
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · Urbano
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11 Chs

5. Family Drama

"I've always told you to wear black more often. It suits you" The sound of Amaya's best friend voice, Mia coming through her phone.

"Yes you have Mia. But i can't dress like I'm in mourning everyday" Maya calls back to her friend before walking to the dispenser to get water

"WHAT! take that back, now! black is such a cheerful color. it's the humans who abused it. I mean where was it stated that only black should be worn to funerals, huh?" Amaya stayed quiet even though she knew her friend had a point

She thanked her stars that she's away from the screen so Mia can't see her roll her eyes "Yes baby, humans are annoying" Maya agrees. she's in agreement by association

"Yeah! you get it. Black is an amazing color and should not be abused and disrespected especially for something like funerals" Maya was finding it hard to hold back her laugh now. She walks back to her desk with her water and takes a seat. "Mia, funerals are to pay respect to the dead."

"Yeah I know that. But why black?" Mia rolls her eyes "You know what, if i ever do get married everyone has to wear black. The entire setting is gonna be black. An all black wedding" A smile appears on her face as she pictures the wedding in her head

"If, Mia. We both know you detest marriage" Both women laugh at the same time

"When I die, you better make sure everyone wears white. And I want you to play Megan the Stallion and Cardi B's song when I'm going under." Maya squints her eyes at her strange friend "Death is such a beautiful thing and shouldn't be boring" Maya quietly looks at her friend for a few minutes. "It's a sign that you've left this wretched world" Mia adds

Amaya shakes her head slowly. She was used to this "If it was someone else listening to this conversation, they'd probably think we were two psychotic people obsessed with death" Maya laughs before picking up a file close to her and signing on a few pages.

Mia scoffs and rolls her eyes "Fuck people. Anyway back to the important thing at hand. What are you going to do about the whole contract shit your stupid father put you through?" Maya swiftly turns to look at her friend quickly

"I'm sorry. You know I just hate him so much"

"It's okay,i hate him too. And I have no idea what I'm going to do" Amaya checks the time on her watch and sighs "They were supposed to be here an hour ago, guess they don't need the money after all"

Mia sighs tiredly "Are you good? I mean everything aside are you alright?" Mia asks. She was concerned for her best friends well being

"To be honest I have no idea how I'm doing. I guess I've been so caught up with everything, the contract, mum having cancer even Bailey, to be worried about myself" Amaya tiredly places her hands on her forehead and lets out a deep breathe.

"Look at me. You're an amazing mother and you'll make an amazing contract wife" Amaya chuckles at her friends strange way of cheering her up, which always works "Whichever you choose. But it is my job, as your best friend to make sure you don't lose your fucking mind. So later today after work, drop Bailey off at my place and we're going out"

Maya's eyes widen "But it's Monday"

"Even better. Lots of hot, working-class men looking to let out that Monday work stress" Mia's suggestive winks at the end of her sentence has Maya shaking her head immediately

"Sounds like trouble. I'm out" Amaya shook her head. For once not agreeing with her friend

Mia gasps faking offense "When have i ever gotten you into trouble while partying?"

Amaya's head cocks to the side "Do you really wanna go there?" The look on her face tells Mia everything she wants to know- there are ALOT of times she's gotten both of em into trouble.

Mia waves a finger in front of the screen "Nope, absolutely do not wanna know"

Amaya nods "Good. Thought so too"

"Sooo.... see you later today?" Mia asks with a sheepish grin on her face

"I said no, Mia"

"But I heard yes. Look just one night, please" Mia pouts "We've not seen each other in a long time!"

"Mia we saw each other last week Tuesday!" Amaya laughs at her friends tactics

"What! thats too long. Just think about it, you know I'm right. You need this"

Amaya could feel herself giving in "Who would take care of Bailey?" Mia fights her smile, she knew she was making progress

"My mum is around she'll be more than happy to have my god daughter here with her."

"What! Shan is in town and you never thought to tell me!" Amaya exclaimed, surprisingly.

"I just did" Amaya rolls her eyes at Mia "Besides she just got in today. Also you may have to pack enough clothes for Bailey to last a week though." Maya laughs. She already knew the direction this was headed "You're like the daughter she never had and Bailey is the grandchild I'll never give her, so just know you ain't getting your kid back until days later"

"I'm fine with that, anything for Mama Shan" Amaya smiled lovingly at the memory of her best friends mother. Shan was like the mother she never had, apart from Maria. These two women played a huge role in her life while growing up.

"Yeah right. You say that now, until your kid doesn't wanna come home anymore because she wants to stay with "Mama Shan" and all the sweets she gives her" Amaya bursts out laughing at the air quotes Mia did. She also remembered how much Shan loves to spoil Bailey.

"Bailey is gonna be so happy when she hears Shan is around. You know the other day which was her last day of home schooling, I taught her different names that you can refer to your grandparents as which included grams. Guess what she said" Amaya could feel her eyes tear up at the sweet memory

Mia smiled. She loved every thing involving Bailey "What?"

"She asked me, Like Shan? And i was like yes. But why did you ask? She told me because the other day i taught her that grandparents spoil their grandkids with love and sweets." Amaya chuckles and dabs her eyes trying not to smudge her make up

"Awwn she's so sweet!" Mia smiles

"Mia i don't want her to grow up" Amaya pouts and sniffs

"Unfortunately she's gonna have to, darling. Shan is gonna cry when i tell her this story later today" Mia says causing Amaya to laugh. She always admired the relationship Mia had with her mother.

They both laugh again at the same time before Amaya speaks "As if she doesn't already have enough reasons to spoil her, you go ahead and give her more."

The sound of her door being opened causes her to raise her head up away from the screen. She looks at her assistant. "I'm sorry Miss Jones, but your parents are here to see you."

"They missed their appointment."

"Uh, No actually." Rebecca, her assistant speaks nervously "They called to reschedule the time they'd be arriving but I forgot to tell you. Thats my mistake I'm sorry." Amaya knew it was unlike Rebecca to make mistakes so she it didn't bother her, instead she was worried about Rebecca.

"It's okay Rebecca. And are they on time?" Amaya asks referring to her parents

"Yes. 5 minutes early" Mia who is still on the call chuckles quietly

Amaya shakes her head as she trys to keep a professional expression "Send them in, please" Rebecca nods and turns to walk out the door

"Rebecca can you see me after they leave?"

"Okay, Sure" she says and leaves her office

"What's up?" Mia asks

"She seems off. I just want to know if she's good. Gotta go babes, see you later?"

"Noooo.... I wanna be involved in the Jones family drama. Don't push me away.." Mia pleads playfully "You need me"

"Fuck you." Amaya laughs lowly "And don't worry i can handle them on my own."

There's a knock at the door "See you later, I love you" Mia says to Amaya. She nods and ends the call

"Come in" She calls out "Here we go" she mutters under her breathe and puts her opened files away

Her mum walks in first followed by her father.

"Hi Maya, How are you?" Her mother asks

"I'm fine mum, please have a seat" She points to one of the chairs in front of her.

Here goes nothing...

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