Sets during second bug wars during Siege of Metro Z sector at planet K Sargent Raymond Saladin stumble upon dark secrets that will change his life forever......
" Whoever Break Us We break them tenth more Times "
Rami Shankar
Captain of 5th Division,
12th Siege Army Terran Federation
It was rainy that day I was checking my power Armor for next attack on arachnid underground city with 6th and 3rd Division from East frontline artillery fires from each sides to bug infestation area.
" Sargent!!!...." A loud voice echoing my ears __" Sargent!!! Saladin " I turn my head and I saw Lambert one of my subordinate calls me " Captain Shankar want to see you Sargent" quickly I left and went straight to captain's tent Lambert brief me about next attack and this time each side will attack simultaneously east side.west side and North side.
" Interesting the join commands are finally agreed " I replied but Lambert says otherwise it was Sky Marshal who petition this and the rest are agreed. I never thought Sky Marshal will step in to break the silent I was bit exaggerated upon arriving captain tent I went inside and saw Captain Shankar a men who In charged in East side Defence and Captain for 5th Division, Lieutenant Arya Marvel West side Defence Representative and Srgt. Major Omar Grant Northern Defence Commander.
" Alright since everyone is here shall we begin then?" Captain Shankar began his briefing Shankar suggest that East and North will attack first Follow by West and supported by artillery fire. East and west are agreed but Northern side disagreed due to they have small numbers since they suffered most during first Siege attempt while East defence have estimated 4.000 to 5.000 mobile infantry and 350 Tanks battalion and 250 artillery ready for deployment. northern Defence has 3.500 mobile infantry 200 artillery and 60 tanks battalion and 10.000 wounded soldiers waited for evacuation West side had more military forces than others estimate 15.000 mobile infantry 1,500 Tanks battalion 500 artillery.
" Arya can divide West defence to reinforce Northern Defence while they marching" Shankar suggest to divide Arya forces to help Northern Defence while Eastern Defence will proceed as planned " 6th Division and 3rd Division will be marching under Sargent Saladin Command while 13th and 20th Regiment will provide support along with 55th Artillery Brigade" I was bit surprised for his plan since the Eastern Defence was under my command after what happened to my predecessor.
Shankar also mentioned that Arachnid Tanker type were sighted along entrance into bug city after following all battle plans everyone dismissed but Shankar want to see me afterwards. " Saladin...." He looks at me while passing a file at me I open it the files containing my named and it says I was transferred I was bit curious about it.
" Transferred where.....I was transferred? Sir I don't understand!..why?" I asked Shankar for explanation but all he can tell is " Sky Marshal request by your name" he just smile and left but he also reminded to finish the mission first before I was transferred.
July. 3rd
Eastern Assault team 1
(3rd and 6th Division)
Commander: Sargent Raymond Saladin
Eastern Assault team 2
(5th,12th, and 9th Division)
Commander: Captain Ramy Shankar
Eastern Defence Line
(22nd , 13th Artillery Brigade 11th, And 4th Regiment)
Commander: Alan Kurse
Northern Assault team 1
(77th, and 20th Mobile Regiment)
Commander: Corporal Amy Arnem
Northern Assault Team 2
(6th Tank Regiment, 9th, 4th Division)
Commander: Srgt, Major Omar Grant
Northern Defence Line
(33rd Artillery Brigade, 8th Mobile Regiment)
Western Assault team 1
(1st, 18th, 25th Division)
Commander: Arya Marvel
Western assault team 2
(44th, 21st mobile Regiment, 8th Tank Battalion,)
Commander: Jamal Amaru
Western Defence Line
( 7th Artillery Brigade, 12th Mobile Regiment/Company C, 30th Tank Battalion, 16th Division)
Commander: Holly Batam