
Spirit Player

The world was suddenly invaded by an enormous tower. One appeared in each continent, connecting countries. Allowing everyone to travel into its Floors, becoming stronger. Humans started awakening, receiving a system which dictated their Stats. Their skills. Levels. One many wished for, but when faced against the dangers of the Floors. Humanity's resolve started hardening itself on conquest of floors. Meanwhile, Arthur. A teenage kid who just became an adult, chose to enter the tower. Against all odds he'd meet.

BeastSix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

[ Slime ]



Arthur calmly stepped around. A smirk invited itself on his face as he slowly understood how his Sense worked.

[ A new Field Boss will be born in ETA: 5:00 minutes.

-Only nearby Individual... Arthur Argenti. 9m to south. ]

He noticed after a day or two how specific his system is. If he thinks about something very specific, the system would show him the stats and skills of an individual. Be it human or monster.

[ Blue Slime: Stronger than his green brethren

-Str: 1, Agi: 0.5, Con: 3,

Drop Loot:

+Core(100%), Slime Tissue(Skill E, 1.5%)]

Not only did it show him these things. It also showed him the loot he could get from killing one. Smiling to himself he continued walking towards a small forest... It couldn't be exactly called a forest. It was simply an area with few trees.

As he slowly stepped on something... "Mushy?" He muttered as he stomped on the ground. It was green like normal grass. Kneeling down he placed his down hand, as it acted like a trampoline?

Standing up. He scratched his head lightly "Right. Tower." Muttering to himself. He continued going towards the Field Boss which is meant to be born. As he continued walking, he was thinking on what kind of boss will it be.

'Acid? Ice? Or just a fat slime?' Thinking to himself. He continued stepping...

[-Only nearby Individual, Arthur Argenti. Atop the Boss... ETA: 1:30 minutes.]

'What? But there's no slime here-' His process of thoughts was stopped as he took another step. Soon, the facts connected. Squishy mushy ground, which was green but there was no grass.

"Slime..." He muttered and took a few steps back. 'How should I deal with it? Fire Bolt will damage me too if it's too large.'

'But. It's my only usable thing except this sword.' He unsheathed his sword. And stared at the point where it previously showed him he was above it. 

[ 0:29... ]

Waiting. He slowly backed off more as the squishy ground below him made him realise something. 'Fuck!'

[ Spawning Field Boss, Slime Queen. ]

As he backed off. From the ground came a humanoid slime. Above its forming body appeared a red arrow. 'I was too excited just because I found a boss!' Thinking to himself he looked at his still Level 1 status, and then at the Slime as it formed into feminine form.

It's blue skin was smooth as she was lean. A green dress coated her body, as her hair turned to waist-long green colour. Her mouth opened. Trying to utter a word, but nothing was heard. Her eyes were normal as she gazed at the nearest human. A beautiful pink gaze.

[ Monster: Slime Queen

- Str: 10, Agi: 2, Con: 15,

- Int: 3, Wis: 3, Sen: 5

+Drop Loot:

- Slime Manipulation (S, First Clear), Slime Heart (B, First Clear), Slime Tissue(D), (Random Elemental skill, D), ]

Observing the female figure. Arthur slowly backed off but as he did. So did she take a step forward.

'I can't see the core... This is problematic... As long as I can get the core in- Wait! CON 15!?' His eyes widened as he finally started reading her status.


'Human. Enemy? Ally? Neutral?' Slime Queen slowly approached the brown haired human she deemed point of interest as of right now.

[ Quest arrived! ]

She looked momentarily to the side as a screen appeared next to her.

[ By killing/consuming/eradicating individual of other specie in front of you. An Authority which will assist with your species growth will be granted by Tower. ]

As she read the message which she understood. She then looked without a change in her emotions. 'He's scared? No... wary. Human?' She thought to herself as she felt in full power in this area. The slime all around made from her brethren who sacrificed themselves, made a perfect domain for her as she felt omnipotent.

As she stared at the Human. He was slowly backing off, away from middle of her land. She opened her mouth as if trying to voice something, but she closed it soon.

"Dammit." A mutter came from the human in front of her as she commanded the slime beneath them to wriggle. As a flame appeared in his left hand.

'I apologise. Human.' Thinking to herself. She started forming the slime around.

"Fuck. This is what I get for being overexcited." She heard his words. But to her surprise instead of attacking or destroying the surroundings. He sheathed his sword and instantly jumped the tree as he started climbing it. 

'Stupid Human. That tree is also slime. Everything here is.' As she thought to herself, his hand suddenly sunk into the tree.

"FUCK!" Shouting she saw how suddenly it lit in flames completely. 'Fire? It shouldn't work on my slime?' She watched not with fear or confusion. But with amazement. Alas, instantly she watched how the human fell on the soft slime on the ground as she disconnected that piece of burning mass and shot it away from the nearby area.

The human got back up as she used the slime to grab the sword. "You don't!" He shouted and as she was about to take the whole sword away he unsheathed it in last second.

As he stood back up now. The two stared at each other. As she stared at the human in front of her she saw something dark clouding back of his head. 'Brave Human. Calm Human... but what is it eating at your mind?' As she stepped forward, he tried to step backwards but was instantly against another tree. As he tried stepping to side and with clear motion of running away, she flicked her fingers as the slime around coagulated. Creating a 1v1 arena.

'No. You can see me.' A creepy smile invited itself on her face. As she reached to the ground and an exact replica of his sword, but in slime appeared at her hand.

'Tower. Requesting vocal organs.' She voiced calmly.

[ Denied ]

'Requesting vocal organs once again. I wish to say something to that Human.' She voiced her thoughts calmly to the Tower.

[ Law of Equivalent Exchange. What will you sacrifice? ]

She rose her hand into the air. 'Half of my Domain. Is this sufficient?' She asked the Tower. As slime gathered from trees into the air.

Alas, as she collected all that. It was suddenly lit aflame... 'Hu-man..." Her voice was momentarily mechanical.

[ Insufficient. The gathered mass was destroyed. ]

"He, he... I'm fucked?" As he said this. As she instantly glared at him. 'Take half of my domain... Yourself.' She spoke as the message next to her appeared. And she felt something change.

[ Skill: Verbal/Communication has been granted ]

"Human." Her voice was hoarse for a moment. But it swiftly changed into smooth feminine one. "What?" He muttered as she closed the distance.

"Something troubles you. And... I will make you fall." As she said this. Her voice changed from sweet, to a dark one. 'I admired you Human... but now I hate you.' She didn't release this thought. As due to his interference, she only planned to half her slimy domain... but due to his flames it lowered to one fourth. In her core something new was born.




 "Human... I will make sure, that your remains will feed my brethren." Her voice was dark. As she could feel that fear had been embedded into him....


To confusion of Slime Queen. Some form of excitement was also burrowed in that fear? She didn't understand it.

'This Human... He is different than most other Humans I heard from my brethren! He's like the Crazy Humans!' She backed off for a moment.

Arthur looked around as the Slime walls fell down and suddenly started forming into weapons. As he instantly spring towards her at full sprint. His grin made her creeped out. "This is crazy! This is so-" He shouted and as a needle-like spear suddenly launched at him, he used the swords broad side to make it slide to side as he continued running to her. Closing the distance a lot.

"B-Back off!" She shouted as multiple spears started closing on his back. Meanwhile he abandoned his sword, both of his hands had lit aflame. "HERE BITCH!" He shouted with a smile. But there was a sign of fear in his smile.

As his palms at once reached her body. One at her head and other at her waist. Suddenly a wave of pain spread through his body. Her body lit aflame like dry wood, while he looked down to find two spears embedded through his back to front. "Th-This is... how... I die?" He muttered as his eyes lost all colour for a moment...

His smile disappeared as the Slime Queen burned away completely.

[ Slime Queen enters Phase 2

-Due to ... ]

Arthur only spared a glance at the message. As he used <Fire Bolt> again in both of his hands and this time slammed it into the ground. "DIE YOU BITCH!" Shouting. He felt something suddenly burst lightly in his body as his palms connected.

[ Slime Poison spreads inside your body.

-All stats decrease by 50%(round down)]

As he felt some form of burning inside his body. He fell on his knees, looking down. The two spears were still inside his body, proving to be both good and bad.

'Shit... If I don't pull out these, the poison will spread. But if I do, I'll bleed to death...' His thoughts slowed as he saw his flames being only in front of him. But next system message made him smirk.

[ Slime Queen is being burned alive. Slime Domain is being burned continuously. ]

"Khe-" Coughing a bit blood. He smirked as another fire ignited itself in his very right hand. "I- Won..." His voice fell silent as he chose to cling unto his consciousness instead of making more attacks.

'As... long... as I stay... awake... I... win...' Thinking to himself. He could feel the poison biting deeper into him, continuously draining him of strength he desperately needed.

Looking behind him. He saw his sword simply laid on top of the slimy ground and slowly crawled over to it... 'This tiredness... its not only poison...' Thinking to himself, he crawled slowly to it. Placing hand after hand on the ground, he closed to the sword slowly.

Closer, step by step. As he reached for his sword. The mucus below him suddenly burned away to his surprise as he suddenly fell on hard stone. 'Shit!'

Feeling the pain on his chest and face. He slowly picked himself up as blood flowed down his nose, looking around he saw slime around burning completely everything. Revealing the whole space to be simply made out of slime, the whole footing he previously had was made of slime... everything. As he looked around, he finally found one large core.

If previous slime cores were bluish and easily fit in one's palm, be it man or woman. But this one was ten times of its size.

[ Slime Queen has no more slime around to control. Vulnerable. ]

Arthur slowly got on his legs, the lethargic feeling inside him only continued to grow. "If... If I get that First Clear... I can remove that poison... Right?" He muttered and walked over to the lonely core on the ground. He slowly felt his consciousness slipping away as he stood tall and looked tiredly on the enormous core.

He looked at his palms which didn't have a sword in either as he left it behind. Raising his palm lightly, just at the level of his stomach he felt great exhaustion already.

[ Slime Poison spreads further and further

- All stats decrease by 80%(round down) ]

In his palm appeared a flame. 'Even standing... is hard...' Thinking to himself, he threw the <Fire Bolt> with lasts of his energy at the core as it created a small explosion on the impact.

[ Congratulations! ]

As the message appeared in front of him. He saw four cards being created from light of destroyed core.

One rainbow coloured, one silver and two bronze ones. "Just... learn all..." Muttering to himself. He saw last notification as all skills dispersed and flowed into his body. While his finger hovered over the leave button, but next to it was [ Next Floor ].


Appearing in the living room, he ignored all messages and slowly made it to the kitchen. "Arthur?" Hearing a voice behind him. His body stiffed further "ARTHUR?! What the hell?!" Instantly from behind him appeared a brown haired woman in her mid-twenties. Ria, his Aunt.

"H-Hey... Softly." As he spoke to her, he felt a green light enveloping his body as her hands shone green. "What's going on?" They both heard a question from other room as Arthur shook his head in Ria's direction.

"Nothing Seren!" She shouted back. And quickly turned to Arthur whispering. "Dammit. What the hell did you meet?" She placed her hand on the spears still embedded through his back. 'I feel my energy coming back?' He looked surprised at his aunt. "It was a Field Boss... Unique one at that." He answered and placed his hand on the tip of the spears that were protruding from his stomach.

"Idiot. No preparation at all. I'll heal you, but you better find a way to get rid of these things." She whispered to him as he could feel even the strange tiredness from using <Fire Bolt> wash away.

'Okay system. Show me everything I dismissed before.'

[ Arthur Argenti defeated Field Boss : Slime Queen

-Granted access to floor 1

-Level rose from 1 to 3 ]

[ Level 3,

- 34%/100% ]

[ Status: 

Str: 5, Agi: 3, Con: 7,

Int: 7, Wis: 8, Sen: ? ]

[ Assignable Stat Points: 2]

{?: 0/1}

[ Acid Tolerance(E) 0.03 ]

[ Poison Tolerance(E) 0.14 ]

'My stats rose, so did my level and I got two free stat points? Also getting a new Tolerance? Shouldn't it be resistance?' Thinking to himself. He arrived to the last series of messages... all about his skills.

[ Slime Manipulation(S), Slime Heart(B), Slime Tissue(D) and Fire Healing(D) has been learned! ]

[ Slime Manipulation(S)

-Authority allowing you to manipulate all slime to your will. No mana consumption required, but requires Slime prepared beforehand.

-Any Slime-like being sees you as a friend!]

[ Slime Heart(B)

-This skill increases your regeneration rate and makes it so you won't die from having your heart pierced. *You can go at most 20 minutes with your heart destroyed/damaged ]

[Slime Tissue(D)

-Increases regeneration rate slightly ]

[Fire Healing(D)

-By using any source of fire, you can take it gently into your body to start healing yourself or others.]

'Nice. Wait, so I can just remove these?' He reached down to his stomach and slowly willed for the spears to get out of his body along with other slime. "Hey! Do it slowly or you'll bleed to death!" His aunt half-shouted half-whispered at him as he nodded and kept the holes closed with slime as she slowly healed him.

"What's taking you so long? You only went for juice!" His mother suddenly barged into the kitchen, finding her son being healed by her sister. As fear crept on her face. "My baby!" She rushed to Arthur as her hands also glowed green.



After an hour of being asked questions, he finally was left with some free time for himself. As he simply laid in his bed. 'No closing the door... She's too worried sometimes.' He shouted in his head as he controlled the slime which he previously had pierced into his body. Making random forms out of them. Simple one's as it was purely fueled by his imagination.

'Right... I wonder. Why was I always alone in the Tower? Why is it so empty?' Picking himself up. His Aunt and Mother had healed him completely and he already changed his clothing after a bath. As he opened the system with his usual skill list.

[Skills: ?(?), Slime Manipulation(S), Slime Heart(B), Slime Tissue(D), Fire Bolt (D*), Fire Healing(D)]

He condensed the slime into a very thin ring and put it on his middle finger. As it changed colour to match his skin.

Pulling up the floor part, he stared at them.

[ Floor 0

- Floor 1 (P) ]

Tapping on the P next to Floor 1. It slowly expanded.

[ Floor marked with (P) is public. Due to influence of skill ?(?), Individual 'Arthur Argenti' was alone at Floor 0 ]

His eyes widened as he read that part.... All alone he had whole floor of size the world for himself?!

As he laid in his bed, he heard steps coming to his room. As he looked in the doors direction he had spotted his aunt Ria peeking in with his Jello on top of her head. "You alive?"

"Yep. And I feel great actually." As he responded to her she came over to him and sat on his bed. Meanwhile Jello jumped off her head and started climbing atop Arthur's head. "That's new? Also, come on. Tell me, what did you get from that Field Boss?" She asked and leaned her ear over as he smiled. "A good skill." He responded as from his middle finger slime appeared and started forming into multiple weapons.

She touched the few weapons he made as her eyes widened for a moment. "Wait... all slime touched by that skill becomes poisonous? And it decreases stats by 20%?" She spoke slowly in amazement as Arthur looked at her strangely. "What?"

"Well... when it pierced me it was 50% with rounding down?" He said as she stared at him as if on some dumb idiot. "Of course dummy. You had it directly in your body and I had to waste most of my mana along with Seren when we healed you." She berated him as he simply willed the slime back.

The two continued to have a small talk for rest of the evening.



I hope you enjoy reading my work!

I do spend a bit to make sure its nice.

If any of you have any sort of comments about my story, or ideas. Then feel free to comment! I'll read them!

BeastSixcreators' thoughts