

In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, King Brothlander harbors a dangerous plan for revenge against the Bauthinians, who were instrumental in his downfall. Little does he know that a pair of Elerian envoys dispatched by King Waigni have uncovered his sinister plot. The envoys reveal King Waigni's proposition to aid King Lauihnio in defending his kingdom from the vengeful Brothlander. However, this assistance comes at a price—an alliance that would bring significant economic benefits to Eleria. Fearing the loss of his kingdom's sovereignty, King Lauihnio vehemently rejects the offer, vowing to protect his realm single-handedly, without relying on neighboring powers. Amidst the growing fear that looms over his kingdom, King Lauihnio makes a surprising decision: he releases his incarcerated uncle, Lord Mordian. Though the sorcerer possesses only a limited repertoire of spells, his legendary skill with a sword earned him the status of a war veteran. This unexpected move raises eyebrows, as Lord Mordian once plotted to usurp the throne during the early years of King Lauihnio's reign. Nevertheless, the uncle pledges his unwavering support to his nephew in these perilous times. As the story unfolds, the novel delves into a captivating tale of double male leads—King Lauihnio and Lord Mordian—both driven by their intertwined pasts and shared quest to ensure the safety of Bauthinia. Will they succeed in their audacious endeavor? The answer awaits within the pages of this gripping narrative.

Vicky boy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


The Bajan lowered the sharp rusted edge of his sword and jabbed the wicked points towards Lord Mordian's throat.

He ducked the effort, aiming his dagger at the side of the Bajan causing him to groan lightly. Meanwhile Lord Mordian stepped backwards to avoid being exposed to further blows from the Bajan.

However with that time and space Lord Mordian counted himself lucky to have found a sword on the floor.

He picked it up and made his stance looking prepared for the possible blows the Bajan will throw at him.

Lord Mordian could not doubt the fact that the dragon egg he held at his side was a burden to him in this struggle for survival against the Bajan but he knew the great risk that would be posed on his country if he had let it slip, even for a second.

The Bajan rubbed his side which received the impact of Lord Mordian's dagger and with vengeful anger he looked at his blue blood stained hand.