
Starting Again(Rimuru's Time Travel)

Rimuru is a nine-tailed fox. This story will not follow original storyline completely. This is my 1st story so i am sorry if it's not to your liking, tell me in the comments how can i improve. I never thought that i will write one day but this anime is very good. --> romance and harem --> male Rimuru --> written in first person --> english is not my first language so there may be some mistakes but i assure you that you will not get confused --> Little action --> op rimuru 'cause it's time travel:)) Notice: Tensura is not own by me. Any pictures i use are definitely NOT mine.

SupremebeingRimuru · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

A One-Sided Fight With Shizu

I walked around the town for a while and saw Shizu coming back from her practice.

She immediately ran up to me and hugged me. She really is bold now but she doesn't mind so definitely i don't have any problem with that.

Other girls gave a jealous stare while mens just continued their work.

"So, how was your practice shizu?"

"Yep it was good, i am ready now."

"Of course you are but first let's eat something."

Then we went to a cafe to eat something, we chatted for a while and of course diablo wasn't there, always with us. Then we decided to duel in the practice ground.

"Dear i will not hold back okay?"

"Hahahaa, sure no need and me as well will not go easy on you."

"You are taking this seriously dear?"

"Of course, after all you have practiced so hard in these days."


We arrived at the ground and the ground was already empty. The orges and hobgoblins were standing in the end of the ground.

"Rimuru-sama we heard that you and Shizu-sama are going to have a match so that's why"

"Hmm good work Benimaru"

Then we went to the middle of the ground and i set up a barrier cause i am pretty sure she will not hold back and in that case someone will definitely get hurt. Looks like she understood my intention.

"Thanks dear"

"No problem love"

She blushed a little bit cause i said it pretty loud but then she took her stance and charged on me with her sword. As for me, i have my Ragnarok sword that i created when i was bored but this time, it's only a normal sword but still materials are same...

*clang* *clang* *clang* she charged at me from different sides at a very fast rate. All the orges and hobgoblins couldn't even see us except the 7 kijins and 4 primordials but still we were very fast even for them.

After a while, she stood and looked at my sword which didn't even got a scratch, i didn't even infused magic in my sword it's just this sword is made up of the rarest materials of all realities, my sword is above than all, Genesis-class weapons and whatever class weapons, these words aren't enough to rank my sword.

"I won't ask anything now." Shizu said.

Then she charged at me once again but this time flames enveloped her body and there were magic balls around her that immediately came to me, her sword continuously striked with mine while those magic balls came to me, some took the form of arrow, some spear and other swords.

But all those magic circles when attacked me couldn't do anything, they were just attacking and disappearing. This continued for a while and others who were viewing the match had their mouths wide open, they knew that we both are strong but they never expected us to be this strong because if it wasn't for the barrier, more than half of our town would be a land of lava by now.

Shizu backed up and stood while panting, she had a small smile on her face but disappointment too...on herself. But she doesn't know that she has really improved a lot, i am extremely happy.

I smiled and said,

"You will not get time in the battlefield Shizu"

Before she could even react, i ran up to her within a blink of an eye and punched her lightly on her stomach. She tried to dodge but couldn't. I then returned to my original position.

She immediately stood up and began preparing her... most powerful attack? Well, with the time she is taking to prepare that attack, i can easily dispel it but i will take this attack.

10 Fireballs circled around her, and a big fireball formed in front of her.

"GREGA!" She shouted.

All those 10 fireballs immediately fused with the big one and began coming towards me at an incredibly fast rate, only Primordials can only dodge this attack, they wouldn't even dare to take this attack, i glanced at all of them who were watching the match and they all have sweat on their faces, fists tightly closed and were looking at me because for them it's even less than a second.

Within a second, a large explosion happened. The ground turn into lava except where Shizu was standing, the shockwave shook the whole barrier and all the watchers could feel the incredible heat. They all had worried expression on their faces including Shizu, of course they knew that i wasn't dead because of soul corridor but they thought that i would be injured because i didn't even move from my spot.

Such a large scale powerful attack, it could definitely erase our whole town but thanks to the barrier, everythingis fine.

"She has really improved, right Ciel-chan?"

"Yes master, she really worked hard these days."

"Hmm, i need to cheer her up later..."

"Yes master, don't worry she will understand."

"Definitely, i believe in her after all i am not even scratched..."

3rd Person's POV

All of the subordinates and Shizu too have worried faces, they want to help their master but they can't, no one can enter through the barrier, Benimaru and Diablo even attacked the barrier but nothing happened.

The whole ground is burning and where Rimuru was, there is now pillar of flames.

Shizu has closed her fists really tight and small tears are forming around her eyes.

"Dear...I-i am sorr-"

"Master wait." Agni said.

"Wha-what happened?"

"Please master, i know my creator, even if this was our second most powerful attack, my creator should be alright."

"Hmm, you are right Agni, after all i told dear to take this seriously, he is alright, i believe in him." A small smile appeared on her face.

And she is right, the whole lava ground slowly started to disappear and solid ground began forming. At the last, the pillar of flames disappeared and...

And there stood Rimuru in the sky, no one can see his face because his front is covered by the beautiful pair of dark blue wings enveloped in light blue flames along with a single long blue tail that is too covered in light blue flames.

"So Beautiful Dear..." Shizu said.

"These wings, the tail...they are beautiful no extremely beautiful" Benimaru said.

All the girls: "Too beautiful..."

"I have never seen such beautiful, no i don't think that these otherworldly wings even exist." Testarossa said.

"Oh~ the grace of my lord, my lord is such a beautiful and powerful being, oh~ i am extremely grateful that i can serve him, Wonderful, it's...the wings they are beautiful and intimidating too" Diablo said and this time all others nodded their head.

"Hmm, intimidating, they are giving the aura of dominance, it feels like they are... screaming at us... to remember, always remember who is at the top, who is the most powerful being..." Benimaru said and all others agreed.

3rd Person POV's END

I slowly moved my wings from front to the back, i am not retracting them definitely neither the tail cause...i can't.

"Ciel-chan, please"

"Nope master, you heard the talks right? It's best this way, they will witness more of your holiness."



"Please" i requested.

"No means no"

"Hai" well i can retract my wings by just giving ciel an order and she will obey me but...come on i am a romantic guy.

"Hmm romantic i can hear your thoughts, now focus on the fight before i do something else."

"No no i am focusing."

Shizu is ataring at me with a smile, of course outside it's only been one second since i showed my face.

"What are you waiting for Shizu?"

She smiled more and began preparing her attack, this is definitely her most powerful attack. And with this, she can definitely wipe out the entire orc army plus more than half part of the forest.

20 fireballs circled around her while a big fireball began to take the form of canon.

"JIO GRAZE" She shouted.

Amazing, she is definitely amazing.

"Excellent, let me give you a reward for that."

My attack collided with her but they got cancelled out. Other one was still active and was increasing towards her at a fast rate. She set up barriers but it shattered all of them.

*Snap* i snapped my fingers and dispelled my attack. It disappeared. Shizu collapsed on the floor while tears began to flow from her eyes.

I dispelled my barrier and teleported in front of her, held her chin and wiped her tears.

"You did great, Shizu"

"Bu-but i wasn't *sob* even able to *sob*"

I helped her to stand up.

"You were amazing Shizu, trust me you are really powerful."

"Bu-but, i wasn't even able to scratch you dear."

And she began to cry again, well looks like i have no choice.

I held her chin and brought my lips closer to her and kissed her, she was shocked but she reciprocated my kiss and all others were really embarrassed.

After a while i broke the kiss,

"Don't worry Shizu, we have lots of time, we have only been together for few days and you are already this strong, i prromise that i will teach you okay?"

"Hmm hai, i understand dear, we have lots of time and we will always be together, i am really sorry that i made you worried."

"Come on, if i will not worry about you then who will?"

"Fufufuu Sure, thanks dear, i love you"

"Love you too, let's go other are staring at us."


We went near the others and girls all had red faces, some were looking down while some...at my lips? And as for mens, they were looking here and there.

"Rimuru-sama Shizu-sama, that was a wonderful fight." Diablo said while clapping his hands lightly.

"Thanks diablo-san." Shizu said.

Others praised us too, for the girls, shy ones went near shizu and few bold ones directly praised me and after that we went to our home where i cheered her more. She understood.

Now is finally night, we have already ate the dinner and our small yet powerful army is ready.

But why i am feeling excited? Something...something different is going to happen... *dark laughs*

I took the names of the attack from misfit of demon king academy, don't go into the functions of that attacks, i just copied the names. 

Anyways, Happy Reading 。◕ ‿ ◕。

SupremebeingRimurucreators' thoughts