First book in the series Stop the Rain They say your smile is the most beautiful part of you, but is it still beautiful if it's artificial? Do you think, that it is worth living as someone you aren't so that you'll never get hurt again? To live a lie when all you can see is truth. One day, your walls you have worked hard to build will come crashing down. But it's fine, as long as you have someone to build you a warm house.
Yu Yan was beautiful beyond compare, but that was all there was to her, that was as far as anyone ever got to knowing her. She was a porcelain doll, the epitome of what a lady should be. Kind, intelligent, and charming, what more could you ask from her? Well, there's a lot you can ask from her, but that's besides the point; the point is that she's perfect.
He looked at the ground, two hands clutched tightly in front of him and a dark red blush staining his cheeks as he shifted from one foot to another, waiting. Waiting in the middle of an empty hall, which was a smart idea for such stupid seeming guy.
"I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings," the girl gently told him, "perhaps someone will, but I'm afraid that someone isn't me." Yu Yan didn't know how many variations of this phrase she's said and she was sick and tired of it. Even if you were charmed the first time someone confessed, things get annoying when they've reach the hundredth time. At this point in time, she herself was surprised that she didn't shout at the top of her lungs for him to go away. Then again, she was also at fault for not voicing her annoyance, though her annoyance may not change anything.
'Just keep smiling,' Yu Yan told herself, her gentle smile glued onto her face, "I'm really sorry, but I truly can't." Hopefully, this guy won't run away crying like the last one or else she might not be able to stop herself from punching the next face she saw. Thank god she mastered the art of smiling.
"I-I understand." As Yu Yan listened to him say this, she couldn't help but think that she didn't even know who he was. In other words, he was someone that her parents wouldn't dare let her marry and so that meant that there was no chance of them getting together in the first place.
Yu Yan headed towards her classes when she saw him scuttle away to his, her smile never dropping even when there was no one there to witness it. She arrived in her class, no trace of annoyance, anger or sorrow on her face even if her mind was filled with those emotions.
'Why the hell did I have to look pretty? What's the use of this face when all it does is make my life miserable?' such thoughts ran circles in her mind, as familiar as the words of confession she's heard since the moment she learned to form solid thoughts.
By now, Yu Yan's smile had dimmed down to the point where only the corners of her lips were tugged upwards, giving her the warm and angelic look that she was famous for. It greatly contrasted with the iceberg of a man sitting to her right and the stoic face further along. Did she forget to mention the snobby face of the school's spoiled brat?
So many heartless people in this room, it really gave Yu Yan a headache worthy of painkillers. Even if she wasn't a saint herself, at least she doesn't show it and actively look down on everyone! What made Yu Yan even more annoyed was that a lot of people actually liked this kind of attitude, and that of the bad boy that was probably skipping class at this moment judging by the empty seat to the spoiled princess' seat. Yu Yan supposed it was because of the fact that they were unattainable - and that their looks rivaled her own - that confessions kept on coming and coming towards both of them.
Yu Yan felt as if she was in one of the novels that she read to relieve her stress. If she had to choose, Ting Xia would most likely be the main character as she randomly became smarter this year, probably have a bunch of otherworldly powers under her sleeve as well, or some secret identity. Probably both, you wouldn't be a main character without a sprinkle of OPness afterall.
Feng Mian would be the male lead because he was the ever so present cold hearted man that will only be melted by our dear female lead - which reminded Yu Yan yet again that she didn't have a chance.
Nian Zhen would be the secondary male lead, because all aspects of him suck except for his face. He probably won't live long, maybe get in a motorcycle accident or lung cancer from all the smoking he does. If not, he'll just die because he's not the main characters and therefor only used as a stepping stone for the love birds. Come to think of it, he might die of eating too much dog food.
That would leave Huang Qianru to be the antagonist because everyone thinks she has no life. She's probably only there so that everyone is blinded by her horrendous actions and direct hate onto her. She's probably going to suffer a fate worse than death because no one likes her or cares enough to know more about her. Wow, life as an antagonist in a romance novel sounds harsh.
As for Yu Yan? She was that white lotus that everyone wanted to slap. You know, that mob character that appears for a single chapter that'll help raise the image of the ML or FL. 'Life's great!' she thought to herself sarcastically, 'and what kinds of books am I reading?'