6 He Is Gone

"Miss Lily, I hope that you understand that you have to take care of yourself now more than ever. "

I did not know how I ought to be feeling at this time. Was I supposed to be happy for the bundle of joy coming my way or was I supposed to be sad since I would bare this burden alone? Why wouldn't  the earth open up and swallow me alive now. Or why wouldn't I wake up and feel relieved that the nightmare is over.


" Are you okay Lily? Talk to me"

"No. It's perfect!" I whispered into his ears.


"Mum, Dad. Before you say anything to criticize me further than I have myself, let me tell you that I do not regret my decision. I am keeping this child even if it means raising it own my own. "

I knew that many things were at stake like my education and our reputation.

For my education, I was on my long break and it was normal for female students to bear children during their long break.

But as for the fact that I would give birth outside marriage, then, I did not give a damn.

"Dear, listen to us. We are really sorry that due to our tribalistic nature, we forbade you from seeing that guy. We now know that he is a good man with pure intentions towards you. "

" Wait, what? Why have you guys changed your minds all of a sudden? "

" When you ran away after the incident here with the Kamaus, I am really sorry about that by the way, your sister said that she had a clue where you could be. She said that whenever you were sad or needed to think about something, you would go there. So she followed you there. So when she arrived, she found you talking to Felix. To prove that we were wrong about that guy, she took a video of your talk and she came to show it to us. "

" Heavens! How much exactly did you see? "

" Was there anything we were to watch out for dear? "

" Nothing mum. Please go on."

" When we saw that Felix had not taken advantage of your situation to take you away from us, we agreed that his intentions were good. Yeah we know dear. We need to stop being such Tribalists!"

" I know. If only you listened to me before, he would not have ended things with me. What about the dowry money you received from the Kamaus?"

" Do not worry about that dear. Yesterday a video of a girl was leaked that showed the girl confessing about her long time relationship with Anthony. She admitted that when she told Anthony that she had gotten pregnant, he threatened her to not dare tell any living soul about their love affair. After that, several girls also came out admitting they had affairs with that pig. I have already paid them back their money in full. You can not imagine the embarrassment he has brought upon his family. Do not worry about him. He will never bother you again, " Dad said in a spiteful tone.

" But let us agree on one thing Lily. If Felix wants to marry you, can it happen before your pregnancy starts showing. Please. So that we can only face the judgement of you getting married to a guy from another tribe."

" I think that will do. I have to find Felix and inform him of this great news!"

I was beyond overjoyed. I could finally be with the only guy I loved.


"No! He could not have left without telling me, without even saying goodbye. That is why he had that pained look when we met. I even did not know what he meant by 'I will  come back for you'. Why did I even delete his phone number? Now how will I reach him?Nooooo Felix. Come back please."

I could not control myself. How could he just leave me, us, our love?

" Be strong siz. For you and your baby. No matter what, I promise we will find him. Everything is going to be okay."


" Thank you so much. You are the best."

We excitedly boarded the plane. Only an hour now separated me and my dearest Felix. I could not wait to reach there and see the look on his face when I tell him about our child.

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