
Spooky Hybrideria

This is first of July. Tami arrived at the hostel she always wanted to go. It's Hybrideria school for hybrids. People say dreams get fulfilled here. She have burnt enough midnight oil to be here. Little she know about the history of this place and all the mysteries waiting for her.Will she able to handle that? Will her dreams come true? To know pls subscribe to this story. Happy reading

TamiCato · Fantasia
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3 Chs

The green flame

We came back. Ashee is delighted to see other two members arrived. Means 5 th square is full. We said hello to each other.The girl with beautiful green hair is Wersy and the cute girl with cute hair cut is Florey.

After a min, dorm got fully filled. There is a tiny mic there for all the announcements. Everybody is busy chatting with newly made friends.And then we have heard one of the loudest voice in high pitch ever, ' Xicos , come to Name Calling Hall nowwwww'

Everybody rushed without another word.

( Xicos referred to as student hybrids.They have not manifested their hybrid power yet.)

'I bet my eardrum just got burst' Ashee said angrily.

'Hurry Ashee, everybody is literally running '

I said taking a sip from my fruit juice.

Ashee grabbed my hand ' No, not literally, they are running We are supposed to run

Let's go'

We took the speed of light.

Finally we reached the hall in time. We are asked to make a line according to heights.The place is buzzing like fish market.' Attention'

again the loudest high pitch voice reached our ears almost destroying our eardrums.

Everyone became silent.

'Xicos, today we will take your attendance and tomorrow break.

Then day after tomorrow The Test will be organised.'

Ashee and I standing in a row close to each other.Florey is in the front line and Wersy is the tallest among us so she is in the last.Ashee whispered ' So the test is day after tomorrow. Are you ready?'

I nodded no and slightly pouted my face.Ashee laughed at my weird expression.

'Keep your mouth shut, sisters.'a voice came from behind. Another girl said, ' She is the Panthera of your house ' I said 'what'

She said ' you have to obey whatever she says ' I wrinkled my eyebrows. Ashee said,

' like captain??'

The girl shook her head ' yes yes'

With a relieved expression, I said ' oh kk'

We almost forgot that the lady with high pitched voice still saying something.

'Ok , Xicos you may leave now, thank you'

We realised that we were standing with our seniors. Panthera of our house told, ' we will have meeting after The Test, anything you wanna ask' We nodded and left .

Many stayed to have words with seniors.Many are having fun, many exchanging numbers.

Wersy and Florey joined us and four of us left the chaotic hall. Only some people came to dorm. Almost all 4 dorms are empty.

'Do you wanna play Ludo, I have board.'Florey said. Wersy said,' It's so childish game, I want to play Xico attack.'

Ashee with her cheerful smile, ' I am in, Tami let's gooo' That's my smiley best friend.Ohk, I am blue 'Ashee' I am green'

After seeing almost crying face of Florey,Wersey sighed 'Ohk child I am red' Florey is overjoyed ' I am yellow, let's go.'

'Yeahh , I am first ' I said. Now intense battle is going on among three. I woke up from bed, stretched my arms. I got changed into my night cat robes. 'Ashee , I am going for a little walk' Ashee fully concentrated in game nodded ' yeah yeah, come quickly '

I replied ' Hmm'

Ashee and Me are childhood besties. So we always take care of each other.

I walked down the balcony lit by a tiny light. You can see the sky from there. There is a bunch of trees who beautifies the area more. I realised how peaceful this moment is, everything is silent and no one is around. It's just me,  a lot of microbes, few crickets , trees and the night sky. And when you look at the stars, I uttered beautiful, wait stars just got more brighter now. Then I realised current has gone. Oh no, What's gonna happen now. Everything is dark now, well I can't see only with brightness of stars light years apart.

'Asheeee, please come' I whispered with a trembling voice. Well, it's crystal clear to my knowledge that Fifth square is the last square she can't get my voice. But I know she will come searching for me. I am afraid of dark, like really so much.' What if ghost Xicos come and kill me in instant ' I uttered those words like a complete weirdo.' Current is not coming '

Then I saw a green flame flickering very close to another dorm's balcony. But that place is empty I just saw. Only we came to our dorms. Everyone is still in the Hall. While I was lost in thoughts , I saw a figure. What the hell, horrified I asked ' who was there?'

Then something came flying like a jet and hit my left knee. It made a lage scratch and blood started flowing immediately. 'Ahhhh' I cried in pain and knell to the ground holding my knee. I feel like injected in neck by thin needle and I felt dizzy. Last thing I remember a familiar face, red warm eyes.

A person with familiar face came in air, took me in her arms and did something with her hand and the flame got extinguished.