

  "So are you going home now?" I asked him.

  "Not yet, but maybe I'll go home later. I don't have anything else to do here." Calvin replied.

  "Why don't you come with us, we're going somewhere," I suggested.

  "Is that okay? Isn't it too embarrassing?"

  "No, do you know how to drive?" I asked him.

  "Yeah, I got my driver's license when I was nineteen," he explained, "but I don't have a vehicle to use."

  I was too curious to learn about their lives with their mother. I'm still waiting for Arthur to respond. I only told Arthur a day ago to look into their lives.

  I can't tell if they're in pain just by looking at them. I'll find out the truth about their situation.

  Calvin and I go shopping. I'm not seeing any of the girls. Perhaps they were all in the car.

  "This is my car, Calvin," I explained.

  He slid the driver's door open. Then I exited through the other door. They were all stunned and staring at Calvin when I turned around.