
Star Wars:The cold red Eyes

{A Star Wars reincarnation Fanfiction} A human dies and is reborn in the Star Wars universe. From there we follow the story of the Chiss with the cold red eyes. This is going to be kinda AU Fanfiction some ideas of my fantasy some of kanon stuff and some legends stuff so don't wonder. I look forward to suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. DISCLAIMER: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •This is my first Fanfiction and i'm not 100% sure if i going to keep up writing. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 16

Dato POV

Year 3273 lothal calendar

Planet:Csilla, Csplar

"I'm not sure yet what I'm going to choose how about you guys " Taron asks the rest

"I already know what career I'm going to take. I'm going to join the military as starfighter pilot a, I think this will fit very well to me" I share with the others

"Join the military...." Uzui absentminded

"So am i, i will serve as an soldier on the ground and I'll climb up the career ladder until I can command my own troops"

Says Hanna while she's already dreaming about the future.

"I still have to think about it, I'm already on my way home" Uzuis says as he leaves the room.

'hmm weird maybe i should talk to him' i think to myself and say "hey guys i'm going home too" as I leave the room.

"Bye" says Mei to me

When I left the academy I hurried to be able to talk to Uzui.

"Hey Uzui, can we have a chat?" I ask him as he pulls out his comlink to contact his chauffeur.

"What is there to discuss?" he asks me, slightly dismissive

"Why did you leave so early?" I ask him

"I need to think about my future" he answered my question

"Why are you still thinking about it? It was always your dream to be a researcher, so why are you still thinking about it?" I ask him

"Because you want to join the military and I'd love to come with you, but I've always wanted to be a researcher and develop my own vehicles" he tells me


"I understand what you mean but you should follow your dream and research vehicles" I tell him and recommend him to do what I'm doing

"My dream is to be a researcher that's true but you are part of my dream you are like a brother to me.

But if we don't know each other in the future I'm not interested in such a future, that's not my dream" Uzui tells me

"If you join the military then you can become a researcher for the military, then you are responsible for battleships, that's a solution for everyone" I suggest a way for him.

"I have to think about it so now I'm going to call my chauffeur and go" Uzui tells me

Uzui takes out his comlink and calls his chauffeur a short time later he comes and drives away

'I'd like to talk to the others now but I have a headache and want to go home' I think and get out my comlink to contact James

"James pick me up" I tell him in an annoyed voice

"yes master" He simply answers

When he arrived I got on the glider and he asked me "young master how are you how were your test results?"

"I don't want to talk about it just drive me home droid" I tell him with anger

He didn't try to speak to me again while driving.

'Stupid droid can only drive nothing else he is a useless' I think when he has arrived and I left the glider without a word and go to the front door of the estate.

Once inside, all I want to do is go to my room and sleep. The headache has increased during the drive and it feels like someone shoot my head off with a blaster.

As I was on my way up I heard a beep that surprised me so I tried to follow the beeps

*piep* *piep* piep *piEp *pIEP* *PIEP*

As I slowly get closer to the beeping and it gets louder, I stand at the entrance to our kitchen, one step further in, I see my mother lying on the floor to my left but she isn't moving so i move to her and shake her and call out "mom mom mother what's up" but she doesn't answer i fear the worst and realize that the beeping is coming from her bracelet

In total shock I run outside and see my father saying goodbye to his chauffeur and turning to me and saying "Isn't that my dato how are you let's go in and talk about your test results"

"FATHER mother is lying unconscious on the floor in the kitchen not moving or speaking" I tell him as I walk towards him

"What are you talking about I didn't understand anything Dato you're talking incomprehensibly you shou" My father tries to calm me down but I interrupt him and say

"Father...mother is...ly-lying in the kitchen... not moving"while i try to get some air to breathe

When he heard that, he ran twice as fast as I did in our estate

Dara POV

When my son said that, I ran into our house as fast as I could and rushed to the kitchen my good Amure lay on the floor, i went to her and checked if she was still breathing

'She is still breathing and her bracelet is already beeping that's good the medics should be on the way'

Then my boy my little Dato came and asked me "Father what about her will she survive?"

I hug him and say "Don't worry Dato don't worry"

'Where are the doctors' just as I'm mentally complaining about it, the medical team come into the kitchen

"Please step away from the person we will take her to the hospital and treat her" the medic says

My son says "please help her please" as the doctors leave our house

"Dato your motger will be good she needs to stay in the hospital some time" i try to calm down him

"Yes yes sure she needs time hey father i'm going to my room i need some time" Dato says to me as he leaves the room


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

Erdzan_21creators' thoughts