
Start Again The Elven King

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  • 2 Chs
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What is Start Again The Elven King

Leia o romance Start Again The Elven King escrito pelo autor Ritch_Riche publicado no WebNovel. The main character dies as a result of an unfortunate accident and is reborn in the body of a baby, but what is this?- Long ears and golden hair, am I an elf now?A fan of turn-based strategies and cit...


The main character dies as a result of an unfortunate accident and is reborn in the body of a baby, but what is this? - Long ears and golden hair, am I an elf now? A fan of turn-based strategies and city-building simulators dies and wakes up as a baby. After centuries of hard work, he becomes the king of his race. But not everything is so rosy, suddenly the human race decides to unite and subjugate all other races. The war lasting three hundred years is about to end, the elves have lost, and they decide to execute the main character in the capital of the former elven kingdom. *Beep-Beep* - System loaded, would you like to start over. - Yes, I want to start over. - Request accepted, initiating spatial-temporal soul displacement. - This time, I will not lose.

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What I left behind

I couldn't believe it, this can't be a dream, please don't let it be a dream... I held her, caressed her hair and smelled her to make sure it was real, to make sure she was real. "I missed you, so much!" and then she started slowly rocking onto me, God it felt so good, it took me seconds to get h**d, I needed her so bad, I wanted to be inside of her, but I needed for her to ask me, my c**k begged for her to ask me. She started kissing my neck, and when I was about to push her she kissed my lips with such a force and desire, I gave in, she then started to pull my boxers down, I wanted to feel her mouth around me, I wanted her to su*k my leight all in, I was ready for her when I felt it, her warm tongue licking my d**k like it was the best thing she had ever tasted, the moaning and popping sounds her mouth made while suck** my ba**s, I could her lips and the vibration of her moans around me going up and down faster all the way into her throat, gently bitting my base like she wanted it all for herself. I couldn't hold back I wanted to taste her to, I wanted so bad to know what she tasted like, I wanted to fill her up. So I raised her chin up and kissed her, I couldn't believe this was happening to me, I took her hips and laid her in bed, when I removed her clothes she was so wet, I wanted to put myself into her, but I wanted to enjoy every single inch of her body, so I started kissing her body, sucki** her breasts, touching her legs, her as* like there was no tomorrow, I wanted her body to remember me, I started slowly liking her cl*t, I could see her body react with small spasms of pleasure while she contained in her moans, I wanted her to ask me to come inside of her, so I teased her, likin* hard and then slow, while inserting my fingers on her warmth, I wanted my co*k to feel her warmth, finally she couldn't hold her moans anymore "please, I want more, give me more!" "Gladly" those words made me so happy, I placed her hips on top of mine and she started rocking like there was no tomorrow...

Jenn0010 · História
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Vanessa Arabella Khun, seorang putri yang terlahir dari dua gen, yakni ibu yang memiliki gen manusia dan ayah memiliki gen bangsa vampir. Namun, Vanessa terlahir bukan sebagai manusia atau sebagai darah campuran melainkan sebagai Vampir murni. Awalnya Vanessa kecil merasa aneh karena matanya tiba-tiba gatal dan mulutnya lalu berdarah, bahkan yang mengejutkannya adalah Vanessa memiliki sebuah tanda bergambar bunga Azalea di dada sebelah kanan. Velin Anastasia Khun adalah seorang ibu yang memandang menjadi seorang Vampir berarti siap menerima segala resikonya. Namun, Velin tidak pernah memaksa putrinya untuk menjadi manusia pada umumnya, karena, menurutnya manusia juga tidak ada bedanya mereka tamak, egois, kasar, dan juga kejam. Velin takut putrinya akan terpengaruh hal-hal buruk dari manusia, tetapi, bukan berarti Velin mengizinkan Vanessa menjadi vampir juga. Velin akan menerima keputusan dari Vanessa sendiri. Aguero Arteri Khun adalah ayah yang sangat baik dan juga penyayang, namun jika berhubungan dengan pendidikan Vanessa ia sangat sensitif. Saat mengetahui putrinya memiliki tanda bunga Azalea di dadanya yang sama dengan kakek Vanessa atau ayah Aguero, yakni Aleandro Arteri Khun. Aguero sudah tidak begitu berhubungan baik dengan sang ayah karena sebagian saudaranya menentang ia menikah dengan Velin, tapi, akhirnya mulai membaik setelah Vanessa lahir, bahkan lebih baik lagi ketika Vanessa memiliki tanda tersebut. Bagi bangsa vampir memiliki tanda artinya ia adalah pemimpin keluarga bangsa vampir berikutnya dan keluarga Khun adalan keluarga yang sangat kuat setelah Raja para Vampir. keluarga Khun juga memiliki banyak musuh yang ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas mereka di hadapan Raja. Namun, belakangan ini keluarga Khun sedikit kesulitan karena desakan dari pihak yang kuat yakni keluarga Sereno. keluarga yang kuatnya setara dengan keluarga Khun dan lagi mereka telah memiliki pemimpin yang baru berbeda dengan keluarga Khun yang masih belum menemukannya.

NAFASA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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