25 Chapter 25

We were at Findlay’s Patio Furniture store when I reached my limit. We’d come to buy new patio furniture and I couldn’t stand doing what should have been a fun thing minus the fun. We were looking at a white iron table when I said, “It would help if you talked about it.”

“The furniture?”

“No, not the furniture. The thing that’s been between us these past weeks. Ever since you found the album you’ve been different. It feels like we’re just going through the motions.”

“Here? You want to talk about that here?”

“I’ve wanted to talk for days, but I’m afraid to because I don’t want you to drop me like you dropped Dave for wanting you to open up.”

“I don’t like this table,” he said as he started out of the store. I didn’t chase after him. Instead, I made a slow exit, pleased to find he hadn’t driven off without me. He sat behind the wheel in his truck, and when I got in, he didn’t start the engine.

“What do you want?” he asked, hands gripping the wheel.


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