

The city shimmered under the soft golden hues of dusk, painting the skyline with a mosaic of fading daylight and the emergence of evening's glow. Amidst the labyrinth of bustling streets and towering buildings, Eunha stood like a solitary figure, her silhouette outlined against the backdrop of urban chaos.

Her fingers clutched onto the frayed straps of her worn-out bag, its seams straining under the weight of her dreams. She juggled a precarious stack of chicken orders, the warmth of the boxes a stark contrast to the chill in the air. Her steps echoed against the pavement, each footfall a rhythmic beat to the symphony of the city.

The evening rush had just begun, and the neon signs flickered to life, casting an ethereal glow upon the throngs of people moving about their lives. For Eunha, life had been a relentless series of dashed hopes and unfulfilled promises, a symphony of missed opportunities and stifled aspirations.

The lure of the idol world had beckoned to her like a siren's song, a distant melody promising solace from the stark reality of her existence. An orphan from the outset, she found solace and inspiration in the harmonies of her favorite idols, the radiant stars on stage igniting a fervent desire within her to shine just as brightly.

But life's harsh hand had dealt her an unfair game. Fate, it seemed, had conspired against her, denying her the luxury of completing her education, let alone pursuing her passion for music. Instead, she found herself trapped in the monotony of waitressing at a local chicken restaurant, her dreams slipping further away with each passing day.

It was on one serendipitous evening, amid the mundane chore of delivering orders, that destiny's script took an unexpected turn. A discerning talent scout, his keen eyes scanning the crowd like an eagle hunting for prey, noticed Eunha amidst the sea of faces. He saw something extraordinary in the ordinary—a spark of potential hidden beneath layers of adversity.

"I think you can be an idol?" His words, uttered in a voice laden with possibility, echoed in her mind.

Auditions became her lifeline—stolen hours of practice wedged between exhausting shifts, sleepless nights fueled by unwavering determination. The audition room, a dazzling yet intimidating space, where Eunha stood, her heart pounding like a drumbeat out of rhythm.

With bated breath, she poured her soul into each note, her voice trembling with raw emotion. Yet, despite her earnest efforts, the road to stardom was an arduous climb. Years blurred together as she navigated the rigorous life of a trainee, the cutthroat competition among idol hopefuls, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.

But despite her unyielding dedication, the coveted debut stage remained elusive. Ten grueling years of training culminated in dashed hopes and unfulfilled promises. At twenty-five, she found herself discarded, her dreams slipping away like grains of sand through her fingers.

The survival competition offered a glimmer of hope—a chance to rekindle the dwindling flame within her. The spotlight beckoned once more, bestowing fleeting fame and success as she emerged victorious and secured a coveted spot in a new idol group.

Yet success was transient. The unforgiving industry led her back to obscurity. Closed doors and waning spotlights became her reality as she faced rejection and faded from the public eye. A small company offered a feeble lifeline—a single EP album and then a deafening silence, burying her deeper into the abyss of anonymity.

The city night was draped in a shroud of eerie stillness, broken only by the distant hum of traffic and the intermittent glow of streetlights casting ethereal halos onto the quiet roads. Eunha, lost in her thoughts, navigated the deserted sidewalk, her steps faltering under the weight of her accumulated regrets. The moon, a pale crescent in the sky, barely illuminated the path before her as she approached the intersection, unaware of the impending twist of fate hurtling towards her. Suddenly, a cacophony of screeching tires shattered the silence, accompanied by blinding headlights careening wildly, painting the dark canvas of the night with streaks of chaos. The chilling realization struck her too late—a reckless driver, consumed by intoxication, careened toward her with terrifying velocity. Time seemed to slow to a haunting crawl, the world reduced to a surreal tableau of impending disaster. In that heart-stopping moment, the collision of metal and flesh became an inevitable fate, shrouded in the deafening roar of the impact. And then, as swiftly as the chaos had erupted, silence descended—a profound stillness punctuated only by the echo of shattered glass and the haunting whispers of destiny fulfilled.

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