
Starting in Harry Potter with the Celestial Forge (Rewrite)

Waking up in the Body of a mechanic in the 1940s with the Celestial forge was not what i was expecting on a Friday evening. This will focus on the Second World War and the Cold War. This is really my first attempt to make any thing in fanfiction. So it will be trash as is my grammar so feel free to trash me as much as you want. Thank you reading. If you like the Celestial Forge system and how it works I recommend Celestial Mouse, Child of Iron, and The Ringing of a Forge of Stars. They have amazing writing and take place in cool settings they are all on QQ. Also this will suck I struggle with writting and I’m trying to improve and I’m just doing this for fun. Go read the previous listed for WAY better quality stuff.

Damon_Jager · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


I made my way to the testing grounds on RAF High Wyncombe is where all the companies gathered to show off their guns; Vickers, Sterling, and many more all huge names in the arms manufacturing industry all their in nice cars and assistants. Then their is me a lowly mechanic who had showed up on a motorcycle with a briefcase strapped to his back, on it the words Celestial Arms stamped on it.

By the time I had been brought through security Professor John Cockcroft of army research had started his speech. (Yes, he was a real person and that was his name.)

John-"Good morning everyone, thank you for coming and before we start I would like to say a few words. The reason we are having this competition is simply Dunkirk, we lost tons of military equipment and we need it replaced so here we are to find a new weapons for the British armed forces.

Now, to reiterate the conditions of the challenge. One it must be able to made cheap and mass produced. Two, must be able to work under a variety of conditions and finally must use .303 British (7.7×56mm Rimmed).

Now, Srgt O'Malley if you would."

My most direct competition is Vickers as they have brought the Sten Gun which would be used in the OTL if I had not come.

Srgt. O'Malley began the trials, first all the weapons were inspected to see if they matched the specifications set. Only one was sent home as it was not complete and dangerous to fire.

Next was the true test, they would toss the thing in mud, sand, and water. This is where most where rejected they would clog and Miss fire as they were put through the trial. My FAL showed its strength here, it powered through not jamming after firing 100s of rounds down range.

The final stage was the assembly and disassembly this is where the Sten out paced me it was forth cheap ($11) to make and was made of pressed steel and was stupid simple. While mine is more complicated and used more expensive parts, which I could side step if I had the money or materials to build a assembler from fallout.

The final two was my FAL FN and the Sten made by Vickers. To decide who would get the contract they went to live fire before jamming, each would fire 1,000 rounds and the first to jam looses.

It began, 100…..200...300...600….800….900 and jam my FAL jammed and the Sten won the competition like that. While the FAL was better in most way the British didn't need the best it needed cheap and a lot to fight off the Nazis.

The Vickers business men were actually very kind to me over the competition and offered a position among their researchers.

As I was packing away my things I found what had messed up it was a faulty round but that had not mattered as the Sten was cheaper then Srgt O'Mally and John approached me.

John-"That is an impressive rifle Mr. Blàr, that is an amazing rifle and we would like to make you an offer."

Srgt-"Yes, you see we want to buy a set of these to be used by our commandos, as they would be of great use when fight behind enemy lines. And we would like to offer you a position in the R&D division of the British military."

Dakota-"I would be honored to, and this is just one of my inventions take a look at this." Getting the transistor radio out of my bag." This is a two way radio that has a range of 25 miles at sea and 20 by land. This is do this device here, the transistor it has cut the size of of it by 3/4."

John-"I think this is going to be a beautiful friendship."

I would stay at the Base for a couple of days working on a contract and testing the radio, the transistor was classified and panted the patent was made a national secret as it would revolutionize electronics here in Britain. I also had suspicions they were going to be using by the enigma decoders soon.

With my deal with the government, I would be moving to a secure site further up north where they had were developing military tech. Their I would have a large budget and access to real resources, I would also be able to patent any thing I discover and would be acknowledged after the war for my accomplishments.

The Forge then triggered when I was traveling up North near Scotland, while I was reading the news paper about the collapse of the French front.

-Cranial implants (Warhammer 40k: Adeptus Mechanicus) (100CP)

The brain of every magos undergoes extensive modification over time, but you have put great care into preparing your mind for the Machine God's mysteries. Beyond the gene-alterations and bionic sub-systems that have boosted your intelligence, regulated neuro-chemistry reduces the influence that hunger, pain, fear and other flesh-distractions can have upon your thoughts. Your ability to enjoy these things are not impeded. Further neurological modifications will be faster and easier to adapt to with less worry of rejection.

Which hurt by the way, having you move to the slide slightly and having shit forced into your brain is not fun. But it did boost my cognitive abilities 10 fold and allowed me access to a variety of CAD programs and other programs that helped me design equipment.

I went to work on computer aided AA guns, with my knowledge from fallout and my boosted knowledge I am able to design a program that would I.D Nazi Aircraft and try and shoot them down. This would also be a test for the more modern computers, I was also tasked with helping with aircraft design as that is what Britain needed most right now with the Nazis getting closer and closer.