
SSS-Rank Hero retiring to Start his Villain Arc

Leon was a young man, who was reincarnated into a fantasy world. he was chosen as a hero and he was considered as a SSS rank hero. he faced many villains of that world. killed and ended the wars with his power alone. finally, he had defeated the Demon-king. unlike any other hero, who celebrates his victory. Leon didn't had that emotion of joy. he had lost everything, companions to loyal helpers. because of who? the demon king because that could be the case, right? no... but because of all the corrupted kings, queens and holy people. no demon king or any other villain of this world had killed them. they were just broken people to begin with, shown as villains by the real bad guys who were playing the role of good guys to have all the power. tek... "Now, I will show them what real villain is like" Since chapters will be released every Wednesday and Thursday. Until then, you can read the other novels I am writing. I Level up the weakest solo leveler. discord: https://discord.gg/FWVX6T4B

iMaM786 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

A Second chance

It was a battle field, everywhere on the battle field were present dead corpses and blood of dead corpses.

Dead corpses of demons, beasts and humans all dead.

But there stood a man between the dead corpses.

His one hand was on the sword handle. Which was stabbed inside a demon.

A demon king.

The man's expression was too empty.

"Whats the point"

Death could be felt in his voice.

What kind of victory is this? I did won. I killed the demon king.

Than why? Why? Do I feel like I was not killing the demon but a person who didn't do anything wrong.

He stared down at his own hand, which was filled with blood.

Did this war do anything good? Only took many lives.

Changing his empty gaze towards the dead body of the demon king.

"I'm sorry for all of this"

His words were true but empty.

He felt a pain in his heart, it was a guilt.

[Would you like to accept the offer?]

"This system"

This system has been appearing in front of me every since I came to this world.

It had wanted one thing from me.

Just one...

[Retire as a hero and become a villain to end the bad in good]

What does that even mean... I asked when I first read it.

It was ridiculous to me. Why do I have to become a villain in order to end bad in good. That's something I could do even when I am a hero.

"What are you trying to say"

I could only stare at the system with my dried eyes.

My body was tired.

But I was reading the message of the system again and again.

I finally understood after killing the demon king.

The demon king was not the problem at all, this world didn't needed the help of a hero to end the problem.

But the people of this world were the problem in the first place.

Hero's were the problem. Those garbage kings were the problem.

Those fat pigs only controlled innocent people for there own good.

"I want to go back"

"I want to kill all those pigs with my own hands"

[Would you like to accept the offer?]

[Become a villain and end the bad in good]


[you have accepted the offer]

[You will go back from the start]

From the start?...

Does that mean I the strongest hero, will get a second chance to fix everything.

He clenched his fist tightly.

His eyes were filled with a new determination.

"This time I will do whatever I can to fix my mistakes."

He said in a angered voice.

A magic circle appeared beneath his feet.

He closed his eyes.


Why does my body feels so weak?...

He slowly opened his eyes. He saw a village in front of him. A very beautiful village filled with green and trees.

"Can't be!!"

He looked at his hands and examined his body with a very surprised look.

"Can't be!!"

[You have returned back to the past ]

I'm 16 years old again, even before when everyone found out, I was a blessed hero.

"This is acutally good, does this means I'm reincarnated or something like the 2nd time?"

Before this, I use to live in Japan by the name Aoki, I was hit by trunk-kun and was reincarnated into this world.

I use to love reading novels about broken villains or bad heros and sometimes other too.

Maybe god listened to me and send me into this world.

I was happy at first but I was just a normal child until the holy king find out I was a blessed child.

I became a hero, who was suppose to defeat the demon king.

Everything was fine except...

I had an ability, an ability. If I had killed a person his memories would remain with me till the end of my life.

The little Leon stared down at his own hand.

I killed the bad guys, but I only saw memories of broken characters.

Everytime, even the demon king was just a broken character.

Except just one time, I had killed a knight of holy place.

That's when my emotions disappeared and I had the worse experience of my life.

The knight was not a holy.

Noo... Not even the holy kingdom is holy.

But the real monsters, who have been controlling and creating the broken once.

If any person with blessing were present, they do kill him somehow.

But the question I only had was one.

Why didn't killed me?

It was of no use now to wonder such question.

After all, for a villain needs a villain to start a real war.

With this system I will not only end the holy kingdom but all the other evilness.

And stop everything that was wrong.

But in a new way.

I will retire from being a hero and from now on will be a villain.

He clenched his fist tightly with a determined expression.

He was staring towards the sunset.

When a voice interrupted him.

"Leon, my boy why not you come and help you father carry these bags"

It was the voice of his father.

His turned around and saw a man carrying 2 bags of salt on his shoulder.


He spoke, tears fells down from his face.


His father looked at his tears. Throwing the bags on the ground.

He rushed towards his son.

"Why are you crying Leon? Did something happened?!"

His father wiped his tears with his rough cloth.

His father was a normal worker. A poor worker, whose wife died when Leon was born.

He decided to do his best to take care of his son.

Every day without caring about his own body and pain. He worked all hours so he could feed his son and fulfilled his wishes.

But his life was too short, when the blessing of Leon were revealed.

His father was killed by the knights of holy kingdom.

It was told that some monster killed his father when he was on his way from mountain to the village.

Leon doubted this yet he had no evidence to clear his doubts so he believed what he was told.

His father hugged him tightly.

"My boy, don't worry everything will be alright"

He looked into his eyes and with a smile he asked Leon.

"I have a good idea, why not we go and eat something at home"

He closed his mouths near Leon's ear and whispered.

"I brought your favourite fish you always wanted to eat"

Leon smiled and wiped his tears with his hand.

"Really!! Than we should we go and eat father"

His father eyes brighten when he looked at the smiling face of Leon.

"Right, but first help your father out with these bags of salt than we will go"

While going. He stared from a distance at the giant palace.

It was the palace of holy king.

With a serious look Leon said in his mind.

"I will make sure to end you all one day. I swear on my life"

[New Quest]

A quest?

[Enter the dungeon and level up from 1 to 10]

"What's my current level right now?"

[Lv : 1]

[Rank C]

"Least it's not E"

"What's my abilities"

I need the abilities of my past back. At least one or two might be present here right.

[Abilities : strength boost (5 minutes only)]

[Speed boost (5 minutes only)]

[Weapon : dagger (C rank)]

"Every skill here is not that great honestly, I need to find some dungeons and need to level up. In my current level I can't even kill a boar monster"

"Leon, why are you standing there and talking to yourself? Come"

"Coming father"

I will go on hunting tomorrow, my plans will start from this day on. To end everything that's corrupted this world.