries I asked for?" Mira asked.

"Of course." Itachi said holding up the bag. Then he suddenly began to feel a stabbing pain in his chest, a pain worse than any of the others before. Itachi dropped the bag as all the groceries fell to the floor.

"Itachi?" Mira questioned worried as Itachi fell to his knees clenching his hand over his chest. "Itachi?!" Mira instantly went to his side.

"Onii-chan!" Erza went to her side, soon everyone was surrounding Itachi.

Cough* Cough* Cough* Itach began coughing, Mira proceeded to place her hand on his shoulder. "Itachi! What's wrong?!" Mira questioned when suddenly Itachi placed his hand over his mouth and coughed up blood. "Itachi?" Mira questioned as she began shaking. Itachi then fell to the floor unconscious in a small puddle of his own blood.




Everyone became quiet as they were all looking at Itachi. Mira looked at Itachi as she began shaking and tears formed in her eyes. "Itachi!" Mira's voice echoed throughout the guildhall.

That's the end for now!

Okay so Itachi's sickness will be revealed to everyone in the next chapter, which I will try and finish by the end of next week.

So yeah Simon died, the reason I had him be killed off like he was in the cannon story is because his death has an impact later on in the story which I couldn't exclude.

Also about the Naruto villains. In case there has been some confusion. I'm only planning for that specific villain to appear in a certain arc and nothing more. They will also NOT reveal Itachi's past to anyone on the account of that most of them don't really care.

Also in case some people missed this part, Itachi doesn't need Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan since the ethernano has supplied his eyes with power so that he won't go blind and so that he has the same abilities as any normal EMS wielder.

Also, some of you have given me a couple of music suggestions a while back, and as you can see I included a song in the fight between Itachi and Jellal. So if you guys have any other music suggestions let me know in the reviews.

Also, about Mira and Itachi I have some romantic scenes planned out between them but if you have any suggestions tell me in the reviews or PM me.

Anyway, let me know what you think of this chapter, and I will see you guys next time!
