
Know the base and Force

So I have to choose 5 out of only 9 skills, let's see... while reading the skill descriptions he decided.

I'll choose Bogan, Ashla, Battle Meditation, Force Vision Eye and I think the last one will be Cosmic Force Control.


you have selected the skills

It will be implemented


Demetrios felt how the light and dark forces were implemented in his heart, his mind became much clearer, he felt an unprecedented force in his body capable of killing and reviving any person.

He tried to use force to lift the stones but he only managed to lift a single stone and he was sweating.

I think I need to practice, he looked in front of the soldiers and said - who is the commander?

"You sir," all the soldiers responded.

-Haa not that, you're the one here in front of me, come!

-Yes, sir- while the soldier stands in front of Demetrios

-Your soldier, how many are here?

-There are 100 squads, sir, with 100 soldiers in each squad, a total of 10,000 soldiers, sir.

-Very well, how much experience and practice do you have?

-Sir, each of us has 10 years of experience and a rigorous practice of 5 years, being the ones who survived said practice.

-How many survive this practice?

-1 in 10 people survive, sir.

-Very well, do you have a name or any memory?

-No sir, we have no name or memory.

-Very well, from now on they will be called ES-00, ES-01, and so on, starting with you, you will be the commander of this squadron and I will be your admiral.

-Understood, sir.

Demetrios turned around and began to walk to the door of his Starkiller Base, whose future will be the fear of his enemies and the nightmare of others, in the future.

He began to examine the Base, he spent 2 hours getting familiar, and realized that it was very different from the Starkiller base that he knew, it does not have the sun extractor to power the machine, but rather a Kyber crystal core in the center of the planet powering it, That kyber crystal will last at least a thousand years even if the cannon is fired once a day.

He felt tired from so much hustle and bustle that occurred in his day, and he went to his bedroom, his bedroom was just like a luxury room in the best hotels, he lay down on the bed thinking about everything that happened to him and everything that happened to him. He is going to live, as he fell asleep, a care worker came and changed his clothes into pajamas and left him sleeping.

The next day a care worker wakes him up.

-Good morning sir

"mmmmmmmm, who are you?" he said when he woke up and was sleepy.

-I am his care worker, I helped him with everything that needs to be done in his daily life, both his food, his bath, his clothes.

-Heee, there are also workers from that, wow how complete this system was.

-Sir, I will dress you and we have to go to breakfast.

"No, I'd better dress myself," he said, blushing, "you wait outside."

He opened his closet and it was completely full of clothes of different colors. wow even with clothes and everything, what a good service system.

He changed his clothes into a neat dark blue one, which made him look like Count Dooku, and he accompanied his care worker.

-Excuse me, what is your name?

-My name is Eider, sir.

When they finished speaking, they arrived at a neat dining room, full of decorations as if it were Buckingham Mansion, how beautiful everything looks, he thought, he sat in the chair and all kinds of delicacies began to arrive, Demetrios ate everything, the more food He ate more and felt that his Force increased.

While he put the food in his mouth, with his other hand he wanted to use force to grab a vase and lifted it easier than when he lifted the stone, he didn't know why and he opened its profile panel.



Name: Demetrios

Status: Alive

Level 1

Human race

Force: Fjn4h5ks (Impossible to measure is one with force)


-The Eye of Cyäegha -Power of Mynoghra -Apprenticeship of Azathoth -Cosmic Shop

-Bogan -Ashla -Battle Meditation -Force Vision Eye -Cosmic Force Control.


-Cosmic Book -Starkiller Base -Star Forge -Sith Lord Revan Set



You still have to claim

-1 million soldier embryos or 1 million droids

both soldiers and embryos, you can select them to your liking


I will select the embryos, I plan to divide

-system, can I choose embryos from other universes?


Yes, yes you can


then select Heroic Age universe, 250,000 embryos from the gold tribe, 250,000 embryos from the silver tribe, 350,000 from the bronze tribe and 150,000 from the Heroic tribe.



Generating, where you want to generate it


I want each tribe or race to be like satellites revolving around the base


Creating 5 satellites, gold, silver, bronze and heroic satellite


Around the Base, 5 satellites were created, each shining with a gold, silver, bronze, and rainbow color. having 1 each respectively except the bronze which had 2.

Four beings appeared before Demetrios, a golden being as if his entire body were made of liquid gold, another silver being having a body equal to that of gold as if it were made of silver, the other being was a form of giant caterpillar-type worm about 2.5 meters high with figures on its sides that shine blue, another being was a blue monster of about 4 meters that had a bluish pearl on its chest, shoulders, wrists and knees.

-We introduce ourselves to our master- said the 4 beings, the being that was a worm told them telepathically.

-tell me about yourselves

-I'll start- said the golden being- we are the Golden tribe, we can communicate telepathically with any of our race, and we use the technology called Hedron Shield, which allows us to travel in space, teleport with our own, attack and defend ourselves.

-We are the Silver tribe- said the silver being- We are not as sophisticated as the gold tribe, they shared the hedron shield with us but we do not use all its Force, we have a hive mind so we can feel ourselves anywhere in the universe without getting lost and we can teleport the other party to us or send reinforcements that would be the ships of the bronze tribe, we travel on silver ships where with our psychic force we build and repair them.

-We are the Bronze tribe - The being shaped like a caterpillar worm said telepathically - our race does not speak, it only communicates telepathically, and we are at the service of the race of gold and silver, we build ships of different shapes, having 2 shapes, circular which is the transport where a lot of us travel and in an oval shape whose end has many small cannons where when activated at the same time all the cannons generate greater energy and fire capable of destroying a third of a planet. we can travel both in air and in space without needing air

We are the Heroic tribe - said the giant being in blue - we are a combative and fighting race, we like to fight, although we have a defect, our minds become clouded and we begin to destroy everything in the middle of the battle, the only ones who can appease us are the golden tribe by generating sleep or drowsiness in our minds, we can also travel in space, we have the ability to gather energy in our pearls of different colors and shoot as if it were a cannon, being able to devastate an entire planet and if we fall into madness From the battle we can destroy the planetary system we are in.

-Do you have any names among yourselves?

-No, sir- said the 4 beings.

-Then you will no longer be called tribes but races, the gold and silver race will be called Gold and Silver respectively, the bronze race I don't think I will call you by any name because in the universe where you come from you are considered cannon fodder for fight, and the heroic tribe will be called by the color of the pearls, you will be called blue and if the color is repeated it will be blue1, understood, now how long does it take for the embryos to reach adulthood for each race?

-We understand- said the 4 beings.

-My Race takes 3 months for an embryo to reach adulthood - said Oro1 - I can handle 10 embryos, a total of 3 years for each of us to be in our adulthood

-My Race takes 1 month to reach adulthood- said Plata1- I can handle 30 embryos, a total of approximately 1 year and 6 months for each of us to be in our adulthood.

-Mine takes between 5 to 13 days to reach the adult race, being that we differ with common soldiers and teleportation soldiers being the ones that reproduce the fastest, - the caterpillar-type worm said telepathically - I can take care of 20 of mine, a total of 1 month and 13 days in which all of us are in adulthood

-Our Race is the one that takes the longest to reach adulthood, between 10 to 15 years- said Blue1- I can take care of only 2 embryos so that they reach adulthood in just the first year, a total of 11 years in which all of my race are in adulthood

-Well, you can leave- said Demetrios.

-Thank you, Master- everyone said and retired to their respective satellites.

-Eider, take me to the command center and call the one who is first in hierarchy after me.

-Yes, sir-Eider said, took Demetrios to the command center and left.

It appeared in a 3-level command center where the first level platform was a seat where it was for Demetrios, the seat having several sheets to know and command the entire base from the seat, the most special being that it can fire the cannon. of Starkiller Base, the 2 platforms below had screens and data, which is where the entire base was controlled, on the entire opposite wall is a giant screen showing the front of the base where it was now showing the vacuum of space and in One corner showed the star forge.

The door was heard opening automatically, and with it a person similar to Wilhuff Tarkin appeared, Demetrios was surprised when he saw him.

-You are Tarkin, right?

-No, sir, I am a cloned being with similarity in appearance and experience to Wilhuff Tarkin, I have no name.

-I will name you Tarkin just like the person who cloned you, but to other people you will be called Wolf the strategist.

-Understood, sir.

-Can you tell me how many personnel we have and how big our army is.

-Sir, we have a number of 15 million personnel for the use and maintenance of the base, we have cloning embryos with a number of 100 million, being suitable for accelerated growth of 1 year according to if you want specifications of active soldiers soon, we have equipment and weapons for 100,000 regular active soldiers, we have 1000 AT-ST, AAT, AT-TE, we also have droid plans b1, b2, b3 and commando droid

-Can we manufacture with those plans?

-No, sir, but if we have the star forge working it will be possible- Tarkin pointed to the star forge in a corner of the big screen.

-Make it operational and when you know its capacity, come tell me- said Demetrios- Investigate if there is a droid called GEMINI in the data of the star forge, I need that droid.

-Yes, sir, but sorry for the question, why do you want it?

-Because that droid has a special function, it has a hive mind, anything that happens to it the other droids will know and inform me, and they also learn faster, they are not as stupid as the b1 droid.

-Understood, then I'm leaving sir to investigate the Star Forge.

-Eider take me to the training room, I need to exercise my Force.

-Understood sir, follow me here- Eider pointed to Demetrios to follow him.

After 10 minutes of walking, they entered a fortified and sophisticated room with several Kyber crystals.

This is an excellent place to train, I'm going to try everything I have, he says as he was stretching, first he sat in the lotus position like he had seen in the Star Wars movies, and began to understand the force around him. , and he found something strange like a black cloak that was in the force, and he extended his mind and it was in the entire base.

Demetrios raised his two hands as if he were going to grab something, collecting the force he exerted, he attracted that black cloak inside him, there was a dark force that swirled throughout the galaxy towards Demetrios, he absorbed all that force thanks to the fact that he had Bogan, which is The force of the dark side did not go crazy and because he had control of cosmic force he was able to have the forces within him in balance, making his control and perception even stronger.

After absorbing that black mantle he was able to understand and use that ability, so again the force in the galaxy was filled with a mantle different from the one he had, the mantle was dark and luminous.

Coruscant's POV

When Demetrios absorbed the black mantle

Jedi Temple

Yoda perceived in the force that the darkness was gone, Mace Windu appeared before Master Yoda

-Master Yoda, the darkness is gone, something happened somewhere, could it be the child of the prophecy? - Mace Windu said seriously with his sharp eyes in the sky.

-He clarified in the force he is, child of the prophecy I doubt it, disturbed in the force.

Senate office building

Sheev Palpatine's Senate Office

-What happened?- Palpatine said angrily with a deep voice -because the cloak that my master and I worked so hard to put on to cloud the perception of those damned jedi's is gone." He hit the table almost destroying it.

When Demetrios replaced the light-dark cloak.

-He's back! But what is this? Why am I now not perceiving things as before? Why do I also perceive the light side of this cloak? - getting angry and hitting the table again - I will have to tell my teacher.

Getting up to go to a dark room to call his master Darth Plagueis more commonly known as Hego Damask II

Jedi Temple

-The darkness was back, Master Yoda- said Mace Windu.

-Yes, but different this time, there is light in this darkness, we will no longer be cloudy- said Master Yoda.

As you may have noticed, I am 0 creative in names

Rockeryord1creators' thoughts
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