

Chandni Roy stepped out of the shining and sleek Mercedes and entered the gates of Lilawati Hospital. She was a beautiful and smart woman and looked more like a film star than a mother of a four year old son. All eyes turned to her but she was oblivious of the stares, which in ordinary circumstances she would have relished, but today all that attention didn't matter. Today her mind, body and soul, all were centered only in one direction and that was towards Raj, her husband, who was seriously ill and admitted in this hospital.

Chandni saw Trisha Didi coming out of the hospital. She went forward to greet, and touched her feet. Trisha was Raj's elder sister whom Chandni respected a lot, "How is Raj this morning? Was he uncomfortable in the night?" Chandni asked nervously, to which Trisha answered sweetly, "No, no, don't worry. He slept well and seems to be comfortable. Why did you come to the hospital? The Doctor has advised you to rest since it's important for you as well as your baby."

"Chandni was pregnant a second time and the stress of Raj's illness was taking its toll on Chandni's health."

"No, Di, I am already putting so much pressure on you. You've been staying at the hospital for several nights. Anyways, I am here to stay right now. The driver will drop you back home. You need to take rest, too," Chandni said while hurrying towards Raj's room.

It had been five years since Chandni got married to Raj. Chandni was the daughter to one of the top builders in the city, Mr. Amitesh Roy, who primarily managed construction in South Mumbai, which was known as Bombay then. Chandni was very beautiful with a face that could give anybody an inferiority complex. She had appeared in some films in minor roles, but soon left the film industry to join his father in business which was flourishing every day and he needed her by his side.

As time went by, Chandni crossed the age of marriage and her father realized that in the pursuit of money, he forgot to take care of his daughter's marriage. He was a man of intelligence, but could not easily find a boy worthy enough to marry his daughter, but when he met Trisha who told him about her brother, he was very impressed. Raj was holding a top position in a renowned company A.C.M. Mills and was of the appropriate age to marry Chandni. Trisha was the president of a religious organization, of which Mr. Roy was also a member. The head of the organization, Guruji, knew both the families well, and the members of the organization were more than happy when the alliance of Chandni and Raj got fixed.

Initially, Mr. Roy was not happy with Raj's modest background because Raj belonged to a family which was once prosperous but had over time faded in fame and prosperity. Mr. Roy was shocked to see the shabby condition of their ancestral house, but Guruji had advised him, "Look, Raj undoubtedly is a diamond and there are no strings attached. He will get his two sisters married, and the two other brothers are doing well in their studies. One is a student of engineering, and the other one is studying law. Don't worry too much, and marry Chandni to Raj."

When Raj and Chandni met for the first time, the differences between them, in their backgrounds, and their nature, were very evident, but as they became more and more acquainted, they found each other personality's fulfilling and complementary to each other. Raj's calmness and concern introduced Chandni to a person who had a soothing effect on Chandni's personality, so much so that she couldn't forget him for even a second.

Next day, Chandni called Raj who was quite taken aback when the voice on the other side said, "Hey, can we meet today, because I have decided to marry you and I want to make few things clear. I won't sit at home. And more …"

Raj was in a meeting when he had received the call and, needless to say, for a second couldn't comprehend the situation. Who was the woman on the other end of the phone, and what was she saying, that too while he was in the office. Perhaps, it was a wrong number and he checked, "May I know who's calling?"

Immediately, Chandni came to her senses, hell, what was she doing? Maybe he was busy somewhere, or worse, he was already engaged or committed. But, Raj on the end was very calm when Chandni apologized, "I am Chandni. Sorry, I disturbed you. We had met yesterday. I …"

She couldn't believe that she was fumbling with her words, she .. Miss attitude, Miss arrogant, who was even called 'vanity thy name is Chandni,' was being so naive as to call someone in the middle of the day and tell him that she wanted to marry him. However, Raj responded gently, "I am in a meeting, and I can't talk to you right now. I will, though, call you as soon as it is over."

Chandni's initial excitement had already vanished and dark thoughts started taking over, 'he will never call back. I behaved in such an immature manner.'

She sat with her head in her hands while scorning her own stupidity and, suddenly, the mobile phone rang, "Hi, this is Raj, sorry I couldn't talk at that time … I was in an important meeting. You were saying something back then?" Before Chandni could say anything, Raj again said, "I think we should meet in person to have this conversation."

Chandni readily agreed. She didn't know why her heart was beating so fast as if it would come out of her chest. Chandni and Raj met at the Gateway of India, which was rather quiet at this time of day. One could spot little boats and ships in the distance playing on the waves. The waves playfully came and went in and out of the shore as if thudding their heads in pursuit of something else. Whenever Chandni came to the seashore, she always wondered why the waves were so restless.

She said to Raj, who had directly come from the meeting and was dressed in a suit and tie, "Why don't we go the Taj? This is no place to have a decent conversation, standing here like this. Are we not rather overdressed for the Gateway.

However, Raj was comfortable where he was and said, "No way. I am staying at the Taj, as it is, due to some official work and I have to say that I hate the coldness and morbidity of such places. I like the fresh air outside and the crisp sunlight is rejuvenating. Don't you like it out here? And who cares what we're wearing, look ... everybody is busy in themselves. But, if you want to, we can go inside."

Chandni replied quickly, "No, it's okay out here. I don't mind."

Suddenly, she felt as comfortable as Raj was, as if she had come under his spell.

Since Chandni was still finding words to start speaking, Raj took the first step and said, "I don't want to keep you in dark about anything about myself", and started to tell her everything about his life. In the end, he said, "I have told you everything now. I know, after knowing everything, you wouldn't be interested in marrying someone like me. A girl like you should get married in a rich family. It's through that I have come into money now, but, at heart, I am a very simple man."

Chandni was stunned at what he had said towards the end and she could not respond properly, she could not say anything, could not tell him how much she was soaked in his love. Raj understood her silence to be an agreement with what he had said, and he nodded at her and smiled before he turned around and started walking. Suddenly, Chandni came running and stopped him from behind, "I don't know whether what you are saying is right or not, but I want to tell you that I have already fallen for you. Come what may, I want to lead the rest of my life with you … if it's okay with you, too." It was Raj's turn to be stunned and suddenly he was genuinely comfortable in Chandni's presence and the heaviness in his heart was gone, the ambiguous feeling of some unknown thing getting farther away from him disappeared altogether, and it was replaced by a feeling of pure euphoria.

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