
Waifus and questions

Hello, readers!

This fanfic will have harem obviously. Now I need to ask you guys something.

Which waifus do you want to be inside the harem?

Easy and hard at the same time, right?

I want you to choose the heroines (Servant), since the harem will be big, but not too big.

Since this Fanfic will be a wish fulfillment, we should do it right, don't you think?

Unknown Reader: Speak for yourself Author! Your grammar sucks and your not very good chapters.

Shot! Shot!

The lifeless body of the Unknown Reader fell with two bullets embedded in his body, one in his head and the other in his heart.

"Die, you idiot. Don't hurt the Author-Sama's fragile little heart" An annoying voice that ended in a little voice full of love and affection like a little nymphomaniac came out of the darkness.

The faceless figure of the new Reader holding a gun appeared from somewhere, as he stared coldly at the lifeless body of the other unknown Reader.

"Don't feel bad, Author-Sama. It was just a cruel person who only came to hurt you" said the armed reader. As he looked at the Author with a twisted smile on his face.


"Th-Thank you, armed Reader."

"Can you put the gun down?"

"You're pointing it at me and it's scaring me, you know?" Said the Author with fear in his amethyst eyes.

"Oh! You mean this?" he said, as he pointed to the gun with his other hand.

He quickly approached the Author as he put the gun under his throat.

"What are you doing, you armed Reader!". Said the Author in fright.

"My dear and beloved Lector-Sama. We need to talk" He said with a depraved smile full of possessiveness.

"What do you want?"

"How many chapters will you publish a week?" he asked bluntly.

"Th-That... for the moment... maybe one chapter a week..."

"I haven't finished watching Fate Stay Nigt yet. I'm too busy with schoolwork" Replied the Author with obvious fear.


A maniacal chuckle came out of the armed Reader's mouth that reverberated throughout the place.

"Do you think we'll be happy with this chapter-launching establishment!!!" I shouted hysterically.

"E- Ehh!".

"Absurd!" He said as he proceeded to throw a fist fest at the author.

10 minutes later.

"Wuaa...sniff* sniff*."

"Please, no more."

"I'll try my best, but no promises" Said the Author with a face full of punches that even his mother won't be able to recognize him.


" I will give you time to reconsider... and if the amount is not to my liking..." He said while forming a twisted grin from ear to ear.

"I'll shove these bullets up your ass!". He said, as he walked away and disappeared into the darkness.

*sniff* sniff* *sniff* sniff* sniff*

"Why is this happening to me?"

"I'm just a new author."

*Sollozo* *Sollozo* *Sollozo*

"I just wanted to have fun creating something I liked!" she said as she curled up on the floor, while shaking and little sobs escaped her lips.

END OF COMEDY (Not for author Tehee xd).


"The dead man was right!"

"Your hoods aren't very good for us to behave like this!"

Multiple voices from different readers were heard reverberating all over the place.


Back to the topic.

For my part I will choose the following waifus as harem members:

* Medea

* Medusa

* Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)

* Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)

* Quetzacoatl

* Jeanne d'Arc

* Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)

* Etc.

I will focus first on Medea, Medusa and the Alter. In the meantime you will focus on choosing your waifus.

And finally, the servants (harem members) that the MC will have sex with, will they all be virgins?

This question I ask you is based on the fact that the servants maintain a physical body with the help of the magical power of their masters.

Do you understand my reasoning?

Or do I make virgins only those servants who did not have a relationship with a man when they were alive.

I will be waiting for your answers.

And before I forget, there will be a lemon scene soon. But don't expect too much of it, since as I said before, I'm a new author and by logic I'm a newbie in this kind of scene.

N/A: The comedy scene was just written for fun. So don't be offended, because as you may know there are readers who ask for chapters, which there is nothing wrong with that and they don't do it like in my comedy, since I exaggerated it and made it dramatic. And as I said, I just wrote it for fun, a way to joke. Don't be offended or take it seriously.

With that I'll say goodbye.

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