
Stargate Atlantis: Lantean Resurrection (hiatus)

I DO NOT OWN any of the Stargate franchise. All characters/objects/concepts that appear in this novel are owned by their respected company. I only take ownership of any original characters/objects/concepts. This is the tale of Ila Ultum, a Lantean that got sent 10,000 years into the future, escaping from the Wraith that were at war with the Lanteans. Join him on his journey where he meets the Atlantis Expedition, takes the fight to the Wraith and keeps the legacy of his people alive!

FlashyAli · TV
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



That was all that Ila Ultum saw when his ship was attacked just as it was entering hyperspace. He had been ambushed by the Wraith on one of his patrols of his tasked space sector.

Ila was a renowned Lantean scientist but because of the war with the Wraith, they needed capable people in charge of the new ships they were building so he was put in charge of one of the first ships of the new class of Lantean warship.

When he was on patrol of his space sector, his deep space sensors picked up a distress beacon near an important Lantean mining colony, so he maneuvered his ship, the SSL Invictus (SSL stands for Spaceship Lantea) to head into hyperspace towards the colony.

When the Invictus exited hyperspace, Ila and his crew saw the debris of the ships that were in orbit that were tasked with protecting the colony. They could see that they were slaughtered by the Wraith.

The beacon was still active so he docked the SSL Invictus in one of the colony's docking ports as the signal was coming from within a building in the colony. Ila and some of his security crew disembark from the Invictus and head towards the signal using their scanners.

When they reached the source of the signal that was coming from a collapsing medical bay, they saw the mummified corpses of the colonists, one of which was holding a transmitter. Suddenly, Ila got a message from one of his crew back on the Invictus.

"Captain, 5 hiveships with cruiser escorts just dropped out of hyperspace. They are sending in their Darts."

Before Ila could order his men to report back to the ship, a group of Wraith came out from a side storage room and fired their stunners at Ila and his men.

More than half of the security crew was instantly hit. The other half quickly pulled out their stunners and fired back. One Ila's men, a younger scrawny kid, rushed towards Ila taking him away from the fight.

The scrawny kid said, " Captain Ultum, you have to get back to the Invictus and get more reinforcements! We can hold them back for now! Go!"

"Watch yourselves! I'll be back as soon as possible!" said Ila.

Ila made his way back to the Invictus with caution, making sure that there were no other Wraith waiting to ambush him. Just as he arrived, he saw his remaining crew being escorted out of the ship by the Wraith. Ila then understood that the Wraith had planned this ambush to get to the Invictus, first of the newer class of Lantean warships. The newer class were better than the older class(aurora class) by a large margin.

For one thing it had a Potentia (possibly what the Lanteans called ZPMs, going to change to ZPM when he goes to the future in the next chapter) to power the powerful shields, slightly better interstellar hyperdrive and it's dozens of heavy and light pulse cannons along with standard Lantean drones. It also contained all the locations of the Lantean bases, and the planet where they were planning on going if they couldn't sustain the fight any longer, Earth.

Ila couldn't let the Wraith discover any of the locations or the fact that there was a Potentia powering the ship. He had to do something but before he could come up with a plan he saw that his head of security along with the rest of his crew were being gathered in one place and were about to be beamed into a Wraith Dart.

He tried to get the attention of his head of security but to no avail. The Wraith had completely surrounded the crew. His crew was beamed up and sent to one of the Wraith hiveships that had dropped out of hyperspace. Ila was left alone. He had no choice but to get on the Invictus and prevent the Wraith from discovering the information stored on the ship.

He caused a distraction right outside the airlock towards the opposite direction of where he was. The Wraith guarding the entrance went to check it out. Ila quickly went on board and locked the airlock. He had his stunner out, just in case there were Wraith on board. He made his way to the bridge.

As he approached the bridge he heard a Wraith leader giving out orders to another two Wraith. He heard the two Wraith heading out of the bridge so he quickly went into a hidden panel in the corridor. He waited till they left. After he couldn't hear them anymore, he quietly left the hidden panel and looked in towards the bridge. The Wraith leader was trying to figure out how to pilot the ship.

Ila quietly approached the unsuspecting Wraith with his stunner pointed towards him. And said, "You know, you're supposed to have a special gene to pilot this ship. But even if you did, I wouldn't want your disgusting mouth hand touching my chair!"

The Wraith leader quickly spun around and saw Ila, a man with a height of 5ft 10inches (I know they probably wouldn't use these measurements but whatever), lean body, chiseled handsome face, sharp blue eyes with an orange sectoral Heterochromia in his right eye, and dirty blonde, arguably brown hair. Surprisingly good looking for a scientist (of course he is ;) )

He replied back while laughing in a disgusting manner, "It doesn't matter! Your crew is all gone, you are all alone! What can you do alone against five hiveships and their cruiser escorts!?"

Ila didn't reply. The Wraith thought that Ila had given up but before he could gloat in Ila's face he was stunned. Ila dragged the Wraith leaders stunned body out of the bridge and sealed himself inside. He got into his captains chair and fired up the Invictus' engines.

On one of the Wraith hiveships, a low class Wraith noticed that the Lantean ship was powering up its' engines. He thought about reporting it to his superiors but decided against it when he remembered that he was ordered to clean all the hibernation pods just because he was playing around with one of the Darts. He thought, 'That'll show that bastard to make me clean all of the hibernation pods.'

Ila turned off the inertial dampeners and vented the atmosphere of the whole ship except for the bridge while he was taking off. The other 4 hiveships also noticed that the Invictus was taking off and quickly fired at Ila. Ila wasn't too worried as the Invictus' shields were powered by the Potentia onboard.

He quickly retaliated by charging up the pulse cannons and sending a volley of drones towards the hiveships and cruisers. Even though Ila was confident he could take on all five hiveships and their escorts, he needed to retreat and gather reinforcements and a new crew.

He set coordinates for Lantea and fired up the hyperdrive. On the hiveships, the Wraith saw that the Invictus was about to go into hyperspace so they tried to overwhelm its' shields and take out its' hyperdrive. They bombarded the shields but it didn't even tickle the Invictus.

As the hyperspace window opened and the Invictus was sucked in, the low class Wraith on one of the hiveships sneezed and accidentally shot at the hyperspace window as the Invictus was going in. This caused a huge explosion somehow and it seemed like the Invictus was destroyed.

The Wraith leader of the hiveship saw this and thought that the low class Wraith did this on purpose. He praised the low class Wraith and said, "It seems like you learned you lesson by cleaning all the hibernation pods. Good job. I'll tell the Queen about this and maybe you will be bestowed your own cruiser or something! Hahaha!"

The low class Wraith was surprised. He thought to himself, 'but I just sneezed, (and sent the MC to the future to terrorize us)' but the low class Wraith didn't say any of that and took the praise with great enthusiasm.

Hi guys. I tried my very best to write a good beginning to a hopefully equally good series. I just hope that you guys enjoy my story and if you have any suggestions write them in the comments section and I’ll try and implement them into my story if i think that it will be a good addition to the story.

A question I have is should I add some romance with 18+ content? I appreciate any feedback that you may have.

Thank you!

FlashyAlicreators' thoughts